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Episode 9: Brian Costello and the 8-Day Giveaway!

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"Drip" Education

We’ve spent the last decade studying the best ways to learn. Our IgniteGym project uses exercise to optimize learning with exercise. We know that lessons are BEST retained when they’re learned one at a time; placed into the correct context; tested against previous knowledge; and then taught to others. This is why we built our Up-Coach Program to provide regular education for fitness coaches. Traditional fitness education occurs in one of three ways: GOOD: Weekend seminar. Tons of great information in an engaging environment with peer feedback. High excitement, low retention. Coaches usually take away 1-2 great tips for application. BETTER: Online course with materials. Lots of great information that can be broken down into digestible chunks. Lessons can be repeated anytime. Medium excitement (if the course is done well,) high retention. Coaches can learn a lot IF they repeat the lessons. BEST: Online coursework learned in a peer group. Assignments for application and “reteaching.” Concepts that build on one another. Lessons that are repeatable anytime, and quizzes to gauge comprehension. Of course, the Up-Coach program delivers on “BETTER” and “BEST” only. Live seminars are necessary and fun, but long-term learning is optimized when lessons can be accessed on demand; reinforced in a group of peers; and anchored through coaching assignments.
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Building A Media Empire

To be a content-creating genius, you don’t really have to be smart. You need two things: consistency editing. First, you need to ship. Commit to delivering bad content first. No one is great in their first video. Everyone has typos in their first blog post. But deliver it anyway. Set a deadline. Tell your fans. Deliver, even if it’s not perfect. Need a clock? Use to spur your creativity. Shoot for getting all 750 words in a day. Then try to get three days in a row. Then shoot for a week. Don’t try to do a full year. Block time off in your schedule (yes, pay someone to do a lower-value role, like cleaning or buying paper towels or even coaching.) Make art. Post it. My time for art is at 4am every weekday. Also coffee. Need a topic? Go to Wal-Mart. Look at the magazines. Write down ten headlines. Think, “I could sure clear up THAT lie!” or “I can’t believe people still think…!” And write the truth. Second, editing. These imperfect pieces of fabulous content should have the rough edges knocked off before anyone sees them. If you’re good at editing–or have an editor–it’s easy to produce content, because you’ll fix problems later.  Video: use iMovie or Corel VideoStudio Pro. Take a lesson online. Just drop your movie into the software, add your logo (if you can) and upload. Don’t wait until you know how to add your logo. Take your video with your phone, or a simple digital camera (I use a Canon T5i.) Want to get fancy? You can use a lighting rig and backdrop (eventually) Need a topic? Teach me how to squat in two minutes or less. Podcast: use Buzzsprout and link through iTunes and Stitcher. Matt Scanlon has a great instructional on Record using a Blue Yeti mic (don’t forget the spit guard) and GarageBand or Audacity. Need a topic? ...
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TwoBrainRadio Episode 8: Brian Mulvaney, Strategist at CrossFit HQ

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Two-Brain Radio Episode 7: The Dave Tate Effect

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The Conjugate System for a CrossFit Gym

By Jason Brown, owner of CrossFit 781 Over the past decade, CrossFit’s growth has been explosive and there is no slowdown in sight. Since I started CrossFit in 2006, I’ve noticed a trend in our community: new box owners brimming with excitement and passion for running a new business, for training people and for helping others, but some without the experience to properly program for the wide range of athletes at their box. As someone who has been working hands-on in the strength and conditioning community for over 12 years, and in CrossFit for nine years with a portion of that time spent at a competitor level, I’ve amassed plenty of tried and tested learnings and best practices for training a full range of athletes – from the most green to the most seasoned. Through my own trial and error during the past eight years, I have developed a program template that hits each of the objectives for my own training and the training of the hundreds of athletes that come into our gym each week as well as those who have hired me to develop their own personal training programs – it all comes down to balance. Through a long period of trial and error, I experimented with various templates to avoid overtraining and keep myself, as well as members of my box, progressing. Overall, I knew there was a better way and I knew my background in strength and conditioning would give me an advantage to determine the right template. Structure is Key I started out with the mindset of trying the keep the programming as balanced as possible where randomness was seldom and I was determined to find a system that made the most sense from many perspectives. One of the first templates I started out with looked something like this: Monday: Strength>Knee Dominant>5-10m metcon Tuesday: Gymnastics>Vertical Pushing>10-15m metcon Wednesday: Strength>Hip dominant>5-10m metcon Thursday: Gymnastics>Horizontal Pull>15-20m metcon Friday: Strength>Knee ...
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