#unbreakable55 challenge - man lifting weights with a calendar marking off days

Every day, I write about how to build an excellent gym.

It requires doing the basics consistently, with excellence. Not finding the next great idea, not optimizing your funnel, and not even becoming the most-certified coach.

For 55 days, I want you to do the common uncommonly well. The tasks below are simple but not easy. But if you do each one five days in each week, you will grow your business.

Here’s how it works.

On five days in each week, perform each one of these tasks until you’ve reached 55 days total.

  1. Do one Goal Review Session with a client. (Instructions)
  2. Publish one piece of content. (Instructions)
  3. Write down and implement one process improvement. (Instructions)
  4. Praise one staff member. (Instructions)
  5. Talk to one new person about your business. (Instructions)
An infographic with 5 daily tasks for gym owners participating in the Two-Brain Business Unbreakable55 challenge.

Here’s an infographic that will help you track your progress:

An infographic with 55 check boxes for gym owners participating in the Two-Brain Unbreakable55 challenge.

For a PDF you can print, click here.

If you want to sign up, join Gym Owners United on Facebook and post “I’m in! #UNBREAKABLE55.” Then we’ll hold you to it!

I’ll help you by sharing more how-to instructions and tips that have helped me do these things and build an #UNBREAKABLE gym. We’ll do this together, I promise.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.