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What The CBS Sports Deal Means for CrossFit Affiliates

Last year’s broadcast of the CrossFit Games on ESPN2 yielded an average of 336-361,000 live viewers. About 60% of those were age 18-49 (ESPN2’s target demographic–although that’s a pretty broad target.) That’s about a fifth of the MLB Sunday night game. Pretty great for a niche sport like ours. Track and Field competitions, non-title boxing competitions and recap shows all ranked higher during the same week, but women’s tennis and arena football were both ranked lower. Replays of the Games boost those numbers even higher, while “mainstream” sports don’t usually enjoy the repeat viewership. This is interesting, because it suggests that we want to see the actual events unfold…not just catch the score. That’s great news for advertisers and a good sign for longevity. The relationship with ESPN2 has helped push CrossFit into the public eye; added CrossFit to the list of possible fitness choices for a broader swath of viewers; and generally enhanced our profile from “cult” to “sport”. Yesterday, CBS Sports announced a new two-year broadcast deal for the 2017 and 2018 CrossFit Games. Read it here: While ESPN boasts about its “broad portfolio” and total live broadcast hours, CBS Sports should actually be a better media opportunity for CrossFit AFFILIATES. Here’s why: Demographic targeting is better. Mean household income is higher for CBS Sports than any other sports network. Since we’re selling a premium coaching service, these are the folks we want to reach. CBS Sports ranks #1 among viewers in “Professional and Related Occupations” – in other words, high earners with daytime jobs – again, our target market. Over 63% of CBS Sports viewers has a college education or higher, which suggests (to me) a higher affinity for coaching and learning. CBS Sports also has a higher reported proportion of female viewers (23%) and the Games should boost that number even higher. Only the Olympics and Track and Field events showed Men’s and Women’s events ...
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Episode 79: How To Get UnStuck

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Your Mindset is the Obstacle

PT Starter Kit: Your Mindset is the Obstacle “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Wayne Gretzky   How can you land a large PT deal, if you never ask?  Simple, you can’t. By using a step down close approach you can open up opportunities that previously were unavailable to you or your clients. Start thinking in terms of “What is best for this client”.  Instead of “What can this client afford?”  Try this type of close: Close 1: 5 x week PT – $1500 / month (60 / session) 4 x week PT – $1040 / month (65 / session) 3 x week PT – $840 / month (70 / session) “Which option works best for you?”If yes sign them up for that option.  If they want to think about it (aka NO) or they just say no, “What is holding you back?”  Handle the objection (easier with the WHY NOT sheet) and re-close. Close 2. 3 x week PT – $840 / month (70 / session) (yup, show it again, you’d be surprised how many go for it the second time) 2 x week PT – $600 / month (75 / session) 1 x week PT – $320 / month (80 / session) “Which option works best for you?”If yes, sign them up. If they want to think about it (aka NO) or they just say no, “What is holding you back?”  Handle the objection (easier with the WHY NOT sheet) and re-close. Close 3. On Ramp options OR CrossFit.“Which option works best for you?” That’s it.  You get 3 shots at most.  And each close should have 3 or less options.  We aren’t trying to overwhelm them and create paralysis by analysis. The prerequisite to this close would be evaluating the clients needs.  I will always go this route if there is a strong emotional component to their goals.  So be sure to ask why a lot during your appointment. Beyond ...
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Episode 78: Building Cash Flow Assets, with Jeff Smith

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PT Starter Kit: Do You Have the Staff and Space?

PT Starter Kit: Staff and Space Ready to take your revenue to the next level?  Start with Personal Training! PT is easily the best way for box owners to maximize both client value and revenue. By simply adding an option to work 1 on 1 with a coach for 30 or 60 minutes, you can add thousands in new revenue. Here is how to start: Find the staff It’s okay if you start the program yourself, but, have an exit plan.  You can’t be the only one running PT.  Also you wouldn’t believe how much of a time suck it can become, preventing you from working on your business. Once you find the right person, interview them.  Don’t sell them the golden goose.  Make them show you why they are a good fit.  Then have them shadow you, review roles and tasks for a PT and sign a contract.   Pay them 4/9ths.  We talk a lot about this with our RampUp and Growth stage clients. Do you have the space? This space does not: Need to be huge Need to be private Need to be fancy Require new or special equipment This space does: Need to be 100+ Square feet Need to have equipment nearby that is easily accessed without interrupting other programs That’s it.  If you have these two things dialed in, you have a PT program ready to launch.  The next step is just to take #ACTION and start rolling. If you need more help, we are here for you.BOOK A FREE CALL  Jeff Burlingame Two-Brain Business Mentor Owner – Friction CrossFit
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Episode 77: Get Leverage, with Ari Meisel

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