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Episode 41: Bob Burg of "The Go-Giver"

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Consultants and Mentors

There are two parts to every decision. The first side is the logical part: What’s the right thing to do? Using historical data, math and surveys, we can forecast the outcome of the decision. We can account for pros and cons. We can measure the best possible outcome and the worst-case scenario. The second side is the emotional part. This is usually what separates good decisions from ACTION. We try to guess how others will respond; we project our feelings onto them (also our wallets); we analyze and freeze up. The first side, the logical part, is handled in the left hemisphere of your brain. We can make good decisions and KNOW they’re absolutely the right thing to do. This is what consultants are for: to show you the “right answer.” BUT the second side, the emotional part, is far more powerful. This is why we get paralyzed. What stops action is fear, misplaced empathy, ego and — well, fear again. Whenever a gym owner asks the question, “Should I raise rates?” in a public forum, they probably already know the answer: yes, they should. They probably have a great reason to do so: they have 70 members, maybe, and they’re still not taking a paycheck. They deserve to be paid; their kids need new shoes. But they hesitate. They ask for opinion. They analyze and overanalyze. They wait for someone to say, “Just pursue excellence, and everything will be okay.” They settle for faith because acting on knowledge is just too hard. Here’s the difference between a “consultant” and a “mentor”: a consultant will show you the “right answer.” A mentor will help you reach it. A consultant says, “get your staff on contracts.” A mentor says, “Break down all the roles and tasks in your business. Here’s a template to help. I’ll call you on Tuesday; make sure you’re done. Call if you need help.” As I near ...
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A Quick and Easy Way To Get Client Testimonials

By Jay Williams, Two-Brain Mentor Client testimonials are the lifeblood of any good marketing plan. You can have the best website, best explanations, and best sales pitch… But if clients don’t see other people like them getting the results they want, they will remain skeptical. Having solid testimonials from real people will set you apart from every other gym in your area. You won’t just be talking about results, you’ll be demonstrating them. But how do you generate testimonials without having to stage, shoot, and edit a video, send a survey, or feel like you’re constantly hammering people for them? The irony is that you’re probably getting testimonials every day at your gym. Every time you check in with a client to find out how it’s going, or a coach asks “how did the class go” or you get a new PR for your board, there is potential for a testimonial. Every time you get feedback, ask a simple follow up question: “Would you be ok if I use that feedback as a testimonial for our website?” If they say “yes” you’re in! You can take a version of that quote and put it on your site. Here’s an example from my site…I just took a simple quote someone dropped in casual conversation after class, found a pic of them, and put it up: Try it! After the next class you coach or observe, ask everyone “How was it?” and if any answer stands out, follow it up by asking: “Can I use that as a quote for our site?” Adding these simple lines to your site, a blog post, does three things. 1) it gives you credibility beyond what YOU say 2) It highlights the member giving you the quote, which helps keep them engaged and interested 3) Most importantly, it will help you get more clients like the ones you already have.  
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Episode 40: Mike Michalowicz of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and Surge

  Mike (00:00): If it’s working for the other guy and everyone’s doing it, it ain’t going to last much longer because it’s become the standard. Entrepreneurship is about innovation, challenging the norms, and customers respond to that. Chris (00:17): Every week on this podcast, I try to expose you to the big ideas that shape or will change the fitness industry. Mike Michalowicz has some of the biggest ideas out there. Mike wrote “Profit First.” He wrote “The Pumpkin Plan.” He wrote “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur,” and now he’s just published his new book, “Surge.” He graciously agreed to come on this podcast and talk about some of the biggest ideas out there. Mike is one of the fastest thinkers you’ll ever hear. If you’ve listened to his audio books, you know that he regularly goes off script and adds thoughts. In fact, if you own the paper edition of any of his books, you should buy the audio books just for those little bonus diversions. And if you don’t own the books, go buy them now. Two of his four books are required reading for Two-Brain mentoring clients. But if you just read “The Pumpkin Plan,” your business will change. If you read “Profit First,” your lifestyle will change. And if you read all four, everything will change. Chris (01:22): Mike Michalowicz, welcome to Two-Brain Radio. Mike (01:26): Chris, thanks for having me on the show. Chris (01:28): It’s my pleasure, Mike. And you know, your book is required reading for everybody in our mentoring program, but for those who aren’t, maybe can you just share your story with them? Mike (01:38): Sure, sure. Now I don’t know, are you referring to “Profit First,” by the way? Which book’s required reading? Chris (01:44): “Pumpkin Plan” and “Surge” are both required reading now. Mike (01:46): Oh, awesome. Awesome. OK. So yes, I’ll give my background. I’ll point to how ...
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Your Members Don't Care About You.

by Jay Williams, TwoBrain Mentor Your members don’t care about you. It took me a while to get that through my head. But it’s true. They don’t. They don’t care that you went to regionals or that you have a six pack. They don’t care how many hours you work, or how much money you made (or lost) last month. In fact, they don’t care about your gym either. Your new Eleiko barbells and colorful med balls. How many members you have, or whether you sell the latest new supplement or bars. They don’t care that you’re a better value than the gym down the street, or your classes are smaller than the others, or you have better coaches or parking or bathrooms…. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself, have you ever had a member you thought to be super loyal to you suddenly leave for another gym? Or just quit outright in a huff after a dispute over a refund or a minor drama at the gym? They DO NOT care about you. What DO they care about? Themselves… Can you meet their needs? Can you get them RESULTS? Can they feel comfortable here? Do they feel like YOU care about THEM? Most gym owners make the gym all about them… Sign up for MY course, check out MY new equipment, check out how cool WE are… And totally forget that they are there to serve their members… The owner who understands and caters to their members needs by: —>Asking what they want (take them out for coffee or run a member survey) —>creating courses and programs to serve their needs —>creating systems to give each member the same experience every time —>maintaining, tweaking, and adjusting based on clients needs. Always wins in the long term. With CrossFit gyms facing tougher and tougher competition, you need to start getting out of your own head, and focusing on what is in ...
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Episode 39: The "Glory Days" of CrossFit

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