Jen Broxterman: How to Train Nutrition Coaches for Your Gym

Picture of Jen Broxterman and podcast title.

Josh (00:02):

Are you looking for help on how best to build a world-class nutrition coach for your gym? Then this is the show for you. Today on Two-Brain Radio, we talked to Jen Broxterman, a registered dietician and sports nutritionist of 10 years from London, Ontario. She’s the creator of the brand new Two-Brain nutrition coaching course, and is here to tell us all about it. What if you could avoid a host of mistakes that are going to cost you money? Well, you can. Head to and click free tools at the top. You’ll find a monstrous pile of resources that contain the collective wisdom of a host of gym owners, including Chris Cooper. Retention, marketing, hiring, selling, or buying a gym. It’s all there. And it’s all free. No catches, just free help. Click the free tools link in the show notes and avoid all the potholes on the road to profit. Well, welcome back toTwo-Brain Radio. I’m Josh Martin. I’m here with Jen Broxterman, who has the most killer bio that I have ever seen. She’s a registered dietician of 10 years, university professor, successful business owner of Nutrition RX in Canada, writer for Precision Nutrition, a CrossFit Regional competitor, gym owner, man, what am I missing? Oh, just that she is a survivor of ovarian cancer. Jen, welcome to Two-Brain Radio.

Jen (01:30):

Thanks for having me.

Josh (01:31):

We are so pumped to have you on the show today. I got done reading that list and I actually realized I forgot one of my personal favorite nuggets. I don’t know if you remember this. But the first time that we ever like talked and were kind of getting to know each other, I was just asking you some just general questions about nutrition and what endeared you to me immediately was you used a Ferrari analogy and anybody that knows anything about me knows that I am a huge car enthusiast. So from that moment on, I was like, yes, I am sold. Jen is the girl for me.

Jen (02:08):

Awesome. Cause I’m so not a car person. And I’m like, I think these are like cool, awesome cars. And that’s the analogy I go to when I talk about carbohydrate education.

Josh (02:17):

Oh yeah, absolutely. The Ferrari was definitely the car that was on my wall as a little boy of like, you know, this is the dream, the aspiration. And if you could see the rest of my office, you’d probably see that a Ferrari is somewhere on the wall over here too. Some things never change. Well, Jen, I know that I gave a little bit of your background, but I really want to hear from you in your words a little bit about your story.

Jen (02:44):

Yeah. So I, you know, have always been into health and fitness ever since I was a little kid, I was kind of that athlete that played all sports, but wasn’t always the best on the team, but I worked really hard. So I was able to do a wide variety of sports growing up and the most influential thing that happened at kind of that vulnerable teenage years, is I was very close to losing my dad. So he had a massive heart attack. He wasn’t really that overweight, but had a super stressful job as an investment advisor. And it was happened on Thanksgiving morning. And I remember I had to drive my siblings into the hospital to meet my mom. And basically we were at his deathbed to say our goodbyes and it was life changing obviously to have to go see your dad in that state. And he was very lucky, he had a great medical team that was able to kind of like pull him back from the brink.

Jen (03:36):

And he went through surgery and then started his recovery at home from this incredibly killer heart attack that he had. And so that’s where I started to learn more about health and wellness and how nutrition can play a role and went to university thinking, you know, maybe I’m going to be a doctor. I like sciences. I like people. And I took this nutrition credit for fun. And I was, OK, I’m like a huge nerd, but I was like such a nerd then. And I was three weeks ahead in my nutrition reading and like three weeks behind in org O and biochem and some of those other university classes that you have to take. And I ended up meeting this guidance counselor and going, how do I do this for a living? And she’s like, well, I’ve got good news and bad news. There is this awesome career called registered dietician.

Jen (04:21):

But the bad news is you picked the wrong school. Our school doesn’t offer the accreditation. So I did everything I could to line up my courses to match up with this other university I was going to transfer to. But I also did a dual degree in business at the same time. And so I was like, I need to know how to be my own boss and run a successful business so I can do—I knew I needed to do proactive health care. I didn’t want to be the person in the hospital, working with people at the point of a diabetes diagnosis, a heart attack ,cancer. And I was like, I want to do everything in my power to help people live a healthy lifestyle. And that is what set it off. And that led me to school to be a dietician and opening of Nutrition RX. And I had a ton of people telling me, like, you shouldn’t start a private practice right out of dietetic internship. You know, you should work at a hospital and get your feet wet. And I was like, if I work at a hospital, I’m too late in the pathway of helping people. So I just jumped in with two feet, kind of had an idea of what I was doing, but figured it out as I went along and the rest is history, as they say.

Josh (05:29):

So that’s so fascinating. I honestly, you know, in all the conversations that we had, I didn’t know that it really went all the way back to like this huge transformative experience that you had with your family in particular, your father. Obviously we’ve got a huge audience of gym owners that listen to this podcast and stuff. And within the typical gym, of course, nutrition seems to be like a component, but it’s really like the exercise piece that when people say, Oh, I go to a gym that they think that they’re going there for. So, you know, what was it about nutrition that was like, this is just, this is it for me. This is what matters versus like the exercise piece or something else.

Jen (06:16):

I think for me, it was seeing firsthand how food can be medicinal. Like food really can be medicine, the way that you care for yourself. And one of the things that was so important to me right from the beginning was making sure the way I taught people about healthy eating wasn’t gimmicky, wasn’t diet, wasn’t short term, and also didn’t promote disordered eating. You know, I’ve seen a lot of people in the nutrition world develop eating disorders or something that we call orthorexia which is this like preoccupation with clean or perfect eating. So I knew I wanted to be an influencer in the nutrition and health space where I could really help people use food as medicine and have a lifelong happy, healthy relationship with food where I did more good than damage because nutrition is this amazing tool, but if it’s not used the right way can be damaging.

Jen (07:09):

And we think of that on the one polarized end of people eating poor quality food, drinking lots of soda, getting lots of processed snack foods and things like that in their body. But the other end of that pendulum is kind of that obsessiveness with food where you take it to the extreme level of perfect eating and everything causes anxiety. And it’s so difficult to eat socially with your family and friends. And so for me, I wanted to kind of get into this space of wellness. It’s obviously very important to me to use food as medicine, but from a place of—I use the tagline of like a happy, healthy, positive relationship with food. That’s what I want to instill in every client I work with.

Josh (07:48):

So I’m curious, you know, what have you seen in like your 10 years of being a practicing registered dietician that really elicits the best results, because that’s what matters, right. As a coach, really elicit the best results from your clients. Is it, you know, is it following specific macros, a personalized meal plan or is it something else?

Jen (08:13):

I’m going to give you two words and then elaborate on it. Motivational interviewing. This was the game changer for my private practice and the results I started to see with my clients. And then as I dug into the research, so I went back to school and did my masters in people that had pre-diabetes that were right on that cusp of developing type two diabetes. And we wanted to look at a lifestyle intervention research study of could we basically reverse prediabetes? And so one group of research participants went through the very standard, they got a meal plan. We did macros, it was very prescriptive. And the other group, we did habit building. So we looked at the actual scientific research building the habit of exercising regularly, learning how to cook healthier meals, then building better snacks into their day, starting with small incremental changes. And if you read and look at some of the books and studies that are out there, so things that come to mind are like “Atomic Habits” by James Clear or “Switch,” you know, by Dan and Chip Heath, the Heath brothers, there’s even just “Motivational Interviewing in Health and Fitness.”

Jen (09:20):

You know, that black covered book I’m blanking on the authors. As I kind of took that research part of my masters with me experimenting as a dietician, working with clients in my office, I was seeing two totally different paths emerge. The meal plan clients would feel really like, Oh, this is great when they left my office and then they would come back and be like, Oh, I feel bad. I’ve let you down. This got in the way, life got me off track this way, you know, next month I’ll try harder. And yet they didn’t really make a lot of progress. When we looked at the group that we were starting to practice with motivational interviewing, it might’ve looked slower in the beginning, but because the goals came from the client’s own motivation of what they were ready, willing, and able to do, at the end of our 12 month study, they kicked the meal plan group’s butt, like their A1C was down, their blood pressure was down.

Jen (10:13):

We did waist circumference. We did bod pod and body composition measurements. Like we had all this empirical data that not telling people what to do was actually better because they were telling and leading the nutrition coach, what they felt ready, willing, and able to do. And I’ll share one other kind of funny story that was happening at the same time. And so we had another gym in our city and I actually kind of admit a bit of a flaw. I don’t know how to advertise. I’m actually a terrible marketer. And yet I have never formally advertise my services and I’ve always had a waitlist. I just totally work off of word of mouth referrals. And so this weird thing was happening around this time was I started to learn about motivational interviewing and work it into my private practice. And I started getting referrals from community members of this other gym that I was not trying to advertise to or poach.

Jen (11:05):

And this gym kept running biggest loser competitions. So they put people on a strict meal plan. They tell them good food, bad food lists. It would be, you know, 30 to 60 days long. And then three, four, five, six months later, the winners of the biggest loser competition would contact me to work with me to help them because they had gained 15, 20, 30, 40, and I had about four winners that were used on their marketing ads and put on their display posters and put all over social media. And then they would quietly come to me behind the scenes and said, I heard you can help me. I don’t know what to eat anymore. I’m a mess. I’m bingeing. I can’t stop. The meal plan’s not working anymore that I used to follow. I’m so ashamed. There was all this element of shame that they were being bad because they couldn’t follow the meal plan when really they were kind of set up to fail and I feel really bad for them.

Jen (12:00):

And so there was this underground word of mouth where these people who had gone through this biggest loser challenge then four, six, eight months later, would find their way to my practice and then work with me to have a healthy relationship with food and sustainable weight loss. And then that’s the moment I knew I couldn’t ever give someone just a really prescriptive, you know, plan and say, here’s your macros, here’s your meal plan. You just have to eat this way, suck it up and do it. I just saw that there was a better way. And once you see that, it’s really hard to go back.

Josh (12:31):

Yeah. I mean, it’s interesting. I’m a humble enough gym owner to admit that we have definitely done things that way in the past. I can remember when I was the only staff person and we were running nutrition challenges and we’d prescribe macros and things like that. You know, we would see like some, you know, success, but you know, I think everybody listening to this podcast can probably nod their head in agreement that like, OK, we had some success. And then it was, you know, really the old habits kind of rear their ugly heads and we’re right back to where we were. Or even maybe we put on a few more pounds. So I love that at the end of the day, all you were looking at was like, what is going to get the best results and be long lasting for my clients. And that’s what it is.

Josh (13:20):

So that brings me kinda to my next question. You know, we wanted to have you on here to talk about the brand new nutrition coaching course that you built in conjunction with Two-Brain Coaching. Tell us a little bit about it. What is it?

Jen (13:34):

So this course is essentially what I teach my dieticians who work for me at Nutrition RX, but it’s been rewritten in a way that any person who wants to basically be part of the movement of healthy, happy, positive long-term relationship with food built around habit based coaching and motivational interviewing, this course is for you. So you don’t have to be an R D. This is for gym owners that want to add a revenue stream of nutrition coaching. This is for personal trainers. This is for yoga studio, instructors, nutritionists. Even I have new dieticians that have asked to be trained and say like, you know, can you just give me a leg up? You’ve been in private practice for 10 years. How do I coach people like you do? And it basically is broken down into 20 modules and we go through not only the science of nutrition, but simplified in a way that you can talk to your clients in a really relatable manner.

Jen (14:29):

But what I really wanted to infuse in the course was this element of motivational interviewing. And I basically just opened my private practice books and actually gave away for free, or as part of the course, so many client resources and activities that get the dialogue and conversation going for them to explore habit based behavior change. So we go through three levels of nutrition clients level one, level, two, level three, very similar actually in line with the Precision Nutrition level one certification, for listeners that are maybe familiar with that. And essentially it’s to give you the coaching and competence to deliver habit based, motivational interviewing based nutrition coaching, where you help more than you hurt, where you instill lifelong positive behavior change and habit formation, and you leave with some one on one coaching appointments with the mentors who are all dieticians as part of the nutrition coaching course.

Jen (15:26):

So you feel ready to give great advice and the other element of the course, and I wanted to be really mindful of geographical limitations. So based on where you live in the world, you can or cannot do certain things with nutrition. So we talk about kind of like green light, yellow light red light, where green light nutrition coaching generally worldwide is you’re permitted to teach people healthy behavior based nutrition changes. So you can educate on the importance of vegetables and eating more of them and drinking lots of water and, you know, making a supportive environment with food, like packing a healthy lunch or better snacks for the workday. So I wanted to keep coaches in this green light zone so that they were safe to talk about this with clients, no matter where they live in the world. Now, level two and level three in the course does touch upon macros and meal plans, but it also goes through kind of what medical nutrition therapy is and what you can do and what you can’t do. So you know, where the line is. And so you can stay safely on the right side of the line and offer this awesome revenue stream that also helps your clients get better results, but feel very confident that you’re in the safe zone.

Josh (16:34):

Yeah. And so I’ve heard you talk about that and you refer to it as like scope of practice, right? Of like, you know, it’s basically separating what somebody like, for instance, yourself, that’s a registered dietician can actually do versus somebody like me who is just, let’s say a fitness coach or fitness trainer, personal trainer. So you have a section of the course that does dive into the scope of practice stuff.

Jen (17:01):

Absolutely. So I think that’s module three in the course, and what’s so important to me as a dietician is I want to break down the walls of us versus them. And some dieticians actually have a bad rep for this, which is like, that’s out of your scope of practice. You can’t say anything about nutrition to your clients. Legally, it’s actually not true, but there is some things that you have to be mindful of. So when we talk about this idea of medical nutrition therapy, or scope of practice, someone that doesn’t hold the RD title, like I do, wouldn’t be able to prescribe nutrition for a medical condition. So things like diabetes or cancer or heart disease or serious eating disorders, they can’t diagnose something. They can’t prescribe prescriptive supplements to treat a disease state, but there is some wiggle room of how you can approach clients like this.

Jen (17:52):

So it’s not to say you can’t work with someone that has a medical condition. You can absolutely help with the implementation of the plan given by their medical team. So you’re not maybe designing the nutrition plan, but you can help with the implementation. But also if you stick within behavior based positive food habits, which are almost always appropriate for most people outside of a few really extenuating disease states like maybe kidney failure or cancer or something like that, where a dietician really should be the one delivering the nutrition, you can, so for instance, like diabetes, you can’t say I’m going to prescribe a low carb plan to control your blood sugars, but you might say let’s talk about some things that your doctor maybe wants you to work on, given that you now have a diabetes diagnosis. Can I help you with maybe some healthy recipe ideas to get more veggies with your family dinner meals? Or do you want to talk about maybe setting up your work environment so you have some healthier snacks available in your fridge that would be appropriate with what your dietician or doctor has told you to work on. So it’s not to say that personal trainers and nutrition coaches can’t help people that have these medical conditions. And in fact, when you stay within that behavior-based lifestyle coaching, generally, that’s going to be OK, as long as you’re not contradicting the medical advice given by their team.

Josh (19:15):

Yeah. And I think that’s so great that you explain it that way, because, you know, sometimes—I know that I’ve been here years and years ago as a gym owner, that you hear that there are these rules and regulations and laws of like what you can and can’t say, and it almost puts up like this wall of like, if anybody is going to talk to me about nutrition, I’ve got to say no, but in the reality of getting people healthy and fit nutrition absolutely comes up. I still have clients that ask me every single day something to do with nutrition. So it’s helpful to know, you know, these are the things that I know that I can say that are also going to affect positive change in their life. Right?

Jen (20:02):

Absolutely. And I mean, going back to that us versus them, I think the more allies and teammates that we have helping us deliver, you know, like well-informed, habit based, sustainable, positive nutrition habits, the better our societies, our family members, our friends, our gyms are going to get. So I think personal trainers and nutrition coaches can play this really important role because they are the frontline points of contact, like it or not. They’re going to get questions. So to stay with a 10 foot pole, like, I can’t talk about nutrition cause I’m just a personal trainer. No, you’re not just a personal trainer. You are absolutely an ally, a teammate, a comrade in helping us battle chronic disease and obesity related conditions. And so what these frontline nutrition coaches and gym owners and personal trainers can do is again, that scope of practice, they can help so many people with positive nutrition, but they can also be great leverage points when they recognize someone’s struggling with something a little more serious.

Jen (21:03):

Maybe they’re recognizing the signs of an eating disorder or an unhealthy relationship with food, or maybe they can catch the warning signs of like kidney stones or something else that, you know, the client’s complaining about pain in their abdominal cavity. They can advocate for referrals out to health care providers in their community, whether that’s their family doctor or to a dietician, you know, someone like that, where then it could be escalated to the right person and get the right help. And I know of personal trainers that have caught symptoms of cancer and they’re not diagnosing cancer, but they were absolutely amazing advocates to say, I really think you need to go get that checked out. And so by not being afraid to talk to people about their eating habits and how food and exercise and nutrition all are interconnected, they can do a lot of help and help in terms of when it needs to be passed on to the next health care professional. They can be a source of encouragement for that referral.

Josh (21:58):

Yeah. You know, it’s funny that you bring that up because I translate it in to my head and on like the fitness, the workout side is, you know, somebody comes in and they’ve got a pain with their shoulder and it’s like, well, you stretch this and you twist that. And here’s a lacrosse ball, you know, but really this kind of ties back to that scope of practice thing again, where it’s like, all right, you gotta know what your level is of of knowledge and be humble enough to say, you know what, this is above my pay grade. Here’s the name and number of a great physical therapist. I definitely want you to go see that.

Jen (22:35):


Josh (22:36):

So who is this course for, you know, is it, you know, do they have to be somebody that’s got some sort of, you know, nutrition background or is it somebody brand new that is really interested to take this and be an effective nutrition coach?

Jen (22:52):

It’s basically for anyone who wants to do either one on one or group or virtual nutrition counseling in a very safe, within scope of practice way. So it could be for someone that already has a nutrition certification, or maybe even a degree, for instance, the material in this course is what I put highly trained, registered dieticians through if they want to be able to represent me and my brand and work for Nutrition RX. But I also bring my teaching background. So one of the courses I’ve taught forever is a very like intro nutrition 101 for university students who are taking it as their fun science elective. So I basically taught the science part of nutrition, assuming that someone doesn’t have an RD level of education and RD level of nutrition training and more so instead of going into the deep dive of like, you know, the mitochondria in cells and all the nitty gritty biochem stuff, which is fine, is good to know, but like, have I ever talked to a client of mine about their mitochondria?

Jen (23:54):

No, not at all. So I dialed it down to what would I want a personal trainer, a nutrition coach, someone that wants to have nutrition counseling or a component of nutrition coaching in their business, what are the basic nuts and bolts they need to leave this course and feel ready to start coaching within their scope of practice. So it’s all the nutrition fundamentals of how to help someone. Not only focused on what they eat, but where they eat, why they eat, how they eat their food, hunger and appetite regulation and hunger cues, setting up a positive food environment, not talking in that black, white, good, bad, harmful, like, you know, perfect or negative food language, but how to help people move along a continuum of healthy behavior change. So I’ve kind of inserted a lot of motivational interviewing tools to help coaches help clients, you know, find where they’re ready, willing, and able to start from, and then getting coaches just a package that they just plug and play.

Jen (24:52):

Oh my gosh, I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. This dietician who’s been in business for 10 years just gave me all her resources of her private practice of how to do these thought exercises and, you know, protein brainstorm exercises and, you know, better carb intake and better micronutrient, Oh, I’ve got a whole food list to work from, but not coming at it from that rigid perfectionism. So basically you leave competent and ready to coach people on nutrition counseling where hopefully you do more good than damage. It takes away the language of good and bad eating, but helps people move along a continuum. And I was so careful to teach it so that you could stay within your scope of practice and essentially not feel like you had to really hire a lawyer and be like, am I allowed to talk about this or not. I wanted it to be accessible for anyone in the world to use.

Josh (25:40):

So I want to circle back to something that you said a couple of minutes ago, because I want to make sure that people understand, you know, the way the course is laid out and how you built it and why you mentioned in there that there is mentorship within the course. For those that really don’t understand what that is and what the structure might look like, can you give us a brief overview of, you know, what it is and why you put it in the course?

Jen (26:06):

Yeah. So instead of this being a really stagnant learning experience where the videos are just delivered at you and then that’s it. We actually want interaction with every single participant in the course, and that’s where the mentorship piece comes in. So in this course, you actually get three different one hour calls strategically placed through the material. Obviously those can be used to cover whatever the coach wants to cover, but we also make sure we hit all of the things we want to talk about so that you are practicing those skills and getting feedback from an actual dietician, supporting your use of the tools that are given through the course. There’s also, you know, a little element of business mentorship too, to make sure you’re exploring the way you want to launch a nutrition component, whether that’s group or virtual or in person or a combination, and then helping you get, you know, a real live dietician, a real live person to assess your skills, give you feedback, answer questions, troubleshoot problem clients.

Jen (27:06):

I even have, you know, dieticians and nutritionists who use the service where they’re like, I’ve just never worked with a client like XYZ before. Can I just bounce some ideas off of you? Do you think approaching it this way makes sense. Or is there anything you’ve seen in your practice that I should think about or bring to the conversation? So it’s a time to explore certain demographics or types of clients that you might work with or are working with as well as go through practicing using the resources and materials given in the course, and also that business element of let’s make sure that by the time you’ve done the 20 modules, you are ready to fly out of the nest, little bird, and flap your wings, and you’re going to have a safe flight and you’re not going to fall to the ground. We really want people to leave successful. So that return on investment of the course cost, we want them to make it back within the first month, we want, you know, a tenfold, a hundred fold return on investment for what they paid.

Josh (27:58):

  1. So that brings up a fantastic question that I’m curious of as a gym owner, if I’m, you know, listening to this as an owner and I’m like, yes, this is exactly what we need at our gym. I’ve got two main questions, right? Number one, how much does it cost? And number two, if my coach signs up today, what’s a realistic timeframe for them to go through the course, get the full mentorship experience and then start working with clients.

Jen (28:27):

Great questions. So the course costs 1500 USD. I mean that is a bargain. I tried to put $10,000 worth of value in, for that price point. Essentially. I was like, ah, I got to boil down all those years of school and master’s and internship. And that cost, I think to me, was close to probably 60, $70,000 and you’re getting it for 1500 to include all that extra continuing education. So I mean, when we look at the businesses that have implemented this and the coaching that I’ve done with other coaches that have taken this on, most say that they’ve made it back within the first month or two, and then it’s all profit and gravy train from there. And I kind of joke with my husband. So he owns a micro gym and I have my office within the micro gym and my little square foot of my office delivers well over six figures a year. Each square foot is like stepping on gold, like that little space that it takes up at the gym blows the rest of the gym’s revenue, even compared to personal training and everything else. Like we will never knock down your nutrition wall because—

Josh (29:33):

The rest of the gym can close, this stays open.

Jen (29:37):

Exactly. Because like I said, I actually suck at advertising. I don’t know how to market. And yet there’s always been this steady stream of people in the public and the gym that just want to eat better, feel better, and it’s approach that is sustainable and makes them feel great. And then they just tell their friends about it. And it just, the snowball has just gotten away from me, which is why I now have a team of people delivering nutrition beyond myself. I just couldn’t keep up with the demands. So for the gym owners that are like, you know, that investment, is that going to be worth it, make that back within a month or two, it sets you up correctly to start counseling and the right price points. And then with that knowledge downloaded in your brain and all those resources ready to go, we hope to help gyms, you know, add a six figure revenue, minimum of nutrition coaching to their services that they offer. And I mean, the sky’s the limit of how much you can basically make with that. So hope that helps to answer question number one.

Jen (30:39):

And then question number two was the time frame. So the course is designed to be self paced. It’s broken down into 20 different videos, and I’ve actually given all the course notes that go with each video. So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and take copious amounts of notes. They’re just downloaded, plug and play. All the resources are also given as each video unfolds and also as a big package within the course. And so, each lesson is about 30 minutes plus or minus. Some are a bit shorter, 10, 15 minutes, some of the more meatier lessons around like motivational interviewing and using the tools and how to coach to those different levels. A couple of them are maybe a bit closer to an hour, but the course can be done with mentoring in about 10 to 15 hours of time commitment. So we’re asking people to treat this like a professional, you know, professional developing credit, where you book aside, maybe half an hour to an hour, maybe an hour and a half a week.

Jen (31:36):

And at that pace, you should be able to get through it within four to six weeks. So within a month and a half a month of kind of like diligent study each week, one hour, you know, give or take, you should be ready to start working with nutrition clients pretty soon. So we want, like I said, that that six figure investment or more to come out of a $1,500 investment in yourself and your coaches, and we did embed a certification to it. So there is a little test at the end, you know, multiple choice and true false questions. So you can get that continuing education credit and that certification for each coach that you want to put through. And basically then they get graduated and this is what I make my dieticians go through in order for them to start seeing clients on their own. And they feel so ready and prepared and successful at that first appointment. Having gone through this workup.

Josh (32:27):

That’s so awesome. I tried to think of as many questions as I could for our show today. I know people are going to have questions for you. What’s the best place to reach you, Jen?

Jen (32:44):

Probably email right now, if there’s any questions about taking the course or what it includes, so you can reach me at So nutrition, just like it sounds at I also hang out on social media, although I’m kind of old and a little bit over Instagram these days, but I am on Facebook and Instagram at @nutrition_RX, or again, through the Two-Brain channels as well.

Josh (33:13):

Awesome. Well, Jen, I always have such a good time talking to you. Is there anything else that you’d like to say before we go today?

Jen (33:23):

No, just, I’m a little bit newer to the Two-Brain community, but the warm welcome that I’ve received already is just so overwhelming and still positive. So just the thank you to those that have really reached out and made me feel so included in this community. And I’m excited to get to know some of you really well, because I will be one of the RD mentors on the course. So I’m looking forward to meeting some of you and doing that one on one coaching directly.

Josh (33:50):

Awesome. Well, I know they are just going to love it. Well guys, thanks for listening to Two-Brain Radio. I’m Josh Martin with nutrition coaching expert and RD Jen Broxterman. If you want more actionable advice based on data, check out the Gym Owners United group on Facebook. In it, you’ll find daily tactics from Chris Cooper, as well as the support of a host of business owners from all over the world. That group again is Gym Owners United on Facebook; join today. Well, thanks again for tuning into Two-Brain Radio, please subscribe for more episodes.


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Thanks for listening! Run a Profitable Gym airs twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Be sure to subscribe for tips, tactics and insight from Chris Coooper, as well as interviews with the world’s top gym owners.

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One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.