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Please watch these videos before your call.

Frequently Asked Questions

Video #1

“How soon will I see a return on my investment in mentorship?”

Video #2

“Will Two-Brain Mentorship work for my type of gym?”

Video #3

“Why should I start mentorship now?”

Video #4

“What are the other costs and expenses of the mentorship program?”

Video #5

“Does the program work outside of North America?”

Video #6

“Who are the mentors? Why should I listen to them?”

Video #7

“How is my mentor chosen, and what happens if I don’t ‘click’ with my mentor?”

Video #8

“What separates Two-Brain from other mentorship programs?”

Video #9

“What’s the difference between a mentor and consulting or marketing agency?”

We’ve already helped thousands of gym owners transform their businesses and lives.
Here are just a few.

We hit 10K for the first time since we opened 18 months ago. I am in tears thinking about it. I had so many times where I honestly never thought it was possible. I am so thankful for all the guidance from Two-Brain. We would 100% not be where we are today without joining Two-Brain 1 year ago.

Tracy Lanzl

RED EYE CROSSFIT, Wallingford, Connecticut

When I signed on with Two-Brain back in 2018, I was pretty much ready to call it quits and was desperate for help. It was scary as I had no money and wasn’t sure it would help my situation. Since then I have worked hard to get systems in place. The hard work is paying off! I now have 7 coaches, an admin person, a client success manager. Revenue has been above $20,000 since September with an all time high in January of $24,500. Personal and business credit cards are paid off and there is money to upgrade equipment for the gym. Big thanks to TBB for all the help.

Jesse Ewasiuk


December was a rough month. I set up a marketing call with a mentor and cracked down on new FB ads for the new year. We tightened up our systems for lead nurturing, created a posting schedule for our social medias, revamped our client journey & called a full staff meeting to go over our plan as a whole. We are on track to double our revenue since joining Two-Brain 8 months ago!

Vel Bates

3D FITNESS , Fort Wayne, Indiana

This time 3 years ago my wife and I were vacationing, talking about shutting the gym down (or not) 5 months after we opened. This is the first decent vacation since then and we have our 4 year old with us. I’m able to pretty much (90%) disconnect from the gym, new leads, sales, etc for a week. This time we’re in Sarasota FL. My CSM is taking on the leads. She sold $1700+ in PT the day after we left.

Steve Esh

NCFIT LANCASTER, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Been dreaming of this for a while. Feels good. Second property and new truck in the same month. Thanks TBB.

Josh Carabin

JONO ATHLETICS, Sydney River, Nova Scotia

David Arce


Before Two-Brain, David was paying just to keep his gym open. He nearly went bankrupt trying to undercut his competitors’ prices.

Today, the gym’s monthly revenues are five times what they were before, and he’s paying his coaches more than the entire business used to earn.

Lindsay VanSchoyck

CROSSFIT FINAL CALL, Robinson, Illinois

Lindsay and her husband Matt opened a gym out of love for helping people get fit. Keeping their full-time jobs, they quickly realized their passion project would cost them time with their children. And it wasn’t even making money.

Working with a Two-Brain mentor, they completely revamped the gym’s services, marketing, and operating procedures. And it paid off. Matt was able to quit his job and devote time to parenting. They opened a second location and can now vacation for weeks at a time while resting assured the gyms will run themselves.


Jason Cohen

LOCOMOTION FITNESS, Charleston, South Carolina

Jason found meaning in life by devoting himself to the health and wellness of others. His goal is to help 10,000 people become happier through fitness.

Two-Brain has taught Jason the specific business strategies he needs to keep his mission profitable and sustainable.

In his first year, he quadrupled monthly revenue.

Harmony Hilderbrand

CROSSFIT AMPERSAND, Gardnerville, Nevada

Up at 5. Coach for 3 hours. Work for 8 hours. Coach another 3 hours. All while losing money every month. That’s the grind Harmony and her husband Jeff were on with before they started working with Two-Brain.

Mentorship taught them how to offer their clients more, so they’ll (happily) pay more. With extra revenue, the gym can afford to pay staff. It’s allowed Harmony and Jeff to spend more time with their child, and even quit their full-time jobs.


OK, so how does a gym owner turn their business around?

Let’s get specific.

In these podcast episodes, we go deep into what Two-Brain clients have done to find success—by their own definitions, on their own terms.

More voices from the
Two-Brain family…

We’re just months into RampUp and we have almost tripled our revenue from when we started. Our life has been absolutely transformed, and we couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of the Growth Phase now of Two-Brain Business.”

Kourtney Brownlow

CROSSFIT IMAGINE Symrna, Tennessee

I was terrified of the price tag and wanted to kill my husband/business partner, but on the other side of RampUp I am just thrilled that we did it, and it is the single best thing we could have done to grow our business. We have increased our top line by 50 percent!

Margaret Bramer

413 FITNESS, New Albany, Indiana
Karen Coghlan testimonial for Two-Brain Business

One year anniversary with Two-Brain! I remember telling my mentor Gary on our first call, that my goal was for the gym to generate €2k extra per month, so I could continue to pay myself a decent salary, and afford to pay other coaches to cover my hours...Not only has that goal been met, it's been smashed! Comparing the full year, our revenue has increased by 40%. FORTY PERCENT. WTF! Huge thanks to Two-Brain and my mentor.

Karen Coghlan

Freedom Fitness Kilcoole, Kilcoole, Ireland

The amount of extra revenue I have generated from the ideas given in those FB & zoom lives are beyond measure. My head coach is selling PT every day, generating sales now from inside the gym and working to solve problems our current members are having. In the last month his calendar has exploded and can barely keep up with the demand.

Billy Gorham

NORTH JAX FITNESS, Jacksonville, Florida

One year post COVID shutdown and the gym just hit the highest gross revenue since I’ve owned it! Grateful and proud.

Ryan Robertson


We just had our biggest revenue month in history in March. Still lots of work to do, but so grateful. Great mentor call yesterday. That is truly the best part of TBB for me… keeps me sane and calm and pushing forward even when I don’t want to be or do those things. Thank you, Sensei.

Taynya Sammis

CROSSFIT VIRILIS, San Antonio, Texas

I finally discovered I am truly a CEO and not just self-employed! Sunday I asked my husband if he wanted to head to the Dominican Republic for a few days with the kiddos for a little fun in the sun. By Sunday night we had everything booked and Monday afternoon we left! The gym hasn’t missed a beat with me being gone and I’m living my Perfect Day!

Cathleen Clemmons Turner

TRUST ATHLETICS, Theodore, Alabama

Ran our metrics this morning…we had the best metrics we’ve had for as long as I can remember. Just following step by step what we’re supposed to do!

Ben Tyler

925 STRONG, San Antonio, Texas

Andrew and Mary Boimila

CROSSFIT TRADEWINDS, Winthrop, Massachusetts

For Andrew and Mary, mentorship isn’t just about getting tactical guidance for improving their business.

It’s about having support when implementing that guidance gets tough.

In 2018, the time had come for them to do something every gym owner dreads: raising rates and eliminating discounts.

The clients pushed back. A few even accused them of lacking integrity and backpedaling on their word.

Two-Brain’s curriculum, mentorship, and community of fellow gym owners gave Andrew and Mary the bedrock of confidence they needed to push through the uncomfortable changes that would transform their business.

They’ve now built up a client base of people happy to pay for higher value services, and no longer have to work 80-hour weeks to keep the business growing.

Brandon Brigman

NO EXCUSES CROSSFIT , Suwanee, Georgia

For Brandon, working with Two-Brain wasn’t about saving a failing business. He’d already been profitable for almost a decade.

Instead, it was about taking his gym to the next level. Two-Brain helped him put the systems in place that would multiply the outcome of his work.

In his first year with a mentor, Brandon’s gym profited more than they had in the previous nine years combined.

He’s now back to working normal hours and reports being happier than ever.

Amanda Hendren and Chris Cooper (no relation!)

CROSSFIT VANTAGE, Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Two-Brain gave Chris and Amanda the toolkit they needed to scale their impact.

Before, they were training a small number of clients one-on-one.

Two-Brain has helped them build the infrastructure they needed to successfully improve the wellness of hundreds of people.

They’re nearing the $500K mark in revenue, and are spending more and more time on their own terms.

Marcel and Jessie Mandagaran

FIRE AND ICE WELLNESS , Burbank, California

Jessie and Marcel have always been great coaches, but when it came to business, they felt lost.

Their client base was small, and marketing was an unsolved mystery.

They did everything themselves—coaching, cleaning, finances–and even spent 6 months living in the basement of their gym.

Two-Brain taught them how to attract new members, hire staff to handle lower-value roles, and have gotten to a place where they can work on rather than in their business.

They’ve moved out of the gym–into a house–and had their first child in January 2020.

Broke ground on the new house 2 weeks ago. Building should be complete right before Christmas on a beautiful 10 Acres. It was just a dream for a long time- but now it’s reality. Major changes in the business thanks to 2BB is what allowed it to happen. So grateful for this group and all that 2BB has done for me & my business!

Jill Glasenapp


One year anniversary with TBB today! A lot has changed in one year. Came out of a pandemic stronger than we ever were. Currently at $12k more in monthly revenue than 1 year ago. Added 87 new members, 65 of which are long-term members who are still with us over the last year. Made incredible personal and professional development working alongside my mentor, Peter and the rest of this incredible group.

Ashley Sabato

GET FIT, Bridewater, Massachusetts

Spent Monday - Thursday at the beach. While we were there our CSM took NSI’s and signed up a couple for PT for a nice little $1k a month bump in revenue. Our nutrition coach also signed up two clients. The business grew while we were playing with our daughter in the sand!

Tres Kennedy

CROSSFIT WOTOWN, Warrior, Alabama

Two-Brain Business has helped us look at our gym as a business to help us achieve the lifestyle we want. Now, as leaders, I believe that we can guide our staff and community. The goal is to live our perfect day entirely every day of the week.

Enrique Bringas


What Greg taught me was Step 1: create your SOPs, create contracts, quit giving discounts, pay yourself. Just everything. Two-Brain legitimately taught me how to put a business together and run it. Now I will be able to tell my daughter; ‘I know you can do whatever you want in this world if you really put your mind, your effort, your attitude in it. Because I know. I have that experience in my life now.

Josh Melendez


I get to spend most of the day literally doing whatever I want. I get to go out and play in the snow with my daughter. It’s great.

Chad Hake


Two-Brain has been a complete overhaul of our business. We have a totally different business than we did a year ago. One year ago—it was one of us running the business, one of us alone with the kids. Now, we have time to be together.

Anders & Jamina Gatti

GATTI TRAINING, Stockholm, Sweden

Two-Brain Business has helped us look at our gym as a business to help us achieve the lifestyle we want. Now, as leaders, I believe that we can guide our staff and community. The goal is to live our perfect day entirely every day of the week.

William Graham


When we started Two-Brain, it was great to have someone to talk to that has done the same thing before us, that has the same mindset and the same ideas about how things should be—someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to the business side of owning a gym. Privately and professionally, I’ve grown as a person.

Magnus Støback Bjørsvik

CROSSFIT UVÆR, Tromso, Norway

We might break $23,000 this month, gross income. The same time last year, it was $4,800. We’ve been super blessed to be on this journey. We’ve overcome to create something that truly helps people, and that’s what I wanted.

Lucas Allen

JURASSIC CROSSFIT, Choctaw, Oklahoma

The accountability of mentor calls, recording metrics and collecting data helps me audit my operations and effectiveness as the owner. It has been one of the best investments and decisions I have made as a gym owner.

Nick Redmond


The mentorship piece has been huge in establishing systems and processes. Having access to the Two-Brain Growth Facebook group is a very underrated piece. Having people know what you’re going through is invaluable.

Chris Lomen


Before, we were over 100 members, but I was in the hole every month. Now I have half as many members, but I’m actually making a profit. Our ARM (average revenue per member is higher. I’m getting paid now! Everybody’s making more money. And our clients are happy.

Katie Majewski Feeley

POWER PLANT GYM, Aston, Pennsylvania

The PT revenue has doubled from April to May and almost doubled again from May to June. We went from just over $11,000 (gross revenue) in January to just over $19,800 this month already—a week in. If I close under $21,000 this month, I’ll be disappointed. My wife was able to resign and quit her job on Friday.

Chris and Rose Follick

CROSSFIT JUSTICE, Milford, Minnesota

I am on vacation, 2.5 weeks away from the gym with confidence that I won’t have to meddle or micromanage. Two-Brain Business and my amazing mentor made this possible. I took a leap signing up in November and we’ve since then 10x’d that investment and have a real future in sight. Thank you!

Itamar Cohen

MASÁ CROSSFIT, Centereach, New York

I got to take my husband out to a very nice dinner for his birthday while our daughter stayed the night at his parents!!! This is all happening because I’m actually able to pay myself thanks to Two-Brain! We also had our highest revenue in June!!

Kara Mullins Listowski


Last week on my mentor call I was talking about how I didn't see how we were going to make it to our goal of $31,000/month in revenue (we were about $13,000 short for the month!)- she helped me come up with a plan for how to make it happen and as of today we are sitting at $34,000 with two days to spare!!

Karen Hazelton

Telos Strength and Conditioning Tuscon, Arizona

Since joining Two-Brain we basically increased our take home 4X Our systems and staff have improved to the point that I was able to increase my training over the past 5 months to perform well enough in the masters qualifier, and then again at the games this past week.

Nate Beveridge

Hybrid Athletics Vancouver, Canada

One Year Anniversary with Two- Brain Edition. Numbers speak for themselves:

July 2020
Revenue: $9220
Paying Members: 60
Classes Coached/Week: 21-23
(1 Other Coach)

July 2021
Revenue: $20,217
Paying Members: 113
Overnight Vacations taken in the last 4 months: Two

Thanks to Chris Cooper for a system that works incredibly well, and to my mentor for guiding me through it.

Casey Castlebery

Mythos 150 Fitness Atlanta, Georgia

All-time revenue PR in June, dating back to before I owned the gym. Haven’t lost a single member that I didn’t know was going to be short term in more than 5 months.

Kim Yawitz

Two Six Fitness St. Louis, Missouri

Two-Brain Business is a godsend for me. I cannot make lists or create operating procedures without A LOT of effort. TBB helps someone like me have goal posts to shoot for.

Trista Eason

Flex Appeal Wichita Falls, TX

After a year of ownership and 3 months of TBB growth, I finally got some days of vacation. We have systems that do not need me anymore.Our monthly gross revenue went from $9,000 to $25,000 from December to March. Let's go!!

Lucas Roldan Rozas

Crossfit Black Bear Old Town, Maine

Bright Spot Wednesday.
Hitting an average client value of $244.
I remember going through incubator thinking that seemed impossible and now we are within that target each month.

Denmark Padecio

Crossfit Luna Dallas, Texas

June and July have been our best revenue/profit months in 9 years being open. We celebrated by taking my team to lunch and some jet ski fun. It makes me so happy to be able to do stuff like that with the people that work so hard for our gym and our members.

Kyle Brumenschenkel

CrossFit Port Orange Daytona Beach, Florida

With the help of our mentor Andrea, we have hit revenue PR's in the previous 2 months, our coaching staff is growing, our culture/community is growing into what our vision has been all along, and we are building momentum every day!

Jon Holz

Maximize Potential Belton, Texas

August was my highest profit margin ever. I love that the metrics show comparison to last year...I have DOUBLED my revenue!

Jenna Joelle Bodle

Iron Root Fitness Stevensville, MT

Just finished RampUp and am really excited to be in Growth phase now. You guys have no idea how appreciative I am for TBB! Before joining up we were a rudderless ship - totally unaware of what to measure or where our priorities should be. Now we are gaining a foothold on where we are - we have a Growth ToolKit to move forward with confidence. We are so excited! Thanks all!

Nate and Annette Hemphill

Crossfit Broken Chains Orlando, FL

September 2019 revenue: $ 3,400 September 2020 revenue: $7,700 September 2021 revenue: $19,808 Sometimes it's hard to see how far you've come unless you look back. This is unreal to me! PS: I don’t feel nervous presenting pricing anymore during goal reviews or NSI’s.

Nate Boley

Strength Warehouse Bend, OR

Today I’ve trained 4 clients and am getting ready to work out. Ending ramp up last week and we are up $4,000 a month in recurring revenue!!Now I’m starting growth??? Can’t be a much better bright spot than that!!

Kyle Counts

Condition One Crossfit Sullivan, MO

We’re on course to hit above £10k again - for the second consecutive month. We have also just surpassed last year’s revenue and, by the end of next month, more than doubled from our first year.

Chris Strattford

KCT Community Fitness Dingwall, UKf

Best hour of the week was marketing office hours. Colm pulled up my FB ad manager and said we were “printing money, don’t change a thing.” Every single thing anyone from TBB business has said has been true. So if I had a second bright spot, it’s that having complete trust in my business feels good. If you’re new here, enjoy the ride, you will make 100x your money back.

Mike Turnquist

Crossfit Ergo Pasa Robles, CA

Last year the gym brought in mid 80k for the whole year. This year we are already sitting over 100k. 2 figures I never thought I would see. I "make" more now than when I was working a full time job and doing the gym. My days are pretty easy for the most part. Life is good. Thank you group, thank you world. Thank you Chris Cooper and Jeff Jucha

David Gionta

Buffalo Nickel Crossfit Broken Arrow, OK

Today at 12:30pm I am eating lunch instead of being at home sleeping because I’m so burnt out. In September I calculated how much I would want to sell my gym for. In October, I reached out to Chris Cooper on Facebook. November 15th I started with Two-Brain. April 15th I’m at lunch after an hour Zoom call with my mentor feeling like a real business man.

Andrew Ray Alvarado

Crossfit Fairway Park Hawyard, CA

Super stoked to have had my 3rd record month in a row! Before starting with TBB it was only a dream to have consistent months over $10K. Now $10K is a thing of the past. This month we grossed $13K. $15K is my next goal.

Jeff Dawson

Fort Strength Performance Center Kingston, Ontario

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the dedication of Chris Cooper–constantly pushing up against what excellent looks like, and everybody involved in that process with Two-Brain. Crushed March ($26.6K) and cut myself a nice dividend check today (question now is where to put it?!)

Adam Robbins

DNA Fitness Cutler Bay, Florida

Q1 of 2021 (before we started TBB) total revenue was $20K. Almost to the breaking point of throwing in the towel and giving up. Q1 of 2022, total revenue is $65K with every month from the quarter being more revenue than entire Q1’ 2021.

Jon Holz

Maximize Potential Belton, Texas

New revenue PR of $40K with the least amount of group sessions and group members we’ve had in the last 3-4 years. Thank you Two-Brain.

Cody Abbey

Maverick Strength Nelson, BC

Went skiing for the first time in my life. It is surreal that Daria and I are taking ski trips in the middle of the week on multiple occasions. After our highest revenue month in January we had a new record in February and are almost certain there will be a new record in March.

Ivan Racic

Crossfit XV Split, Croatia

I joined Two-Brain a year ago next week. My monthly revenue had never hit above £6k. I wasn’t paying myself. I was struggling, big time. I have two businesses now. I’ve hired 4 staff members. I think differently. I get to choose how much I pay myself each month. I love what I do. Thank you,Two-Brain! I love being a part of this group and seeing everyone go from struggling to killing it.

Mike MacLeod

Solv Fitness Worcester City, England

Four months ago I was alone in the gym, and managed everything by myself. Today I have 5 coaches, and I have started to do less classes and coach my coaches more often! December 2021 was the best month last year and January 2022 was even better!! Today I’m flying home to my family in Sweden, and I’m taking a weekend off- because I can!

Malin Ehlina

CrossFit Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany

Fahad Maniar

Team Fighting Fit Leicester, England

On my morning run with my dog this morning I had a huge sense of gratitude and wanted to thank Chris Cooper for his vision with Two-Brain and to Greg Strauch for his first-class mentorship. I’ve been involved with Two-brain since November 2021.

In that short period I’ve seen a huge shift in the direction of our business. Today I realized it wasn’t just my business that was leveling up. It was my mental well being and my self worth as a man. Those two things are huge for me. Before I had no direction-no clue how to fulfill my vision. No clarity. No path. And because I was winging it, I always felt like I wasn’t sure of the next step. Which then fuelled my anxiety. Which then had a massive effect on my self worth and self esteem which ultimately led to bouts of depression as a business owner. Since joining Two-Brain I haven’t had a moment of self doubt or low self esteem. I can honestly hold my head up high and feel that I’m on a path towards greatness and achieving my dream of creating something that provides a life for my family and changes the lives of my clients.

Our revenue for 2021 will be 40% more than 2020. And the even bigger show stopper is that our revenue in 2021 is going to be DOUBLE what it was in 2018-pre Two Brain. So thankful I took what seemed like a crazy scary plunge in 2019! It’s paid for itself literally 50 times over.

Lauren Black

Rocktown Crossfit & Sports Performance Harrisonburg, VA

Just did my metrics for November and honestly my mind is blown!!! 🤯Top Monthly revenue ever at $41,800 Net Profit at $11,000 Current yearly profit $96,000 so right on track for over $100,000 in 2021. When we started with Two-Brain in July of 2017: Total monthly revenue $6,766 Total arm $135 Net Loss $1305.86 Lots to be grateful for over here!!!

Tracey Woiwod

Crossfit LifeTree Victoria, BC

November was our highest profit month EVER. My old quarterly draw has become my new monthly draw. I’m working hours under 16/week. Two new coaches coming on in December - head coach has them all trained up and ready to go!

Shannon Logan

True Core Annapolis, MD

Bright Spot Friday: $12k in first quarter profit sharing bonuses distributed to staff. Record Quarter in gross sales $320k. First Big Client Appreciation Party since COVID.

Aaron Manheimer

Wattage Chicago, IL

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