Rep Week: Goal Reviews

A number of white arrows labelled "Rx" point at a red circle labelled "goal."

In this series, I’m asking you to practice the most important conversations in your business.

In Part 1, we practiced the intake process (we call it the No Sweat Intro).

Today, we’re going to practice Goal Review Sessions.

Every quarter, you should meet with each client and review progress. That’s what coaching means.

Our data shows that the best gyms do this regularly. A regular system of feedback analysis and new prescriptions is the separator that microgyms need. More and more, the prescriptive model is becoming our actual job; the delivery of nutrition and exercise programs is just how we implement our prescriptions.

I want you to practice 10 Goal Review Sessions. Practice on your mirror, on your dog or—best idea—on your coaches. Talk about their goals, measure their progress, and make a new prescription for the next three months. Then book their next Goal Review Sessions before they leave!

Start the Goal Review meetings with Bright Spots: What are they most proud of achieving?

Follow with this question: “Are you happy with the progress you’ve made so far?”

If they say yes: Move to the Affinity Marketing process (we’ll cover that tomorrow).

If they say no: Work on a new prescription.

Today, we’ll focus on the prescription side. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about Affinity Marketing.

The Prescriptive Model

Start with the goal: What exactly would the client like to attain?

Next, measure the starting point. It’s important to measure the thing the client wants to improve. For example, doing a Functional Movement Screen on someone who just wants to lose weight isn’t going to convince the person that you can help. If a person wants to lose weight, measure his or her weight. If the person wants to do a max thruster, measure the max thruster.

Now, break the goal down into smaller steps. What’s the halfway point to the goal? What’s halfway to halfway?

Show the client the larger plan using the template below. Identify his or her three-month goal and put it on the timeline.

What will it take to achieve the first goal? That’s your next prescription. Write the prescription on your prescription pad (we give you a template in the Growth Stage of mentorship).

Ask the client if he or she agrees with your prescription.

Present the price.

Collect the money.

Schedule the next appointment.

Set up a tracking process. Will you monitor the client in SugarWOD? Trainerize? MyFitnessPal? Will you use Streaks?

Notify coaches to watch for Bright Spots. Each one will reinforce the idea that the client has made the right decision—a decision that will result in an accomplished goal.

Repeat the process every quarter.

As you practice, this process will become a natural extension of your coaching business. As you make it the standard for your clients, it will become the core of your coaching business. It’s a great idea to become very good at it.

Other Articles in This Series

Rep Week: Sales
Rep Week: Affinity Marketing
Rep Week: Coach Evaluations
Rep Week: Hard Conversations


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.