Two-Brain Radio With Sean Woodland, Episode 5: Kirsten Pedri

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Sean: 00:02 – Hi everybody, welcome to another edition of Two-Brain Radio with Sean Woodland. On this week’s episode I talk with two-time CrossFit Games athlete and owner of CrossFit Davis. Kirsten Pedri. Two-Brain with Sean Woodland is brought to you by Two-Brain Business. To learn more about creating your Perfect Day as an entrepreneur, book a free call with a mentor at Kirsten Pedri has competed at the CrossFit Games as an individual, that was in 2017, and as a master the following year in 2018. She joined me on the phone to talk about her long road to the Games, what motivated her to become a gym owner and what it’s like to train her 99-year-old grandmother. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

Sean: 00:48 – Kirsten, thanks so much for joining me today. How are things going there in Davis?

Kirsten: 00:54 – Things are going great, it’s real hot.

Sean: 00:56 – Yeah, it’s that time of year now, man. Those Sacramento Davis summers are not fun.

Kirsten: 01:02 – It’s getting hot. It’s critical we have AC in the gym.

Sean: 01:04 – That’s certainly helps when you have a hundred-degree weather to deal with. But it’s a dry heat at least. Let’s start by talking about you. How did you first find CrossFit?

Kirsten: 01:17 – I found CrossFit, actually I was babysitting for somebody at the time and she knew the person who had owned CrossFit Davis originally, and she mentioned, you know, you should give us a try and I think you’d really like it. And so I went and tried it, and sure enough for whatever reason kept going back, and it was so hard the first time. And then, you know, I mean, it’s funny, I think back to that, and actually my entire life changed from that moment, you know what I mean? Just from like starting to do CrossFit and then just doing it twice a week, like just to like get in shape because I really wasn’t doing anything at the time. And then did my first local competition and started working there, et cetera. And now we’re where we are now, you know, which is pretty wild. So, yeah, it was just through a friend.

Sean: 02:14 – What was it about it that hooked you?

Kirsten: 02:18 – I think I was definitely in a place where I needed some kind of change. I was an athlete growing up, I played soccer in high school, was always kind of working out. And I had for whatever reason gotten into a point where I was just doing nothing physical and I think that I missed that and when it kind of came back into my life, I was just like excited about it. And then it’s so—you make these gains and you make these improvements and you’re doing things you never thought you could do. And it’s kind of just like, it does have like an addicting, you know, thing to it, where you feel you’re like, obviously you see your body change but at the same time you’re just—at least for me, being so much more physically capable than I ever had been was a big, like, I really, really liked that. I liked feeling like really strong. I liked seeing that I could put my mind to something and get better at it and make improvements. That’s probably one of my favorite things about CrossFit is getting better at things like a little by little, whether it’s just, you know, snatching 65 pounds or snatching 200 pounds, like any level of improvement for me kept me coming back.

Sean: 03:46 – When did you figure out, you know what, I’m actually pretty good at this.

Kirsten: 03:50 – Oh my gosh, I think that took me a while. I remember doing a local competition. I thought it was really fun and that was kind of what sparked the fire in me to like kind of start doing CrossFit a little bit more seriously. But in 2012, I believe it was, I missed qualifying for Regionals by two spots. I was like—at the time they’re taking 60, and I think I finished 62nd. And that was the first time I actually thought that like, Ooh my gosh, I can go to Regionals.” And that was like my first goal. And then it was probably a few more years before I thought that I could go to the CrossFit Games. I was just going to Regionals as like for fun because it was so exciting and fun. And I always—the use first person who told me “You can make the CrossFit Games” was Margaux. And that was the first time like meeting her and I did the Team Series with her one year and her and her boyfriend Alex said that to me. And I just kind of thought, well maybe I could. And from that point on I started to like really take it seriously, the programming. And I think that year was the first year I got first in the NorCal Open, like in just the Open part of it. And that I think to me it was like, “Oh, OK, I can hang in there with these girls.” And it took me a few more years to actually believe that. But that was the first little like nugget of, you know, I am not just kind of messing around with this.

Sean: 05:47 – You finally qualify for the CrossFit Games. I think it was your fifth trip to Regionals in 2017. What was it like to finally make it over that hump and get yourself to Games?

Kirsten: 05:57 – It was like a dream come true. I mean, I’ve been reflecting a lot on that recently because obviously with Regionals being gone and just kind of looking back and remembering that moment, it was like I never had—for whatever. reason in my life I was not somebody who set goals and was like, I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that. I just was kind of somebody who took whatever came my way and just kind of did the next thing in front of me. And this was the first thing I set my mind to. I want to do this and I’ll make any sacrifice that I have to get there. And when I finally made it, it was just like, felt like perfection. Everything worked out. Everything came together. Every single person that had, you know, supported me and loved me through it was there to see it happen. And it was just like, it really just felt like a dream, the whole thing. Even when I think back to it now, it’s like hard to even remember. I feel like I’m like watching it happen to somebody else, you know? Cause it was just so perfect.

Sean: 07:10 – Along those lines, what was your most memorable moment from the 2017 Games?

Kirsten: 07:15 – Oh man, there’s so many good ones. I think for me, I had a few like favorite, you know, events, but I really loved anything that, where we got to go outside and you kind of weird stuff. I love the, um, the Cyclo-Cross. I loved that, and I think that was probably my most memorable moment was just being—cause once you get there, at least for me in my first year, it took me a little while to get over the fact that I was there and that I belonged there and all that kind of stuff. And that was like one of those workouts where I felt like totally in the zone. I felt like I’m here competing with, you know, all these amazing women that I’ve you know watched for years and years, and it was such a cool event. It was so like outside of anything I’d ever done before. And I think that whole event probably my most memorable. Because too, there was no music playing, so I think I was super aware of all the people around me and just what was going on. So that was my favorite, probably my favorite part of the weekend.

Sean: 08:33 – You returned as a master in 2018, correct? You finished 7th in the 35-39-year-old division. What was it like then going from the individual competition to then competing as a master at the Games?

Kirsten: 08:45 – That was kind of hard for me. I had a rough go of it, I think. I wanted to be in the individual category, really. I mean like if I’m being totally honest, that’s what I wanted to do. That was my goal training for 2018. And 2018 was one of those years that you just kind of feel like the hits just kept coming and I couldn’t really catch a break. And so I accepted my masters invite to just have like a good experience. And there was, you know, I got to compete with Sam, loving spending time with her and Anna Tunnicliffe and everything. But I would have to say that my heart wasn’t totally in it and I could feel that for the weekend. I could definitely feel that. Which is I think a good learning experience too. I’m glad that I went, I don’t regret going at all and I’m grateful to have had the experience, but it definitely does show you kind of like if you’re not all in on the tough weekends of physical endeavors, it just changes the whole game. And it’s just hard to kind of keep going day after day. And so there were parts of it that I definitely enjoyed, there were parts of it that were really tough for me and I think parts of it where it was just hard to not be with the other girls. You know, like in the other room with the individuals or looking at those events and being like, I want to do that event, it looks so fun. Even the marathon row, I would just have died to be out there. I don’t even care. I know how hard that would have been but I just would have loved to have been out there on that floor with them, you know. So totally different experience, grateful to have had it. But it was definitely one of those learning experiences for me.

Sean: 10:36 – You are technically a masters athlete. First-degree master in that 35-year-old division. What’s the key to getting the most out of your training now as a masters athlete?

Kirsten: 11:02 – I think that, you know, it’s funny, I remember someone asking me something about training older or competing older, and I really—I think I was 30 years old at my first Regional, you know, so, I have always been like one of the quote unquote “older” athletes and the only difference I feel like for me was like just generally like recovery and making sure that I always have one full day off every week. I think that that’s the only thing I could ever feel change was just my recovery and that kind of changing, but I think, of course like competing as a masters athlete is different. I think your volume can go down if you’re training to compete as a master at the CrossFit Games, like the volume was way lower and they don’t have to worry necessarily about doing as much stuff than if you’re in the individual category, and just making sure that you’re taking time to have like a good recovery day or maybe two recovery days. That’s really the only difference I ever noticed as I’ve gotten older.

Sean: 12:07 – What are the biggest lessons that you think you’ve learned from your time as a competitor?

Kirsten: 12:12 – Oh man. I think I learned how to work really hard. I think I learned how—I learned the hardest lesson for me to learn and probably the most valuable lesson for me to learn was to have a short memory. If something doesn’t go right, you have to move on and you have to just let it go. And I think too, the third thing would be that like the most valuable parts of training aren’t the fun parts, you know. I spent almost every day in the pool like, you know, when I made the CrossFit Games in 2017 and I did not love swimming, it was not easy for me. I thought it was really difficult. But I just went to the pool every day. Like it’s kind of like just that if you really want something you’re going to have to do stuff that you maybe don’t enjoy to get it and then it just makes the payoff, like so sweet. When you finally get there and it feels like everything was fully worth it.

Sean: 13:23 – Let’s shift gears here and go into the business side of things, why did you decide to get involved in CrossFit Davis? Why did you decide to get involved as an owner?

Kirsten: 13:32 – Yeah, so I originally—let’s see I got my Level 1 in 2011. The current owners asked me to start a kids program and I said yes and I went and got my Level 1 in order to then get my kids cert and I started just doing that and coaching a few classes and then I was kind of coaching more classes and doing the scheduling and everything would sort of like snowball until down the road where we are now, where me and my husband are the sole owners of CrossFit Davis, and I love my job. I’ve always loved my job. I love watching people get better. I love really feeling like you are changing people’s lives. And I know that sometimes if people maybe haven’t been to our gym or into a CrossFit gym it’s hard to understand how that’s happening just through exercise, but I just believe in exercise as medicine, almost. You know, that it changes your day. It changes your mood, can absolutely change your life. It changed mine. And I think for me like that was, I felt more passionate about it and than I probably had about anything else that I had ever done. So to me it seems kind of obvious for it to just be what I do with my life.

Sean: 15:06 – Yeah. What was something that you didn’t know was critical to running a business that you learned very quickly was actually extremely important.

Kirsten: 15:18 – Oh my gosh. So many things. Our whole journey as gym owners has been like a learning process and I always tell people that when they ask, “I’m thinking about opening a gym,” and the biggest thing I think for us was figuring out what really mattered and not getting hung up on the things that don’t. So it’s easy, I think, in a small business sometimes, to, you know, people leave a kettlebell out, people, you know, get chalk everywhere. Like that stuff actually really doesn’t matter. And if you don’t have the energy to like let that stuff go or let the little things go, I think you’re going to really hate your job. And so I think me and my husband have gotten really good at that. Like, you know, we’ll joke about it or you know, together, but for the most part you have to just really be focusing on the people in your gym and the culture that you want to create. And that is your product, you know, that is what really matters.

Sean: 16:25 – Not a lot of spouses can work closely together in a business setting. How do you and Matt and navigate your way through that?

Kirsten: 16:40 – You know it’s funny. I’m guessing that our coach-athlete relationship has helped us, because I’ve done a lot of good communicating together and him making me do things I didn’t want to do in training and me not being mad at him for it. And we communicate really well. We also are very different. So the things that he does versus the things I do are totally separate. He does all the programming. He does a lot of the business-side stuff. Like, you know, he does our taxes. I love coaching. So I love being the face of the gym. I love being around people. I love talking to our members and getting to know everybody. And likes that too, but he’s definitely doesn’t coach any classes. He just kind of does all the behind-the-scenes stuff that is so important but maybe not quite as noticed I guess. So I think that’s been a big key for us and we also just love being together, so we really don’t get sick of each other and the more time we spend together for us is better, so, that’s been really, really lucky.

Sean: 17:54 How do you relate to clients who are not elite athletes like yourself in order to get the most out of them?

Kirsten: 18:15 I think for me I didn’t start CrossFit as an elite athlete, I started as somebody who hadn’t exercised in probably a year and a half, I couldn’t do a pull-up, I couldn’t do a push-up, and I don’t forget that. So for me, it’s pretty easy to coach people who have never done anything and to relate to them because I remember being that person. And so, you know, I didn’t come in like—like I had to learn how to do a pull-up. I had to learn how to kip. I had to learn how to do a squat snatch. I used to just avoid those days cause I would get so nervous to snatch, and, you know, now it’s something I love, so I feel like that has been really valuable to me. Whereas I’ve seen some people who, you know, they’re sort, they were an athlete and they came in with all these skills and watching them try to teach somebody how to do something that they never necessarily had to learn is hard. I think it’s harder, you know, if you haven’t had to learn it yourself, it can be really difficult. And so I feel like I still have those, I still totally remember when I started and I totally remember what that felt like. I totally remember using bands for pull-ups and you know, all that stuff and I’ll talk about that to people and people that don’t know me will be like, no way. And I’m like, no, really, I promise, you know, which I think does make it relatable to them, too. And a lot of my members have been there for a long time. So they remember watching me swing around on the rings, not be able to do a muscle-up or you know. So I think they know that about me too. They know that like, whatever your goals are, it’s not like you have to like want to compete or you have to want to do anything. Like we just want you to get what you want out of the day. And so if that’s just coming in and getting sweaty and not thinking about anything else, great. If you want to really get better at CrossFit and compete, we’ll help you do that too. But we just want people to get exactly what they’re coming in for.

Sean: 20:09 – Your most famous client is your grandmother, Betty. She’s in her nineties. How did you come to start training her?

Kirsten: 20:18 – She just turned 99 in May. She’s awesome. Were just driving in the car one day and she said, “You know, I’m thinking about getting a trainer,” and I said, “Grandma! I can train. Don’t go get a trainer, I’m not gonna have you go pay somebody.” And she’s like “are you sure?” She always thinks I’m too busy and you know. So we started doing that and it was a really, really cool experience to, I think really learn that it’s never too late to start. And that you can absolutely improve your fitness. She was 96 when she started working out with me and watching how different she became over the couple of years was pretty like mind-blowing, you know, cause people will come in at 40 and 50 and say, well, “I’m too old,” and I just want to be like, “You’re young; 50 years old, that’s young!” You much time left and so much life left that you could improve in these small ways if you do it right.

Sean: 21:35 – There are a lot of gyms out there that do have older clients in their sixties, seventies and eighties. I don’t know if anyone has somebody who’s 99, but what do you think the key is to training that age group effectively?

Kirsten: 21:53 – I think being really smart with that age group and making sure that they’re always comfortable with what they’re doing is probably the biggest part. We have a few clients in their 60s, and I think we have one in his 70s, I believe. And I always just want to make sure that they’re comfortable and I’m always going to like—I think a big thing is just to remember like what is the point of what they’re doing. So if it were me training back in the day when I was competing and I was like, my hands hurt, I don’t want to do pull-ups, Matt would say like, well, you need to do pull-ups. If an older person was like, you know, kind of my knee’s bugging me today, I’m like, cool, let’s not squat, let’s do something else, let’s totally change the workout for you, your goal is to walk out of here feeling better than when you walked in and to not feel beat down. I always checked with my grandma and would call her the next day when we very first started. Like, are you sore today? I don’t want you to be sore. I don’t want, you know, whereas somebody who’s starting brand new and is 20, OK, or your legs are gonna be a little sore tomorrow, your arms might be sore, you’ll be fine. But somebody who’s 96 or you know, 86, 76, I don’t want you walking around not being able to stand up off the toilet, you know what I mean? That’s not what we’re trying to do. So I think the goal of their workout needs to totally shift versus somebody who’s maybe younger and really trying to like hit it hard and get in shape.

Sean: 23:24 – Along those lines, what are some of the movements that you would use to get that stimulus?

Kirsten: 23:38 – At the time my grandma was living alone still, so I thought about what you needed to be able to do and so we did a lot of standing up from sitting on a box and we do it, you know, 10 times and then rest 10 times and then rest. We would, walk to the wall and back, which was like a hundred meters, together. Oh my gosh—that’s my dog!

Sean: 23:55 – That’s not a problem.

Kirsten: 24:10 – So we would walk and I would hold her hand, but getting her balance back or getting her balance as good as we could get was a big goal. And we even tried it at one point. We did essentially a burpee laying down, getting back up because she, you know, had voiced some concern about if I fall down can I get up? And so, we just like learned it all together and I would say, how does it feel? Can you do this? We do ring rows, but I’d have a seat behind her. I would stand behind her and, you know, just kind of stuff that would make sense for her in her daily life and the things that she needed to do every day.

Sean: 24:55 – What do you think about the living-room videos that CrossFit is currently putting out?

Kirsten: 25:01 – I feel like—

Sean: 25:06 – I know that’s sort of a weird road to go down, but I just wanted to get your thoughts on that.

Kirsten: 25:11 – Yeah. I mean I am all for the older population getting involved in CrossFit. And I think especially like, if that makes people feel more comfortable then I think it’s totally a positive. I think that getting them—my grandma really liked coming to the gym, so that’s one thing that I think whenever I see videos of like the, you know, different gyms doing older, you know, classes that are geared towards older population. She loves coming in there. I feel like that made her feel younger, almost, that she could be in the gym with all these other people doing all these really crazy things, you know, and she would watch them. So I think that there is a lot of value in getting out of your house, but if you couldn’t, for whatever reason, absolutely bring a trainer in. Like, have somebody work with you in your house. Of course there’s all these things you could do. And I would tell her that too. Like, hey, she would say, should I be doing more? And I’m like, no, I think this is great. I think you’re doing plenty. And like if you want to and you feel comfortable, you could do some stand up, sit down from your couch, you can do that. We can totally do this stuff at home. But because I don’t want her to fall down or anything like that. So I think the videos can show that it’s a great place to start. You know what I mean? That you can do kind of almost like that—just doing something, even if you’re just standing up and sitting down on your couch 20 times a day. That’s great. Like I am on board with any kind of movement that makes you feel better. I don’t care what it looks like or where you’re doing it. I think it’s a positive.

Sean: 27:09 – If you had had that resource when you had started working with your grandmother three years ago, how do you think they would have helped you?

Kirsten: 27:22 – Probably would just have given me some ideas. I felt like I was just kind of coming up with stuff on my own, which was cool, because we could try things, and I knew her really well, of course, and she trusted me, so I would say let’s try this, and if it doesn’t work, no big deal, you know, and we’d find things that she really liked and stuff that maybe let’s not do that again. So I think it’s good to have ideas and I messaged with a few people as far as sending them what I would do with her and things that made sense for her to do and I think it all depends on the person and what their lifestyle is. So like she would, she had a cat for a while, and she said “I couldn’t carry my cat carrier and walk at the same time to take the cat to the vet.” And so we started doing farmers carries and things like that. And that was just like a random thing that she didn’t like that she couldn’t do that we tried to fix it. It’s such a cool opportunity to be creative with your clients, which I think is really important. Whether they’re 99 or they just have had an injury or they’re coming back from surgery or whatever, they don’t want to just come in and do the same thing so you can get so creative and keep them coming back and keep them motivated. So that they don’t feel like they’re just doing the same stuff every day. I think that’s a super valuable tool as a coach.

Sean: 28:47 – You mentioned that your grandmother loves coming to the gym. How do the rest of the members react to her being there?

Kirsten: 28:54 – They love her, they just love her. They would always come up to her, “you’re amazing, you’re an inspiration,” and she was like “I don’t know,” it’s funny, she’s like this little humble old lady. But I think they just loved it and I think that it kind of made people feel like anyone can do this and that’s something I whole heartedly still believe. I don’t think that necessarily everyone’s going to love CrossFit that walks into your gym. There’s lots of reasons why they might not, but I think that if you approach each person correctly, like anyone can do it, you know, and there’s no one-size-fits-all program, and regardless of what’s on the whiteboard, you can have all these people like in your classes, you know, and I think of course, 99, I’m keeping her separate from that, but she can still be right off to the side and watching everything go down and feel like she’s part of it. And I think that’s important. And that was something that people liked to see.

Sean: 29:57 – How has the changing sort of media and social media landscape, everything that’s going on with HQ, how has that affected your gym?

Kirsten: 30:06 – You know, it’s funny like our gym is, we’ve had a lot of competitors come through our gym and we’ve had you know, like myself and one other person went to the Games, our team went to the Games. Like we’ve been to Regionals a bunch of times but still we have never been a competitive gym. Because I’ve always sort of like refused to make that be the focus of my gym. I want it to be everybody else. And so our competitors are always kind of off to the side and you’re like, the class is more important, you know, blah, blah, blah. And for that reason, no one’s really brought it up, you know, some people do and we’ll talk about of course, cause like, it’s a big change and it’s, I certainly miss parts of it for sure. But as a whole, our gym, doesn’t pay attention to a lot of that, for whatever reason, you know? And I think that’s been, I guess lucky for us. I wouldn’t want to be like losing people over it or something, but, I miss it.

Sean: 31:24 – What’s been your proudest moment as a coach?

Kirsten: 31:28 – As a coach. Proudest moment. Gosh…

Sean: 31:38 – Or moments.

Kirsten: 31:40 – Yeah. I think for me it is when I feel like, it’s like little moments when you tell somebody something and they hear it the right way and they make this change and they get super excited about it. Or just as I have gotten to be a better coach, how I feel like I can see, like the little problems in the way people move and I can fix it for them and make them a better athlete. And then I think too, just the way that coaching and you know, my role at the gym, has allowed me to like connect with people in a way that is I think powerful and different than when you’re just kind of like getting to know people. It’s really such a special relationship that you create with your members. At least for us. That makes me feel like just really lucky to be a coach, and it just feels like I’m doing something that matters I guess.

Sean: 33:03 – What does the future hold now for you as an athlete?

Kirsten: 33:09 – Well, I don’t really know. I mean, so I am currently like six and a half months pregnant.

Sean: 33:15 – Congratulations! That’s kind of burying the lede there, that’s awesome.

Kirsten: 33:23 – That’s been a change, so I don’t really know, you know, I have kind of been enjoying the transition of like really focusing on coaching and focusing on our gym. When I was competing, I would coach about one class a day, but other than that I was in the gym say from 10:30 until 6:30 just working out. So I was always around people. I was always there, always a big presence at the gym, but I didn’t get to coach that much because I had given away all my classes to my other amazing coaches so that I could train. And so getting to take on more classes now, and you know, I’m doing some early morning classes and then coaching all different classes every day so that I see everybody in our gym. That has been really a cool transition for me. I don’t know if I’ll go back to competing or not, especially with the way that everything is set up now. I’ve never felt like I can just pick up and go and travel because I don’t like being away from the gym as much, you know, I like to be really involved, and so I don’t know if that would work for me as far as like traveling to all the different Sanctionals and things like that. So I don’t really know. Like, I’ll definitely wait and see till after have the baby. See how that all goes down and how I, you know, recover and come back. And I do love competing. I am a competitive person. I think it’s so much fun. So I can see like maybe doing a team sometime or something like that, but going all in on like CrossFit Games training again, I don’t know. You know, I’m not sure. I feel like there’s a chance that that part of my life has ended, you know,

Sean: 35:19 – For sure. What’s the key to training while pregnant?

Kirsten: 35:24 – Oh man, it’s been really cool, I will say. I have followed people before me essentially who have gone through multiple pregnancies and you know, either like made mistakes and are now trying to educate people, as far as the way that they suggest you train. And so I followed this pregnancy/postpartum athleticism and Brianna Battles is the woman who runs it. And so I’ve gotten a lot of guidance through her. And most of it is and what I just pretty much tell people who come into our gym who are also pregnant or just not trying to stress the systems that are already being stressed. So you’re not trying to stress all your, your abdomen essentially. And I’m not trying to stress anything that, you know, adds more pressure to my pelvic floor, so I don’t run our jobs and I don’t do any gymnastics right now. Generally watch my heart rate to make sure I can always kind of like, if you ask me something I could answer you right back. So there’s like a few, I think kind of simple guidelines to follow and then of course every woman’s going to be different. So I have enjoyed that and I think had good success so far. I’ve been able to work out five, six days a week. I just join in on the class and I changed the movements that I can’t do anymore. And I’m still able to like feel like I did a workout. I have been healthy so far as far as like my blood pressure and everything like that. When I go to the doctor I feel like I’m doing the right things. My body doesn’t hurt, you know, stuff like that. So I think just making sure that you’re following the guidance of somebody who knows if you don’t feel like you know, is probably the biggest thing I’ve learned because I think that the whole like, if it feels good, do it is kind of like people are realizing, hey, that’s not always true. Like, just because it feels OK doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a great idea for your body and what is going to benefit you in the long run for once you have the baby and you’re trying to come back. That’s really been my biggest focus, is like I want to come back in as, you know, good of condition as I can and not have made mistakes that you can’t reverse, you know? So yeah. It’s been fun.

Sean: 37:57 – Final question. What has been the best part about your CrossFit journey?

Kirsten: 38:07 – I think for me it’s the people. It’s really the people and the experiences. You know, my husband and I have been together for 15 years and married for nine, we waited a while to have kids and I think that I’ve been looking back on that as like this really cool time where we got to travel to all these amazing places and CrossFit took us to, we went to Big Sky when they used to do the gatherings, and we went to, we competed in Hawaii multiple years and we got to go to Madison twice together. And you know, our time in SoCal was always so fun. And so we got to do all these like really cool things just because, you know, we had these like goals, you know, in CrossFit and what we wanted to do. And then on top of that, I’ve gotten to create this, like we have gone to create this community of like forever friends and really like family in a lot of ways that we get to just kind of watch and be with. And so it’s just so—it’s funny, I feel like it’s just because I, you know, I walked in the door that day to give it a try and I just kind of said yes to all the little opportunities that came along, and I think of course, you know, I feel like we’ve built this foundation on like the stuff we really believe in and the things we really believe matter, and we’ve gotten to like watch this gym and community just grow around us that I’m just so grateful for. So I think just the people that are in my life and the experience I’ve gotten to have just because of CrossFit, are my favorite thing. Like it’s just totally changed my life. Absolutely 100% changed my life. You know.

Sean: 40:08 – Kirsten, I really appreciate your time. Best of luck with the gym. Congratulations on the pregnancy. I hope all goes well with that.

Kirsten: 40:14 – Thank you so much.

Sean: 40:15 – And take good care of your dog and your husband.

Kirsten: 40:17 – I will; thank you so much, Sean, great to talk to you.

Sean: 40:20 – Big thanks to Kirsten Pedri for taking the time to speak with me. If you want to follow her on Instagram, you can find her @kpedri. Two-Brain Radio with Sean Woodland is brought to you by Two-Brain Business. To learn how to generate profit and take your business to the next level, c heck out “Founder, Farmer, Tinker, Thief” by Chris Cooper. It’s available now on Amazon and there’s an audio version where I will literally read it to you. Thanks for listening, everybody. We’ll see you next time.

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