The Microgym Model: Getting Started on the Path to Earning $100,000

People starting a hike - get on the path to earn $100000

In the previous post in this series, I gave you some North Star numbers. Together, they make up the “microgym model.”

Over 90 percent of the people who ask me for help already own a gym. The new gym owners are the lucky ones: They can build the model before they open, work hard to optimize it and become successful far more quickly. They reach a point in two years that most of us didn’t reach in 10!

If you already own a gym, it’s going to be harder to make the changes that will earn you $100,000 per year. Sometimes you’ll need little tweaks. Sometimes you’ll need a new direction. And sometimes, well, you’ll have to undo some big errors (as I did).

Navigating change is a mentor’s job. You can book a strategy call with my team here.

If you want to get started today, begin with this diagnostic tool.

A six-part diagnostic tool with self-assessment scales gym owners can use to rate their businesses.

If you prefer a PDF, click here to download.

  • Circle the number in each category that represents where your gym is at right now.
  • The lowest number across all categories is your first priority.

Book a strategy call to talk through your priorities and hear about mentorship here.

Get our free tools here.

Other Media in This Series

“The Microgym Model: How to Make $100,000 (or More)”
“The Microgym Model: The Numbers You Need to Make $100,000”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.