UpCoach Challenge: Client Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of 15-20 obscure “facts” about various clients.
Challenge your coaches to discover them all as quickly as possible. Offer a $100 gift card to Rogue.
Coaches post their responses in your private Facebook group for coaches. No duplicate answers allowed.
Sample Questions:
1. List 3 athletes who prefer Nano 2s to all other shoes.
2. Record the name of 3 pets belonging to clients.
3. Get the names of 5 clients who wear a tie to work.
4. Name three businesses owned by clients.
5. Name four clients whose spouses DON’T come to the gym.
6. Name a client who has overcome a major illness.
7. Name a client who has been at the gym for more than 5 years.
8. Name three clients who don’t eat anything before coming to work out.
9. Write the name of 5 clients who wear a size M shirt.
10. Name three clients who drive more than 15 minutes one way to reach the gym.
11. Name six clients who have reached a PR this week.
12. Give six names of kids whose parents are your clients.
13. Give four name of parents whose kids are your clients.
14. Find one picture of your gym on Instagram taken by a client.
15. Name one client who hasn’t missed a workout in over a year.
…obviously, some of the answers will be used for Affinity Marketing later. But this is a great test for one of the 7 Areas of Excellence: Gym Culture.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.