How to Open a Gym With Dozens of Members on Day 1

How to Open a Gym With Dozens of Members on Day 1

Mike Warkentin: (00:02)
This is Two-Brain Radio. Please hit subscribe wherever you’re watching or listening. And I thank you for doing so. I’m Mike Warkentin and I’m here with gym owner and certified Two-Brain fitness business mentor, Chris Plentus. He owns Kanna Fitness in Ambler, Pennsylvania. He recently moved locations. He did it in style. He had 160 new leads, 84 sales appointments, 76 of those people showed up and he had a huge close rate, which resulted in the numbers that you just heard. Way more members, way more revenue. Now, this didn’t just happen. Chris followed a specific plan that was created to help gyms launch with lots of members and reach profitability fast. Back when I started my gym, I was losing money for a long time. I started with about 15 members and lost money. That doesn’t have to happen anymore. Chris used it when he switched locations, but this plant has also helped brand new gyms launch with 40, 50, 60 or more members.

Mike Warkentin: (00:52)
I think the current record right now is 94. So imagine that: opening on day one, profitable and thriving with almost a hundred members. So this plan can work for you. It is called the Founders Club. That is the basis of it. Chris runs a slightly different version because he moved locations. He didn’t start a brand new gym, but the Founders Club is the basis of it. You can find all about it here with me and Chris, but here is a secret. You can find the exact details of that plan in Chris Cooper’s book, “Start a Gym”. You can find that on We’ll put the link in the description or show notes. The site also has free resources, including a Founders Club sample social media post, and an exact Founders Club timeline. The stuff is worth money, but you get it for free if you go to that site. Finally, on that site, you can sign up for the “Start A Gym” course. That’s gonna help you find success fast. So Chris, you moved locations and ran a program that added 70 new members in three months.

Chris Plentus: (01:50)
Yep. We ran a founders club 2.0, we moved from a space that was 2200 square feet to 5,500 square feet during the pandemic and we added 70 members.

Mike Warkentin: (02:00)
Like, day one at that new location, you’re plus-70 members because of one program.

Chris Plentus: (02:05)
We extended the Founders Club 2.0, which builds on the principles of the standard Founders Club. But because this wasn’t a brand new gym, we were just simply moving to a bigger location, I wanted to use the principles of Founders Club, but also offer something to my current membership. So we extended that Founder’s Club a little bit into when we were first operating into the bigger space, but yeah, for the most part, over the span of about three months added 70 members.

Mike Warkentin: (02:35)
And I’m guessing that came with a significant revenue bump. Did it not?

Chris Plentus: (02:39)
It did. We went from about $18,000 from February of 2021 monthly revenue to over 30,000, about 33,000.

Mike Warkentin: (02:52)
Okay. Okay. So listeners are gonna want details. I’m gonna dig into this with you. So Chris, details. Let’s get right into this. Start from the top and run me through this process of how you got these numbers.

Chris Plentus: (03:02)
Yep. So we were planning on moving to a brand new spot, mostly to have more space. Of course, then the pandemic hit so our construction got delayed, but then it picked back up during the pandemic. So we did move to a bigger space. When we were moving, I wanted to take advantage of the excitement of moving to a brand new space. So working with mentees who are opening a brand new gym, they should go absolutely go through the standard Founders Club, because it’s all about getting members, getting recurring revenue going. And so I use that template for brand new people, but moving to a bigger location, you also wanna keep in mind your current members. So at first I wasn’t actually gonna offer anything to current members. I was only running the standard Founders Club found in our lessons.

Chris Plentus: (03:52)
But then I got members, seed clients asking me how they could either contribute, how they could help, if they could get a t-shirt ’cause everybody loves a t-shirt. And so when enough seed clients asked me about how they could get involved, I had to come up with something. So what I did was basically come up with a tiered system, bronze, silver, gold platinum levels, and had different things at each level for current members. So at the bottom level, for like 50 bucks, it was a t-shirt. And then we did raffle tickets, which I’ll explain in a minute. You know, the next level had the t-shirt, the raffle tickets, but more raffle tickets. And then at some point for the gold, we introduced a 30 minute PT session and then I didn’t think anybody was gonna buy the highest level, but I wanted to kind of shoot for the moon and also just be able to price anchor people’s expectations, you know, for pricing psychology.

Chris Plentus: (04:52)
So I had a thousand dollar offer. It included the t-shirt, a hundred raffle tickets and it also included a Rogue barbell with anything that they wanted on it, like their name or some quote or whatever. I honestly did not expect anybody to get those, but we had four members purchase that. And two of them actually said that they didn’t even want a barbell. And so the amount of people that came out for our current membership, we had about 40% of our current membership bought one of those levels. And that added about $7,000 of revenue that wouldn’t have otherwise been included. So…

Mike Warkentin: (05:39)
Just for your existing members who are already there paying for your services?

Chris Plentus: (05:42)
Already paying for services, you know, the thing that you gotta consider with current members is that you don’t wanna necessarily, you know, it doesn’t help the business if you’re offering free things to them, because they’re already sold, they’re already in. And so how can you offer them higher end things, but still be able to make some money from them? The raffle ticket was something that we’ve done at our actual grand opening back five years ago when we first opened. And so we brought back the raffle ticket idea. The idea is that you can offer higher end things like personal training sessions and supplement packs. And one of the raffles was design a workout of the day. And one of our platinum level members put all hundred raffle tickets into that design a workout bucket because he just really wanted to make a workout. And he also refused to get a barbell. So like, the generosity from current membership was incredible.

Mike Warkentin: (06:42)
So what I’m seeing here is like, you’ve got people, they know you’re moving locations, they obviously know and trust you and they wanna support you. So that’s great. Right away, they’re in to a degree that you didn’t even see coming even better. They want the t-shirt, right. So they’re doing free advertising for it by wearing this t-shirt. Yep. And then you’ve got PT sessions, which like, that’s great for them and great for you, but it also allows you to start promoting hybrid programs. Maybe some people who’ve never done PT, maybe do some PT and enjoy it. I’m guessing that that really exposes a program for you. And then you’ve got, of course, the seed clients, the super clients who just want to basically give you a thousand dollars and buy some raffle tickets, get a t-shirt and don’t even want the barbell. So that’s a huge win. 

Chris Plentus: (07:25)
Yep. We actually had more people buy the gold level than the silver level, the gold level, because it included a PT session. And the silver did not. So more people skipped the silver level and went for the gold, which is 200 bucks, which included a 30 minute PT session, because that they saw the value in the coaching. And I imagine with COVID and everything, people being more apt to do some more private training, but even our current group members, more of them moved over to a hybrid of group and PT. And I have to imagine that was a part of it. Them realizing the value of PT.

Mike Warkentin: (08:00)
Yeah. Everybody I talked to who has a high average revenue per member- ARM in Two-Brain terms- has a hybrid program, which is, you know, nutrition plus group, PT plus nutrition, or some combination of all of those things, whatever it is. And they get clients who are paying like three, four, $500 a month, which is amazing for the gym and for the client because the client gets results. So that covers, you know, what you did for your existing members. Now, some of the listeners here really wanna know, they’re thinking about opening a gym and think, well, starting a gym. What did you do to get all these new people interested in your facility and get such a huge number of leads? Signups, shows, and then actual members out of it.

Chris Plentus: (08:36)
Yep. So I had already been part of Two-Brain for a couple years. And I also did not open my gym following the exact Two-Brain Founders Club because I wasn’t part of Two-Brain. So I went back and I looked and went through the Founders Club modules and followed it to a T, setting up the landing page, setting up ads, using Two-Brain’s swipe files, ad copy, stock photos. So the only things that I changed was some of the language around what the offer was. So instead of either a six week challenge or a 90 day challenge or something to that effect, it was to join Founders Club. And so from that, we had over the span of, I went through back and ran my numbers for March through June of 2021, because I started the advertising in mid-March of that year and then ended it in the beginning of June. We had 116 leads. And then from that, about 70 people joined.

Mike Warkentin: (09:40)
That’s a big number. I mean, that’s obviously a huge drop off, right? We’ll see marketing numbers, which I got a hundred leads, 30 of them booked appointments, 15 showed up and like four, and I’m just making those numbers up, but it’s not uncommon to see big drop offs from advertising campaigns, from the leads to the actual signups. You managed to carry high percentages all the way through.

Chris Plentus: (10:00)
Yes. And I would absolutely caveat that with saying again like the vaccines were coming out, people were feeling more comfortable being around others and joining groups. So I don’t think these are, they certainly are not guaranteed results, but what I can say is that by following the lessons in our modules, and then also bumping up a little bit of my ad spend because I was comfortable at like five to $10 a day, I went to 20, which at the time seemed like a lot, but looking back, it’s really not much at all. That definitely helped generate interest. And then, you know, piggybacking on this excitement of opening up in a new place that is huge, whether it’s a brand new gym, or if you’re opening up in a brand new space, people love to be part of something.

Chris Plentus: (10:47)
People love to be part of a dream. And if you can illustrate that and paint that picture and then bring people in while you’re fitting the place out, it just creates this excitement that a kind of standard offer throughout the year doesn’t give you. So I think the combination of all of those things definitely helped. We definitely had a lot of people come in that were very interested in personal training. So we, of course, would present some of our onboarding for anyone interested in group, but we had people also interested in hybrid and one-on-one. So among all of those people that joined, we brought in about 17,000 in front end revenue over the course of those three months, which obviously definitely helped with the pandemic drop that we experienced.

Mike Warkentin: (11:37)
Yeah. And I’m gonna guess you said front end revenue, which is the nice thing, but your retention I’m sure is pretty good. So you’re getting backend revenue because these people are staying because they love you and you’re doing a great job, right? So this is really a huge value play that exists for months and probably years in your case with great retention.

Chris Plentus: (11:54)
Yep. And I went through, cause I was also thinking like, oh, maybe my numbers are skewed because we had a lot of returning members, people who quit during the pandemic. And then they decided to just join up and just kind of jumped back into class. But when I ran my numbers and I looked at the people who were coming in, out of those about 70 people, only about 20 of them were returning members. So the remaining 50 were brand new people who were either paying for our onboarding process that we call base camp or jumping straight to one-on-one PT or some combination of the two. And then out of those 70, over half of them are still with us to this day.

Mike Warkentin: (12:34)
There you go. So that’s front end revenue, backend revenue. The retention is great. This is a huge thing for your gym. Listeners, if you wanted to know more about the Founders Club, visit You can certainly click out of this show, go there right now and get those free resources. We’re gonna give you a few more details about it. So Chris, tell me about what you gave people in this Founders Club. And the thing that I always like is, you go to any rock concert and you see there’s a couple of guys in the back in leather jackets and they’re just like, ah, I saw ’em before they were cool. You know, and they’re wearing the t-shirt from the first album, kind of thing. The Founders Club has a bit of that element where it’s like that, like you said, you kind of wanna be there on day one, you have the thing that you have to earn.

Mike Warkentin: (13:13)
You can’t buy it. There is a lot of sort of status that goes with it. And the cool part about this is that it doesn’t cost the gym a ton of time and effort, but it really has a huge effect on the psychology of members. And it does create this, like, I’m invested, I helped kind of situation. So what did you give away in your Founder’s Club and create value for these people? Because one of the things that we talk about at Two-Brain a lot of times, don’t discount things, right? Like discounting memberships off the bat can be just this gunshot wound that bleeds you out for the rest of your life, paid in full, like, ah, had someone pay for a lifetime membership, that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Do not do that. What did you do to add value without gutting your business?

Chris Plentus: (13:51)
Yep. Yeah. Talking with mentees or opening a gym, definitely do not recommend discounting their ongoing memberships. So what you wanna do is you want to add value. You want to basically have a value stack where the value of the package of something that they were gonna receive is gonna be more than their standard membership. So the t-shirt is definitely a common thing that people will give away. So yes, there’s a cost of buying shirts, but there’s also the amount that you pay for the shirt versus the value that you’re presenting to the member. Right. At the time, because of the pandemic, there was that collective of companies that were kind of giving away these gift cards. So you got like 20 bucks to each of these companies. So we got a stack of those.

Chris Plentus: (14:38)
We included those. So that was a hundred dollars value. We also advertise our biometric scan, so we have an Inbody machine. So we said that was a $45 value. And then we also have these duffle bags that are branded with our gym logo and name, shaker bottle, similarly branded, and then supplement samples. And so we said that was, you know, a 30 to $40 value. And so when you add it all up, we said, Hey, you’re gonna get an extra $200 worth of stuff in addition to this gym membership that it seems like you’ve been thinking about already. So why not get in, when we build our landing page, when we’re talking with people, we say that we’re looking for 10 founding members, so that creates some scarcity there. And then you also put a deadline on it. So you say, Hey, this is only gonna be open for a certain amount of time. After that, the software won’t be around. So you’re not trying to trick people. But what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to encourage them to do the thing that they already want to do, and do it in a timely manner that helps both them, and of course, you, as a business.

Mike Warkentin: (15:41)
Let’s be real. You’re changing their lives. Like we all know this as gym owners, that your program works, you’re not doing a bait and switch. You’re not offering them, you know, 40 pounds in two days or whatever the nonsense is. Correct. You know that you can help these people, you know that they want in, all you’re doing is just helping them make that decision and stick to it rather than waver and go back to old habits that are not gonna benefit their health and fitness. When you laid this stuff out, so you listed a whole bunch of stuff that you’re giving away. Well, not giving away, the whole bunch of stuff that you’re including with a Founder’s Club membership. Did you actually lay out that value piece by piece to them and say like, Hey, this is this, this is this, $200 value.

Chris Plentus: (16:16)
Yep. So the landing page, and then we’re talking about for a standards Founder Club. So this does not have to apply only to Founders Club 2.0. Anybody who’s opening a gym or moving to a new space. This is what you would put on a landing page. So you lay out every single item, you put the dollar amount in parentheses past it. But then at the top, what you’re doing is you’re saying, the words I use is, we’re expanding, looking for 10 founding members to reserve a spot at Kanna Fitness 2.0, you’ll snag over $200 in free extras. And then it includes boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then of course the last thing should be something like bragging rights, which is priceless.

Mike Warkentin: (16:53)
That’s important, laying that number out because you know what it’s worth, right. You know the stuff in your head, but the average person, if you don’t lay out those numbers, they don’t know what you’re including there. They’re just like, ah, this stuff, that stuff, whatever. When you lay it out, and I’ve seen this done, it starts to stack up. It starts to have a snowball effect. And people start to realize that there’s some free stuff. And how many times have, you’ve been out shopping when, you know, ah, buy two, get one free. You’re like, I’m in, right, like that extra value, that’s something for nothing. Quote, unquote. That idea works. It’s worked in sales probably since caveman were selling rocks, right? Like it works. People want more stuff. They want added value. I remember being at the Arnold sports festival in Columbus, Ohio, and it was in the vendor room. And I remember walking past these endless lines of shredded people waiting in line. And I remember somebody saying, what are we waiting in line for? And someone says, I have no idea, but it’s free and it’s gotta be awesome. Right. And this was just like, this mentality works. So laying that out is super, super important.

Chris Plentus: (17:53)
The other thing. Yeah, go ahead. I wanna just say one thing. The other thing that people, when they’re thinking about offering a Founder’s Club, don’t pigeonhole people into, or don’t offer something that is only related to group or only related to PT. So with a Founders Club with tangible items, I like that for a couple reasons. Number one, you can give that to somebody who’s coming in for group. You can give that to somebody who’s coming in for PT. You can give that to somebody who’s coming in for hybrid or even nutrition only, right? So it’s service agnostic. You still wanna go in with the mentality that when someone’s coming in, you’re gonna do a No-Sweat Intro. You’re gonna do the standard sales process and make a prescription based on whatever it is you feel like is best for that person. So you’re not creating a Founder’s Club only for a group or only for PT.

Chris Plentus: (18:38)
So having tangible items is nice. The other reason I like tangible items is because people can take a picture of it. You can take a picture of it and post on social media, but also people can take a picture of it and then post it to their socials and create this effect of marketing for you. So even if you offer something that’s a service or something like a biometric scan, which you’re obviously not giving the machine to them, but what I like to do for something like that is either print out or get a certificate and have some sort of tangible way to represent whatever that service is. So there’s a certificate for an Inbody biometric scan. You put the dollar amount below that, $45 value, and then they have to hand that in to you. So in addition to something that they can take a picture of with the other goodies that they get, it’s also a way to keep track of people and what kind of services they’re receiving. So whether it’s a free PT session or a free biometric scan, print gift certificates out, because it’s easier, both from a marketing perspective and also a way for you to keep track of who has what, because not that I think people would really do this, but theoretically, they could keep coming back every month and be like, oh, I need a biometric scan. I want a biometric scan, right? So that’s just a tip in terms of both a marketing play, but also a way to keep track of what people are actually getting.

Mike Warkentin: (20:03)
And you’re right though, because if you just say, oh, I’ve got a free biometric scan. You forget about that. You don’t use it or whatever. Actually having a physical thing, A, the business can track it. But B, the person actually feels like this is a thing. And I talked to a gym owner who had a very high end VIP card that he used. And it was a physical thing that was like presented as precious. And it felt precious when his members received it to refer their friends. And mm-hmm, it’s, he showed it to me. It looks like a black Visa or Visa gold, you know, or one of those high end Visa cards. Right. It’s thick. It’s glossy, the whole deal.

Chris Plentus: (20:36)
Yeah. It’s not something they’re just gonna throw away.

Mike Warkentin: (20:38)
Exactly. They’re actually put it in their wallet probably next to their actual credit card and they’re gonna use it at some point. So that’s a great tip. And then the tip that I’ll throw is the one you said, you know, showcase this stuff, show it off on social media. And don’t just put, take a picture of a t-shirt, get your most photogenic members to put it on and then have them smile and away you go. Social proof, herd mentality works. I am looking at the Founders Club timeline that is available for free on Did you follow this or did you make some variations to it?

Chris Plentus: (21:05)
I pretty much followed it to a T, I think I might have opened it up a little bit earlier. I’m trying to think. So we got into the space in the beginning of May. I opened up Founders Club middle of March. So about a month and a half. So yeah, that actually lines up. And then some people will choose to close their Founders Club the day that they start operating. Other people will extend that past the actual soft opening day. And maybe they have a grand opening a couple weeks later. Which is totally fine because the fact is when you’re first opening, all you’re trying to do is just start. And you’re just trying to recognize that there are systems to be built and documented. And for someone looking to join the gym, sometimes they do wanna come in and see it operating and then they’ll join. So I tell my mentees who are, I’ve had several that have opened gyms, you know, feel free to extend that Founder’s Club. Especially if it’s got the juice, if it’s still running and people are still interested in it, if it’s working, don’t cut it off. So yes, there is something to be said about the scarcity and the time aspect. But you also don’t wanna cut yourself off from taking advantage of people who are interested in joining the gym.

Mike Warkentin: (22:21)
Yeah. And I’m looking at this thing, it’s exactly right. Three to four months, its timeline. It’s a seven page document, three to four months out. It has everything from like bring coffee to local businesses. It’s got social media campaigns in there. It’s got background work. It tells you about the offer and all sorts of different stuff. Exactly what you said about laying it out. It’s got everything. So go in there, again, That’s where you’re gonna get this thing. We could literally sell this thing. I’m not totally sure why we’re giving it away for free. So you need to go get it. It is worth money. The thing that I wanna ask you, Chris, is a big one for gym owners who are trying to start, how much work was the Founders Club? Can you put a time, like how much, ’cause we’re super busy. If we’re trying to start a gym, we’ve got permitting and the government and all this other stuff to try and do. How much work and time goes into the Founders Club? Cause to me it doesn’t look like a huge amount, but it has a huge reward. It’s work, but it doesn’t look overwhelming to me.

Chris Plentus: (23:12)
It’s not a lot of work because before you’re actually operating, you don’t have the time taken up of coaching classes or coaching PT sessions. So what are you gonna spend your time on? What you spend your time on is recognizing, yeah, is marketing basically. And recognizing that the best way to start is in a profitable state ideally. Right. And so if you can, you know, just think of any of the major franchises out there, your Orange Theories and 45s, like they have goals of having hundreds of members before they even open. We only need about, let’s say, 30 to 50 to be really profitable for our size businesses. Right. So if you can get out there and recognize that yeah, sure. There’s gonna be some decision making on the things you wanna offer. You don’t honestly even have to order the t-shirts ahead of time because the fact is I don’t want you having a huge amount of inventory on a Founder’s Club shirt, and then it says the word Founders Club, and then you have, you know, 50 extra shirts in different sizes.

Chris Plentus: (24:14)
Yeah. Right. So all you do is you say, Hey, anyone who joins, we’re gonna take your shirt size. We’re gonna order these. Once we have our actual Founders Club, that way we’re not gonna lose out on inventory and stock. So, you know, that’s not even something that you need to order ahead of time and get yourself in a hole with. So yeah, it takes some knowledge of what you wanna be doing, but that’s why we created these guides for you to shortcut that. And it also requires you to market it. So a lot of people think that because they post it once or twice that everyone in the world has seen it and everyone that they want has seen it. But the fact is we need to keep posting and posting and posting to the point where we’re probably sick of the content that we are posting, only because we know that somebody may have only seen it the most recent time you posted it. So basically over communicating whatever offer it is that you have, where you think you’re posting too much. But the fact is for anyone outside and public looking in, it’s probably a very normal amount, especially for any sort of marketing campaign.

Mike Warkentin: (25:18)
The only people who see all your social media are the people who post it. I guarantee that all your followers do not see your stuff. You could post the same thing every day and new people would see it. I guarantee that because of the way algorithms work, because of the volume of stuff on social media, keep posting, follow our timeline. I’ll say that again. Follow the instructions. It’s not made up. It does work, stick to the plan. Okay, Chris, I apologize, I said the name of your gym wrong in the intro. My apologies. It’s Kanna, correct?

Chris Plentus: (25:47)
Yeah. Kanna Fitness. It’s an Icelandic word for explorer and also pot of coffee.

Mike Warkentin: (25:52)
Okay. So my apologies on that, but when you opened it originally, were you profitable on day one?

Chris Plentus: (25:58)
We were break even profitable. So I was paying myself a couple hundred bucks the first month, because that was something that I did. I had already been following all of Two-Brain’s podcasts and Coop already had one or two books out at the time. So I knew to pay myself and I had enough to pay myself. But I mean, by no means was I killing it. I definitely needed to build that membership up.

Mike Warkentin: (26:25)
For sure. So if you had paid yourself what we’ll call the wage you’re paying now, your gym would not have been profitable on day one.

Chris Plentus: (26:32)
Oh, no way. No way. No, I don’t even know if I made what I pay myself now in the total revenue. Yeah.

Mike Warkentin: (26:38)
Could you go back in time, if you had put the Founders Club in place back in time and started with that, what do you think would’ve happened?

Chris Plentus: (26:45)
Completely different ballgame. I mean, I was in 2200 square feet, my rent was only 1800 bucks. Right. So like part of the overall strategy was to start small and then build up. Nice. So I benefited from a lot of the old school gym owners that I talk to, and picking their brains about this. Right. But looking back, I mean, I had a bit of an audience ’cause I was coaching at other local gyms. And so I had people that were ready to go. So I kind of had an organic Founders Club, but if I actually put into practice what Two-Brain now teaches and has codified into what we now call Founders Club, man. Sky’s the limit. I mean, I opened with 20 something, mid 20, in terms of membership, but I could’ve easily opened with over 50 and moved in, had I had the funds to move into a bigger space even sooner.

Mike Warkentin: (27:40)
It would’ve shaved years off the evolution of the gym. I wouldn’t have as much gray hair if I had done it back in 2010 when I opened my gym, we’ll put it that way. right. It might be retired,

Chris Plentus: (27:50)
But it’s also, yeah, like I told my mentees, like the compounding effects of even a thousand extra dollars a month is incredible. Like a lot of people focus on a thousand dollars extra a month. But when you look at it over a year, that’s actually $12,000 over that year, let alone the future years. So even though $500 thousand dollars, certainly more than that is, you know, gonna be seen as a good amount. You have to realize the compounding effects. So if in a year you want to be making 24,000 extra dollars to help pay for someone else’s salary or staff member. Well that’s only $2,000 a month. That’s not a lot of money. So any sort of leg up that you can get or any sort of shortcut that you can learn from people who’ve been there done that, which is why I believe in mentorship, because it’s really a shortcut to not making the mistakes that a lot of us have already made. That is the real benefit. So yeah, so many people open up and they have no idea what they’re doing and they just expect people to show up. And it’s like in this day and age, especially 2022, you cannot rely on just if I build it, they will come.

Mike Warkentin: (28:58)
It is a myth. Have you with your mentees, have you seen anyone implement the Founders Club?

Chris Plentus: (29:03)
I literally have two mentees that are opening gyms. So yeah, they have double digit members, which is great. But they’re keeping the Founders Club open because we talked about the idea that you wanna ride the wave of excitement and you want people to come in and see it. So yeah.

Mike Warkentin: (29:22)
And we have seen this done. Again, Chris Cooper’s written over in the book “Start a Gym”. We have seen for years, many, many gyms use this plan, which has been improved over time. Since it first appeared, it’s always adjusted to be better. As it goes, we’ve seen double digit numbers and some of the big ones are approaching a hundred. So we’re getting gyms that are doing that. Not guaranteeing you’ll get a hundred members, but you are gonna get a bunch of members that you would not have gotten. Chris, thank you so much for sharing your story here. I really appreciate it and I hope the new location goes really well for you.

Chris Plentus: (29:55)
Thanks. Yeah. It’s great. We have a very strong kids program. So to be able to run kids’ classes concurrently while their parents are working out in the adult group class on the other side of the gym is amazing. We’re happy.

Mike Warkentin: (30:06)
Listeners. You might be able to work with Chris if you want. He’s also a mentor. That was Chris on Two-Brain Radio. Start a gym, Go there, get the stuff, take a look at it. You can get Chris’s book. You can get free resources. You can also sign up for the Start A Gym course. These things will help you. They will take tons and tons of time off your developers. As a gym owner, you will go further, faster than if you just do it on your own. Check it out. Thanks for listening to Two-Brain Radio. Please hit subscribe on your way out wherever you’re watching or listening. Now here’s Chris Cooper with a final message.

Chris Cooper: (30:44)
Hey, it’s Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper with a quick note. The Gym Owners United Facebook group has more than 5,600 members and it’s growing daily. If you aren’t benefiting from the free tips and tactics and resources that I post daily in that group, what are you waiting for? Get in there and grow your business. That’s Gym Owners United on Facebook or Join today.

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for listening! Run a Profitable Gym airs twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Be sure to subscribe for tips, tactics and insight from Chris Coooper, as well as interviews with the world’s top gym owners.

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One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.