Next-Level Sales: I Love the iPad

A fitness coach shows a prospective client a sales presentation on a tablet in an office.

The basics of marketing and sales haven’t changed in 50 years. But the tactics have changed a lot.

At Two-Brain, we constantly research, measure and test new ideas. When they work, we build them into our program. When they don’t, we tell you about them.

This week, I have three new sales strategies to share with you:

  • An iPad sales presentation.
  • Selling by chat (DM, messenger, etc.).
  • The “indirect ask” method.

One is very effective, one is effective but takes time, and one will only work in certain cases.

Very Effective: the iPad Sales Presentation

Upgrade your sales binder to an iPad presentation. At your next No Sweat Intro (NSI), use the presentation to highlight member success, deliver your options and sign up a new client without shuffling papers or scrambling to share information!

When a prospective client comes in for an NSI—or even just walks through your front door without an appointment—you can pull out your iPad, go through your questions, and then present the best option. Showing them the price is easier than saying “here is the price,” and combining client success stories with your prescription will boost your close rate.

  • Swipe: success stories.
  • Swipe: “How committed are you to your goals?”
  • Swipe: “Here’s the rate.”
  • Swipe: “Sign here.”

If you’re in the Two-Brain Tinker Program, you already have the entire sales script, the presentation to copy and paste, an upgraded NSI questionnaire, and a video to show you how to put it all together. It’s on the Tinker Growth ToolKit (current Tinkers click here.)

If you’re in the Two-Brain Growth Program, you already have your sales binder. We’ll make the new training and template available to you in the next month or so.

If you’re in the Two-Brain RampUp Program, you’re going to build your sales binder with our templates, practice using it and make alterations, and then upgrade to a more professional presentation in Growth Phase!

Not in Two-Brain? Start by getting your pricing and programs into one place.

When Gilbert Dougherty presented his sales process in our Tinker program, I had one of those “this is genius!” moments. It’s a simple improvement that seems obvious in hindsight—like, “Why didn’t I ever think of this?”

But that’s why we have the Tinker program. Two-Brain isn’t about “Coop’s best ideas.” It’s about collecting the best ideas from the best gym owners in the world and sharing the ones that are proven to work. Upgrading your intake process to a sales presentation on an iPad is a great example. In the next post in this series, I’ll talk about another great example: the “indirect ask” sales strategy.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.