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Every Millionaire Has A Mentor

“If my gym was making money, I wouldn’t be calling you!”   I hear this message every single week. We do dozens of free calls with gym owners, and many of them are in trouble. They wait until they NEED help before they look for it. And I can’t blame them.   I did the same thing.   I thought, “I’ll figure this out myself! I’m smart!” What I should have thought was, “Let me burn my cognitive candles on new problems, and find the people who have already figured this stuff out.”   When I finally DID get it mostly figured out, I didn’t stop receiving mentorship. No way: I doubled down. And you know what I found? There’s no ceiling to it.   Now I travel and learn with millionaires. They ALL have mentors. Every single one. Most of them aren’t in the fitness industry, but the millionaires WILL appear in our industry soon.   As soon as gym owners stop confusing “profitable” with “successful”, as soon as we stop accepting the minimum viability of our gym and start thinking, “How can I actually get wealthy?” you’ll meet them. Their gyms might be different, but they’ll all have mentors.   I guarantee it.   This weekend, I’m meeting with two groups: first, with a dozen entrepreneurs who are working through the “valley of death” between $2M and $5M in earnings. I’m a student in that group. Second, with 30 gym owners who have entered the “Tinker Phase” of entrepreneurship and want to talk about what real success in our industry can mean. I’m lucky enough to lead that group with Jay Williams and Jeff Smith, two other TwoBrain mentors.   Success in our industry doesn’t mean a high gross revenue projection, or a pocketful of buzzwords like “run rate”. It doesn’t mean simply “being excellent” at coaching–though that is a prerequisite. Success means being excellent at business. And ...
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Why We're Going To Europe, Brazil and New Zealand

Germany. France. England. Brazil. Italy. Sweden. New Zealand. The TwoBrain Tour Bus will stop in each over the next four months. Our mission is to serve 1,000,000 entrepreneurs. And our passion is CrossFit. Every gym–in Alaska or Alabama, Australia or Austria–has unique problems and opportunities. But we have more in common than we have differences: an abundance of care for our clients; access to the most powerful brand in fitness; and the need for a model that allows for a profitable business! The fastest-growing markets for CrossFit are Brazil and Italy. And, on the horizon, China. We serve boxes in ALL of these countries now, and we KNOW we can help. Just last night, we welcomed gyms from Holland, the UK, and good ol’ Ohio to the TwoBrain Family. After meeting international HQ liaisons at the CrossFit Games, I accepted their invitation to speak overseas. First, Germany invited us to an event in Frankfurt. Within a day, we were invited to an affiliate gathering in Bordeaux. Then came New Zealand, for a government-sponsored event for gym owners. We committed to Sweden over a year ago, and Italy was an easy choice because we have some incredible clients there already. Who’s footing the bill? Me. I’ve committed to helping gym owners. HQ staff asked, so we’re going. I’ve also had my book, Two-Brain Business 2.0, translated into German, Italian, French and Portuguese. We’ve added subtitles to our Incubator modules in German, French, Italian and Portuguese (you can even see the FREE “help first” videos with subtitles in each language here.) None of this stuff comes cheap. In fact, it costs tens of thousands to do it! So WHY are we doing it? Because we believe in THE MISSION. We believe in THE MOVEMENT. And we’re ALL IN. THIS IS HOW WE CHANGE THE WORLD. Tour dates coming soon! You, my friend, are the lever that moves the world. Entrepreneurship is that ...
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Episode 136: How I Learned To Embrace Fear and Lean In To Stress

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether you are starting a brand new business or you are having to go back and make difficult changes, you are going to have to embrace stress and lean into challenging events. Today I want to talk about my experiences working through struggles and some tips for how to handle difficult situations.   First, your body doesn’t know the difference between fear and excitement. The body’s default response when it comes to surging adrenaline is to be scared. A lot of times all that is needed is to recognize that you are just excited and take control.   Second, I want you to know that anticipation is often worse than the actual event. Many times your mind will go to the worst case scenario and then when a tough situation actually happens, it’s not so bad. If you can choose when to do the hard thing, choose to do it right now. The hard part is the anticipation.   Third, put the event into perspective. Will you remember this event in a year? There was a time when I was extremely susceptible to online feedback and it would absolutely tear me up. In reality this was extremely ridiculous and the fact that if got under my skin is just silly. Keeping things in perspective in all aspects of your life is extremely important.    Timeline: 0:30 – Changes to the Two-Brain Incubator Program 2:43 – How to handle struggles in your business 4:50 – Lean into the scary stuff and embracing stress 6:41 – The anticipation of a tough situation is often times much worse than the event itself 7:38 – Putting important life and business events into perspective 11:38 – The secret to why Two-Brain has become so successful 13:09 – Two-Brain Stories with Kalle Solberg [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_raw_html]JTNDYSUyMGhyZWYlM0QlMjJodHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnN0aXRjaGVyLmNvbSUyRnMlM0ZmaWQlM0Q3NTYwMSUyNmFtcCUzQnJlZmlkJTNEc3RwciUyMiUzRSUzQ2ltZyUyMHNyYyUzRCUyMmh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZjbG91ZGZyb250LmFzc2V0cy5zdGl0Y2hlci5jb20lMkZwcm9tby5hc3NldHMlMkZzdGl0Y2hlci1iYW5uZXItMzAweDI1MC5qcGclMjIlMjBhbHQlM0QlMjJMaXN0ZW4lMjB0byUyMFN0aXRjaGVyJTIyJTIwd2lkdGglM0QlMjIzMDAlMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjIyNTAlMjIlMjAlMkYlM0UlM0MlMkZhJTNF[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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Marketing Monday: Can You Answer This?

True or False? Digital Marketing is a Numbers Game. This is a common phrase in the digital marketing interwebs.  So is it true?  Find out the answer in this week’s Marketing Monday Post from Two-Brain. If you want to learn more about how the Facebook wizardry works, book a call with a mentor! Two-Brain Clients click here.   If you’re new to Two-Brain, click here.
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How To Pay Yourself

Your business exists to serve you. But your own pay usually comes LAST, right? And if you’re in the Founder Phase–sometimes even in the Farmer Phase–your pay might just be a combination of pocket lint and warm wishes. Paying yourself is more than a math problem: it’s a habit problem. Your expenses will always expand to fill your budget. You’ll get pretty creative to pay the rent if you don’t have the money, but you won’t work as hard to pay yourself. You’ll opt for martyrdominstead. You need to develop the habit of paying yourself first, or you’ll never pay yourself enough. Here’s how to start. In the Founder Phase, your goal is “breakeven plus”. That means your business is cash-flow-positive, and you’re paying yourself something. Some of us have the benefit of a family who depends on our income, and we’re forced to cut that check on the first Friday. But others are willing to wait…and wait…and tell themselves they’re “reinvesting”, when they’re really just spending. If you’re in the Founder Phase, don’t wait to for your cash flow to match your expenses before you pay yourself. Pay yourself SOMETHING from day one. In other words, pay yourself a wage instead of waiting for profit. Exercise: write yourself a check for $100 per week, payable every Friday. Date them in advance, sign them, and take them to the bank for deposit. Now the money is coming out without a conscious decision from you every week. If you’re still tempted to cancel the payments on the checks, write them to your wife instead.Every three months, give yourself a mandatory raise. In the Farmer Phase, your goal is to reach a 33% profit margin in your business. This is different from paying yourself a wage; you’ll switch to taking profit PLUS a wage. Start by finding your replacement value: what are others in your industry paid to do the work you’re doing? If you were to replace ...
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Episode 135: How Excellence Makes You Money

The Pursuit of Excellence is a CrossFit hallmark, but it is not unique to the fitness industry. From the start, we’ve written that excellence in coaching means great results for your clients. Excellence in business means great results for your family, your clients and your staff. Excellence in coaching does NOT make you excellent in business. They’re completely different skillsets. And if you own a gym, excellence in business is your job. This doesn’t mean being excellent once, or having peak moments of excellence, but being consistently excellent. Today we talk with Danielle Brown, manager of quality control at Two-Brain Business, on how to achieve operational excellence and consistency. Dani will give us step-by-step instructions to build a framework for excellence in your business. She’ll also tell you exactly how we do it at TwoBrain: from hiring future mentors; giving mentors feedback; continuing staff education and ensuring excellence for OUR clients. Then we’ll be discussing the “Queen Bee Role”  that we mentioned in last week’s episode. Call her Dani or Danielle; call her coach or use Her Excellency: Dani is a favorite at Two-Brain. Danielle Brown has been with Two-Brain from the start, first as a client and now as a mentor. She opened her CrossFit gym in 2011, where she dove into learning anything and everything about business that she possibly could. Since then she has experienced it all and knows what it takes to run a successful gym and helps other entrepreneurs achieve success in their gyms. Join us today and take good notes as this episode will truly be invaluable. After listening, be sure to head over to and see where you are at in your entrepreneurial journey! Timeline: 3:03 – Introduction to Quality Control. 4:35 – Danielle Brown’s journey from Two-Brain Mentor to manager of Quality Control. 7:18 – The truth about coaching and business success in CrossFit. 9:22 – How important is it to ...
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