What Are We Selling?

Two months ago, I was sitting in CrossFit Bolton with two primo gym owners and three HQ staff.
While the cameras were off, my friend Tyson Oldroyd was asking us about nutrition programs in our gyms. He had just successfully coached a client to lose over 100lbs with mostly dietary changes. He said something like, “We’re in the results business.”
It led me to ask, “Are we selling exercise here, or fitness? Can we really sell fitness WITHOUT a nutrition prescription?”
Yesterday on 2BTV (our private weekly webinar for TwoBrain mentoring clients) my guest was Nicole Aucoin, who helps gyms build nutrition programs. Most of us are adding a nutrition layer on top of the exercise program we sell. But Nicole is also in the process of opening her OWN CrossFit gym. And with a blank slate, she’s making nutrition the base of the fitness pyramid…as we all should.
Starting from a blank slate, and selling fitness, let’s consider these questions:

  • If 80% of our clients (that was the statistic from my gym in 2016) are seeking some sort of aesthetic goal first and foremost, what’s the best way to get them there?
  • What tools are available to us?
  • How will we measure progress?
  • What equipment will we need to deliver this service?
    How many clients can we help? What if some of them were in a group?
  • What will our prices need to be to make a good living at this?
  • Remember: blank slate. No sunk costs, like pre-existing equipment.

How will this change your perspective on business in 2017?
Are we selling fitness, or exercise?
What OTHER pieces are we possibly missing? – and –
What opportunities do those pieces create?
(You can hear Nicole’s full interview on Monday’s podcast.)

The “Opportunities” module and discussion in our Incubator helps gyms see the “big picture”, add revenue streams, and help their clients get more fit.



One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.