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Why I Put My OWN Gym Through The Incubator

Two-Brain Business, my first book, told the story of my gym’s salvation. My second book, Two-Brain Business 2.0, was a map of the exact steps you can take with your own gym. Both contain templates and sample documents, SOPs, and all kinds of stuff–the exact ones I used at Catalyst.   When I began mentoring other gym owners in 2012, I shared my own documents and best practices. I even put my gym handbook in an envelope and mailed it out to my first clients!   And when I built the first Incubator in 2016, it was full of partnership agreements, NDAs, sample legal documents, playbooks, SOPs, rules and regulations…everything I was using at Catalyst. I even had my own staff training videos in there!   But the REAL beauty, the real miracle of TwoBrain, is that our material is constantly upgraded. Let me explain:   When one of the 500 gyms in the TwoBrain family has a great idea, their mentor shares it with the team. We ask, “Is this better than what we’re currently doing? Can we prove it?”   And if, after some testing, the new way really IS better, we upgrade! We buy the rights to the great idea and put it in our materials for everyone to use.   So now you’ll find staff handbooks from Kaleda, sample ads from Mateo, sales scripts from Blake…and far less from me. You’ll get sales binder templates based on Brian’s amazing packages. You’ll get the best from New Zealand, Ireland, Sweden…all of it. When your mentor says, “Do this, here’s a template to get you started” you’re literally copying and adapting the best in the WORLD.   Back to my gym, Catalyst.   In the massive rush to constantly upgrade TwoBrain, I was content to let Catalyst run on its systems. I didn’t need to worry about growth; we had great retention and coaching. So I literally paid ...
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Achieving Work + Life Balance

By Anastasia Bennett, TwoBrain Mentor   Having a balance between work and home can be challenging. But like any challenge it can be rewarding if done successfully.   By learning how to prioritize balance you will become happier, healthier (both mentally and physically), and be more productive at work.   “Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” ~Max Ehrmann   As business owners who are always busy taking care of their staff, customers, sales, bills, family and so on, we forget what should be our number one priority: OURSELVES!   You can’t pour from an empty cup.   Look after yourself: stay active Keep exercising – whatever form that takes. Change it up if you need to keep it interesting; do yoga, go for a run, do some strength training or CrossFit classes. Reduce stress and anxiety eat healthy food Eating healthy will give you more energy and make you feel better get as much rest as you can You can recover from distractions faster It can prevent burnout It can help with memory and improve your decision-making abilities   Accept help or Delegate Instead of trying to do everything, reassess your strengths and weaknesses. Carry on with doing what you are good at and what you love to do and delegate or outsource other things that you ‘waste’ your time on. Think about what can you let go and delegate to your staff in order to give them an opportunity to grow. It will give them the chance to learn and help them to feel valued while having the added benefit of freeing yourself up to concentrate on your priorities.   Stop trying to do everything perfectly   Are you a perfectionist? If you are reading this, you probably are. Stop trying to get everything done ...
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Episode 147: How To Sell Your Gym

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Why I'm At HQ Today

Today, we’ll be talking about business at CrossFit HQ.  It’s the next step in a five-year conversation.   When I started writing in 2009, it wasn’t a conversation. It wasn’t a seminar, either: it was just my notes. I needed help to make my gym profitable. The only business “help” available in the fitness business seemed so slimy that–well, it made me want to quit the business. I remember thinking, “If I have to do THAT, and talk THAT way, and mislead people…well, I don’t want to do this anymore.”   So I found a mentor outside the industry, spent more than I could afford for his help, turned my gym around, and shared everything I learned on my blog.   By 2013, people were asking me for help. I had published my first book (Two-Brain Business), but had no idea it would ever become the top-selling business book of all time in the fitness world. I was sitting in the Hilton bar during the CrossFit Games, talking to Jeff Cain about libertarianism and the affiliate model. I had no idea he’d ever be CEO of CrossFit, Inc. But I talked about the business of owning a gym because it’s ALL I ever talked about.   In 2016, I launched I had no idea we would ever serve more than 500 gyms. I had no idea we’d work with entrepreneurs outside fitness who–like me–didn’t want to do business the old way, the slimy way, the salesy way.   In May of 2018, I passed my 2,000th free call with CrossFit gym owners. I’d been doing them for years (you don’t do 2000 calls in a couple of months.) Those conversations pushed me to KEEP building, because every single person on the other end of the line deserves to be successful in the gym business. We added mentors to the team. We added staff to help gym owners between ...
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Beginner's Guide to Facebook Video Ads

Video is changing the way people consume information on the internet.  Depending on who you ask, video will makeup 70-80% of all internet traffic by 2021. Additionally, people are engaging 5x longer with a video than with static content on Facebook and Instagram, so it’s important for business owners to learn how to share the message of their experience, their offer, and their service with video. But what’s the best way for you to get started with Facebook video ads? Check out this week’s video for the answer. Click to Watch! If you need help with your video ads, book a call with a mentor!
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How To Stop Panicking

Alright, you had a bad November.   Or maybe it was September? October?   Maybe it’s not your fault things went badly. Maybe people really DO stop looking for gyms after Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s an “industry norm”. Or maybe that’s all bullshit.   Maybe it’s not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to stop the bad month from happening again.   I clearly recall a horrible August and thinking, “I’m never, ever going through that again.”   For me, a bad month meant missing a paycheck, presenting the bad news to my wife, and cutting back on my kid’s birthday party. A weak revenue month meant a REALLY bad month at home. But that was a good thing, even though it felt horrible at the time. It meant I couldn’t afford to repeat my mistakes.   My first inclination was to ask, “Why was membership lower in August?” And the answer came down to attrition, back then: many of my clients took vacation time in August, so they stopped showing up to the gym. Some backed out of their memberships, but even more costly, many of my personal training clients were away in July, so their package renewals were pushed back.   I adopted a solution of many parts. The first was to plan a big “competition” in the first week of September, and charge a high entry price. Over 100 people signed up (especially for team events,) and that kept those 100 training more often in the gym, because the price for not training was painful (failure at the event, wasting the $50 entry fee.)   Second, we cut costs by cancelling our kids’ groups, all of our Friday night groups, and giving staff some time off. We adopted a seasonal class schedule to make sure we had space when our clients wanted it…and not when they didn’t.   We also froze purchasing through the summer so we’d have ...
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