The Microgym Model: The Numbers You Need to Make $100,000

A coach pointing to numbers on a whiteboard - the numbers you need to make $100000

Below you’ll find the targets to hit if you want to earn $100,000 per year as a microgym owner.

Are there variations? Sure. Your mentor can help you with those. But most microgym owners never reach $100,000 per year because they try to invent everything from scratch instead of starting from a great model and making little tweaks.

Here are the exact numbers to target first:

  • 150 clients.
  • $205 average revenue per member per month (ARM).
  • 14-month average length of engagement (LEG, the number of months clients remain members).
  • Recurring expenses at 22 percent or less of gross revenue.
  • Payroll at 44 percent or less of gross revenue.
  • $70 effective hourly rate (EHR, the value of your time as owner).

To see how we obtained this data, click here.

Want to know more? Get the ebook “How to Make $100,000 Per Year With 150 clients.” It has more details, a self-diagnostic to find your greatest area of opportunity, and solutions for common problems.

It even has detailed financial statements for three variations of the strategy:

  • One in which the gym offers only group training.
  • One in which the gym offers mostly group training with 10 percent of revenue coming from personal training or nutrition coaching.
  • One diverse model in which the gym’s revenue breakdown is 70 percent group, 20 percent PT/nutrition and 10 percent retail/online services.

Any one of these can work. I’ll share the math for all three.

Why do I give this stuff away for free?

Because knowing these targets is the first step toward success. And the more successful microgyms become, the more the industry grows—and the more lives we change!

That pivot you need toward success? It starts with clarity. See you on the webinar!

Other Media in This Series

“The Microgym Model: How to Make $100,000 (or More)”
“The Microgym Model: Getting Started on the Path to Earning $100,000”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.