Two-Brain Summit Speakers: Lisa Nichols

A portrait of speaker Lisa Nichols and the words "Yes! Yes!"

Some people were dancing. Some were crying. Everyone was yelling. It was bedlam.

And all I could think was: “I’m so glad I brought my daughter to see this.”

Lisa Nichols might be the best presenter I’ve ever seen. And that’s a long list—from Zig Ziglar to Seth Godin to Colin Powell to Christopher Reeves to Maya Angelou, I’ve seen a lot of speakers. Nichols tops them all. She’s more authentic than Henry Rollins, more energizing than Gary Vaynerchuk.

20 years ago, Lisa Nichols was a single mother on government assistance with less than $12 in her bank account. She never got above a C in school, and, at 27, found herself raising a child whose father was in prison. That’s when she hit rock bottom. She’s quoted as thinking, “I have to be my own rescue. No one’s going to rescue me.”

Her rise has included appearances on “Oprah.” Her teachings were cited in “The Secret.” She has six bestselling books of her own. And she will move you.

Like me, you will find yourself yelling “Yes! Yes!” in a room with friends and strangers. From the outside, it looks a bit like a tent revival. On the inside, it feels like the best birthday party ever.

After listening to Lisa, you will believe in yourself. You will feel like you’ve shed your skin. You might just shout.

Lisa will speak to gym owners and their teams at the Two-Brain Summit. Then she’ll appear for a live Q+A immediately afterward.

Other Media in This Series

“Two-Brain Summit Speakers: Jocko Willink”
“Two-Brain Summit Speakers: Todd Herman”

The Two-Brain Summit will be online and broadcast to select regional locations on June 19 and 20.
Get tickets and more info here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.