Daily Directive: June 29

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Daily Update

Coaching nutrition is a critical part of coaching fitness. You don’t need space or equipment to do it. But some states don’t allow anyone but a registered dietitian to give nutritional advice, some states are wide open to anyone, and most states have confusing rules.

When I found Jen Broxterman’s NutritionRx strategy, I knew I’d found a plan that all gyms could use to help coach their clients on nutrition. Here’s Jen on Two-Brain Radio with Josh Martin: “How to Train Nutrition Coaches for Your Gym.”

Daily Lesson

Unlike coaching exercise, you might be limited in the scope of nutrition coaching you can deliver. Here’s the step-by-step lesson to determine what you can (and can’t) say or do.

Big point: Even if an RD writes your client’s macros or caloric goal or nutrition plan, you can’t alter that plan without taking on liability.

Read this article: “Can Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches Offer Nutrition Counseling?”

Daily Directive

Find your state on this map: American Nutrition Association. Then take one of these three steps to deliver nutrition coaching in your gym:

If you’re in a “red” state on the map, look for a local RD to partner with or follow the guidelines in the above article to focus on habits instead of calories or macros. If you do partner with an RD, don’t alter their diet plan or prescription.

If you’re in a “yellow” state on the map, stick to coaching habits and quality food choices instead of calories or macros. It’s just safer.

If you’re in a “green” state on the map, you can prescribe macros or any diet you like—unless the client has a diagnosed medical condition.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.