8-Day Giveaway #7: Two-Brain Business Audiobook

From 2009 until 2012, I kept a blog called “DontBuyAds.com.” Over almost 400 blog posts, I detailed the sharp learning curve of gym ownership, starting from my lowest point and rising to my “Perfect Day.”
When I joined 321GoProject as lead business mentor, I updated many of those posts and wrote hundreds more (I’ve reached nearly 800 now, including a ton of free business lessons, marketing packages, and downloads.)
The hardest lessons–and best stories–were encapsulated in “Two-Brain Business: Grow Your Gym.” What started as a simple blog to help others avoid my business mistakes eventually became the best-selling fitness business book of all time.
When I started the first blog post (“Don’t Be Vanilla,”) I was broke. I’d just signed up for a free mentoring session through a local business portal. The second session would cost me $550, but I justified the cost by promising myself, “I’ll share everything I learn with other gym owners, because they’re probably going through the same stuff I am.”
The first published edition of “Two-Brain Business” was handed out FREE at a seminar I gave with Ben Bergeron and Forrest Walden (who owns IronTribe) in FL. There were 30 attendees, and I went home with 15 copies of the book. But since then, I’ve sold thousands of copies, signed dozens, and even snapped a picture of it on the bookshelf at CrossFit HQ.
You can have it FREE in my favorite format: audio. Eight hours, read by me, with updated information. Frankly, some things that worked in 2012 no longer do (and I outline what DOES work now in Two-Brain Business 2.0 and Help First: Profit Without Selling.) The obsolete advice was cut out of the audiobook version, but the print edition contains hundreds of tips and several forms that I can’t deliver orally (obviously.) It’s still the most popular book I’ve ever written (though I’d say Help First is really my favorite, it’s not yet available as an audiobook.)
Click here to download Two-Brain Business, my first book on the gym business.
Use the coupon code 8DayGiveAway.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.