Your Gym 2.0: The Four Cornerstones

Your coaching business is like a building with four cornerstones: nutrition coaching, group exercise coaching, personal exercise coaching and online coaching.

In the first part of this series, I broke down each of those pillars in a webinar.

Here, I’m going to tell you how to rebuild your gym using those four pillars.

First, we’ll talk about how to move away from your previous model. Then I’ll tell you how to identify which of the four pillars your clients really need. Finally, I’ll tell you how to package and price your new service.

To work along, download this resource: Your Gym 2.0 Worksheet—Part 2.

To watch my May 10 webinar, click here.


First: The Four Pillars


Nutrition coaching: Depending on where you live, you might not be able to write diet plans for your clients. But that’s OK: You can help them with healthy choices, habits and self-regulation. In a worst-case scenario, you can partner with a local dietitian—but the prescription to include nutrition in the client’s overall fitness plan should come from you.

Group exercise coaching: Most of your clients will prefer to exercise in a group. Group coaching serves as a lower-priced option for people who can’t afford 1:1 attention, but it also provides the immeasurable benefits of motivation and community. These clients follow general programming without customization in groups of four or more.

Personal exercise coaching: This is 1:1 or personal training, with personalized workouts tailored to the client’s needs on that particular day. Ten to 20 percent of your clients will want personal exercise coaching long term, but every client should start 1:1 even if they plan to move to groups or online training later. This is the fastest path to progress for your clients. It’s your premium service.

Online coaching: You’re providing accountability and daily customization of your general programming, fun activities and challenges you can’t provide in the gym setting (like trivia night or Zoom workout classes), online courses, and mindfulness and habits training. This is the service that keeps your clients on track when they’re not right in front of you.


Change and the Future


Now, maybe your “old” coaching business didn’t use all four pillars. Maybe you just had one or two. And maybe you’re worried about change. So before I guide you through the next steps, I want you to do a little reading about “sunk costs.”

Here’s the first thing I’d read—Seth Godin’s blog had a profound impact on the way I think about change: “The Truth About Sunk Costs.”

Here’s more from Godin on the same topic: “Ignore Sunk Costs.”

You might feel as if you’ve worked years to get to where you are. Maybe even a decade. But I promise you: You haven’t come this far to only come this far.

Your work to date has set you up for this opportunity; nothing more. You aren’t shackled to your past. You can change.

In Part 2 of this series, I’ll tell you how.


Other Articles in This Series

Your Gym 2.0: What Do People Need?
Your Gym 2.0: Selling Your New Services


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.