Hiring a Kids Program Coach

A coach teaching kids proper form with kettle bells

More than any other program in your gym, a kids coach has to be someone who is very passionate about the job.

Children’s programs burn coaches out faster than anything else. We actually cancelled a kids program at Catalyst simply because it exhausted my coaches.

Here’s how to get the right person in place.

1. Key Characteristics

You are going to need a coach/program manager who fits a few parameters.

Here’s Youth Coaching Program Specialist Gretchen Bredemeier with some advice on choosing a coach to run your kids program:

“You are looking for a hard-working and energetic coach who is excited to create (within parameters) and who sees the long-term value of what they are doing. You need someone who communicates well with you; someone that believes in your values/mission; and someone who is willing to make mistakes, educate themselves, and try again. This person should have or develop a long-term vision for what they want and discuss it with you before you consider them as a kids program manager.”

2. Background Checks

You’re going to have to run a background check on the coach. This isn’t optional anymore.

If you’re not sure how to do it, click here to read about a program for running background checks through AGuard.

3. Credentials

Your kids coach is going to need a certification of some kind. We recommend The BrandX Method because it doesn’t require travel, carries a strong physical literacy component, and thoroughly prepares your coach to lead kids.

4. Compensation Structure

You’re going to pay the kids coach 44.4 percent of the revenue you make from the program. The coach is going to deliver the program. When the program grows beyond what that coach can deliver, you’ll pay other coaches at your basic class rate to help them. But the first coach manages the program, creates the programming and lessons, schedules the other coaches, and still delivers most of the classes.

This Above All

You must hire for personality and train for skill when it comes to coaching kids. It’s almost more important for this role than any other in your business.

Two-Brain clients: You can download a full job description on the Growth ToolKit: Revenue Diversity, Level 9.

Other Media in This Series

“Building Youth Programs”
“Kids Programs: Pricing and Scheduling”
“Growing Youth Programs”
“Jeff and Mikki Martin: What’s Best for Kids”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.