The #1 Business Mentorship Service for Gym Owners

We’ll help you build a profitable fitness business.
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Since 2016

we’ve helped more than 2,300 gym owners achieve financial success and personal fulfillment.


Average first-year revenue increase a gym owner sees after buying mentorship


Amount per hour a Two-Brain mentee earns above the industry average

12.9 months

Additional length of time a Two-Brain gym retains its members vs. normal gyms

How we help

Most gym owners are overworked and underpaid. Our 12-month mentorship program fast-tracks you towards freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance.

Stage 1

First we focus on the “low-hanging fruit,” helping your business generate fast cash so you know mentorship is paying for itself.

Stage 2

Next, we’ll focus on improving your gym’s primary areas of opportunity, whether it’s sales, retention, or something else.

Stage 3

With your business running better than ever, now’s when we help you become a CEO, delegating the work you don’t enjoy and creating your ideal schedule.


Download our guide: Five Ways to Make $100K/Year from Your Gym

We've helped 1000s of gyms

This time 3 years ago my wife and I were vacationing, talking about shutting the gym down (or not) 5 months after we opened.

This is the first decent vacation since then and we have our 4 year old with us. I’m able to pretty much (90%) disconnect from the gym, new leads, sales, etc for a week.

This time we’re in Sarasota FL. My CSM is taking on the leads. She sold $1700+ in PT the day after we left.

Steve Esh
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

We've reached a milestone, hitting 20k for the first time ever in our 11 years of business.

Currently, we're just 2k away from achieving a 100k net owner benefit. It's exhilarating, especially considering that just over a year ago, we were constantly dealing with challenges and transforming our culture. Our efforts have certainly paid off, as our gym now has a amazing team and members.

Nigel O’Connor
CFB CrossFit
Basingstoke, England

We hit 10K for the first time since we opened 18 months ago.

I am in tears thinking about it. I had so many times where I honestly never thought it was possible. I am so thankful for all the guidance from Two-Brain. We would 100% not be where we are today without joining Two-Brain 1 year ago.

Tracy Lanzl
Wallingford, Connecticut

Trusted by

Industry Leaders

I’ve worked in a parallel business to Two-Brain for 15 years. It is easy to see why they are the number 1 gym consulting company in the world. I have casually and professionally interviewed more than 50 business owners that have used the resources that Two-Brain provides. The reviews have been positive, powerful and unanimous. At the end of the day, the Two-Brain client needs to put food on their family’s table. Two-Brain takes their role very seriously in providing the tools needed to run a successful business.

Sevan Matossian

I’ve been in this business for 35 years. Two-Brain is by far the best mentorship group out there, bar none. And I’ve seen them all.

Bill Parisi

I’ve connected with hundreds of gym owners over the years who use different mentorship groups to support their business. Hands down the ones that use Two Brain always stand out as being the most professional, profitable, and prepared for the next step in their business. I’d highly recommend their process, groups, and events.

Jason Khalipa


We’ll build you a custom plan to start transforming your gym.