Two-Brain Radio: From "Coasting Along" to Serious Growth With Teegan Webb


Mateo: 00:02 – Hey, it’s Mateo of Two-Brain Marketing. On this edition of the Two-Brain Marketing podcast, I’m talking with Teegan Webb from SkyBox studio in Australia. You’ll learn all about her experience opening a boxing studio in a small town with her husband. You’ll also learn about her advertising system and how she spent $380 on ads and generated $8,500 in front-end sales. So you don’t want to miss this. Make sure to subscribe to Two-Brain Radio from more marketing tips and secrets each week.

Greg: 00:34 – Two-Brain Radio is brought to you by Two-Brain Business. We make gyms profitable. We’re going to bring you the very best tips, tactics interviews in the business world each week. To find out how we can help you create your Perfect Day, book a free call with a mentor at

Chris: 00:53 – Everybody hates their insurance company until they need their insurance company. My insurance recommendation is Vaughn Vernon of Affiliate Guard. Before I get into this story, I want to make it clear here that I don’t get any kickback for recommending Vaughn, but I’ve done it so many times. Whenever anybody online asks a question about insurance companies, I always say Affiliate Guard. Here’s why. Years ago when we affiliated with CrossFit, my insurance company dumped me, citing quote unquote “tractor pulls” that we were going to be doing, whatever the hell that is. I’ve never pulled a tractor in my life. I’ve driven lots of tractors and I can tell you, I don’t think I could pull one if I wanted to, but that’s besides the point. At that time, the person who swooped in and saved CrossFit gyms in Canada was Joanne LeGal, and if you’re in Canada, I recommend talking to her—period.You don’t have to talk to her first. You don’t have to talk to her last. Just talk to her, period. If you’re in the states though, I recommend Affiliate Guard because the program that I get through Joanne in Canada is really, really awesome and all inclusive. Joanne’s personality, though, is what keeps me with their company. In the states. Affiliate Guard is run by Vaughn Vernon, a massive personality, a CrossFitter, a Jujitsu guy. He drives dirt bikes, he has good-looking kids, all that stuff and his policy is the best. It’s really, really tough to tell when you’re reading your policy if the benefits are the same as someone else’s because they obscure stuff on purpose. It’s just like taxes. However, when I’m looking at my policy, I ask myself, “Will that guy get up in the middle of the night and helped me out?”This weekend was a great example of Vaughn’s personality. One of my friends and clients down in Florida had their garage door smashed open by a Mustang that was doing donuts in the parking lot and they texted me at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday and I wanted to help. So I texted Vaughn, he’s two hours behind me and he responded right away. Your insurance company is not going to do that. As I said at the start of this, everybody hates their insurance company until they need insurance. And when you do need insurance, you want them to answer the damn phone on a Sunday morning and you want to talk to the head man and you just want to know everything’s going to be OK. With Affiliate Guard, it is.

Mateo: 03:10 – Hello, welcome to the Two-Brain Marketing podcast. I’m your host Mateo Lopez and I am here with Teegan Webb with two Bs from Western Australia. Teegan I’m going to go ahead and let you explain where you are, where you’re from and your business. So, but first, how’s it going?

Teegan: 03:28 – It’s going great. Thank you so much for having me. I feel very privileged to be speaking to you.

Mateo: 03:34 – Oh, well thanks for taking the time. So for those listening, tell us a little about who you are, where you’re from and a little bit about your business.

Teegan: 03:45 – So we are in a pretty remote area in Western Australia. Our closest capital city is Perth, which is a five-hour drive away. So it’s a long way away. City of Geraldton is probably about 30 to 40,000 people and it’s quite spread out. We don’t live in a concentrated hub. It’s quite widespread. I own and run a boxing gym and fitness studio with my husband. We’re just a husband and wife team and we’re slowly integrating some new staff due to overwhelming, boosted numbers thanks to Two-Brain. So yeah, that’s us. Yeah.

Mateo: 04:26 – Awesome. Okay. So, I’ve never been to Perth or the Western part of your continent, but I spent a lot of time in Melbourne for a while, which was great. So your country’s awesome. Tell me a little bit about how you got into fitness and what it was like starting up your own studio in a small town.

Teegan: 04:47 – So I’ve not been doing fitness my whole life. I was not one of those genetically blessed people that came out running and jumping and being amazing. Fitness was something that came later in my life. I was always dabbling in retail and other blah, blah jobs. And I just found a serious passion for boxing and running. And then I thought, you know what? This is what I want to do all day, every day. I don’t want to do a nine to five job. I want to live my passion and I couldn’t really find anywhere that catered for me. I’d done everything. I’d done Les Mills group fitness, I joined gyms and I get bored too quickly. So I thought, you know what, I’m going to open my own gym and I’m going to do things my way. I’m also a yoga instructor, so it was like boxing, yoga, fitness. It was for women, for kids and for men and for everyone. So we’re a bit of a niche market. We’re not like—we’re an un-gym gym.

Mateo: 05:51 – Yeah. Tell me a little bit more about that, because a lot of the people who are on here are obviously CrossFit gyms or powerlifting or strength-and-conditioning gyms. So tell me a little bit about your service offering and the programs you offer and how you bring people in and what you’ve prescribed to them in terms of a fitness solution.

Teegan: 06:08 – First and foremost, we’re a boxing gym. We have a competition team who actively compete and fight. We also do a lot of kids classes. We’ve got probably 60 to 70 kids at the moment and a waitlist to take on more. And then we run everything as well from like boxing for fitness, so where it’s bags and pad work and your general, you know, lunges and squats and abs and all those things integrated. So we try to offer a bit of everything. We do one-to-one PTs where we teach people the fundamentals of boxing from absolute beginners. And then like I said, through to the competition team. My husband’s also an amazing trainer as far as weights and things like that goes. So he also does a lot of PT clients. So that sort of thing. So yeah, we’re a bit of a broad spectrum of everything and anything goes.

Mateo: 07:03 – It’s interesting because a lot of CrossFit gyms I talked to often struggle with the fact that if they’ve been open for three, four, five years, they’ll have people who get kind of advanced and then want to start competing. And then there’s like a competitive cell that develops in their gym and then they have a tough time balancing that with the people who just want to get in shape. And then they have like a crisis of identity because it’s like, who do we cater to? Who’s more important? And often the ones who’ve been there longer are louder, but they are smaller. So how have you balanced that where you have, it sounds like a very competitive team that is serious about training and competing and then also the people who are in for general fitness. How do you balance those two?

Teegan: 07:48 – So we’re pretty lucky because at the moment, a lot of our competition boxers, they’re amazing coaches. They know how to teach people. They know how to talk to people. They, you know, they’ve been taught that way, so they love to give it back. So we’re really lucky that in a lot of our classes our beginners will work with our more experienced boxers so that they learn from the best. You know, they’re not two beginners floundering around. So we are extremely lucky that we can nurture our competition t
eam. They can go to other clubs or down to Perth for inter club to work with people at their own level. Then they’ve got each other and then they’re also nurturing back in their own club. So yeah, we’re extremely lucky that we can find that balance. Yeah.

Mateo: 08:35 – That’s awesome. So it sounds like you’re able to balance it in the classes because for them It sounds like they’re also teaching and giving back while still getting their workout in which is, that’s awesome. Okay.

Teegan: 08:54 – I think being inclusive is really important in that I think a lot of newbies or people that are new, they love to see the level that a competition boxer will train at. So for them to be in the same class as a competition boxer, they’re like, wow. Like, wow. So I feel like it brings everyone up to standard. You know, they know what’s expected and what they can strive towards.

Mateo: 09:18  – I’m skipping ahead a little bit, but this is bringing up something that’s interesting too, because with CrossFit, a lot of people are intimidated. I imagine if you’re coming into a boxing gym, you see some jacked people go, you know, hitting really fast. I imagine that would also be intimidating. So how do you in your sales process assuage some of those fears or if people coming in, I want to try this, but it looks like, I don’t know, it looks kind of scary. Am I going to get hit in the face? What’s going to happen?

Teegan: 09:43 – Yeah. But then sometimes I also feel like with boxing, maybe it’s the opposite. We get a lot of people come in and go, oh yeah, I want to compete. Yeah, I watch UFC, and then they’re like one class and they’re on the floor in pieces and they’re like I can’t do this. So maybe we’re the opposite realm, we get the ones that want to come in and go hard and then realize they can’t.

Mateo: 10:05 – Oh, okay, okay. That’s interesting. But that also makes sense. Yeah. There’s more of a sport that more people have seen. Like I want to be like that. And they come in and they’re like, Oh wait, I don’t want to feel like that anymore. Okay, cool. All right. So how long has your gym been open then?

Teegan: 10:23 – So we’ve only been open, it was two years in April, so yeah, two and a half years. So we’re in still—we’re building.

Mateo: 10:30 – Yeah. And what was life like in the early days, also working with your husband and then what was kind of the, you know, the catalyst for wanting to, you know, inquire about Two-Brain and sign up for mentorship?

Teegan: 10:47 – So I think we started and things were quiet and then we built and slowly we got a little group, you know, we’ve got a little hustle of boxers and it was great. We felt great, we felt blessed that people chose to train with us. We were living our dream. And then we got to the point where we were like, what are we doing now? Like, I dunno. We were okay, like, you know, we’re making enough money to make ends meet. It wasn’t anything great, but it was employing both of us and we were together and that’s what makes us happy. And then, yeah, I feel like when you open a business, it’s this massive, exciting, you know, you’re just going on no sleep because it’s so fun and great and you know, all those wonderful things and then all of a sudden it becomes a job. It’s a real serious job. And you feel like you get to the top of the cliff almost and you’re looking over the edge thinking, do I jump? Or you know, like, what’s next? Is this is a wise move or should we just start walking back down to where it’s safe? So I think we needed somebody to help us make those decisions to tell us that it’s okay and push, like keep going, keep pushing. Yeah. Jump off the cliff cause you’ll be fine.

Mateo: 11:59 – Awesome. Yeah. And I think, yeah, it can be scary because, and Coop talks about this a lot, too. It’s like the things that brought you success in one phase of your business are not going to take you to the next level in the same way. Right. So you have to find what those things are to make those changes and having a mentor can really help with that. So what was the first thing that you saw change as you went through mentorship?

Teegan: 12:26 – I think maybe accountability for myself and what I was spending my time doing and it was valuing my time a little bit more and being a little bit wiser with it. Yeah.

Mateo: 12:38 – So doing that like exercise where you’re calculating your hourly rate and realizing, Oh wait a second, I probably should hire this job out because this doesn’t make sense for me or whatever.

Teegan: 12:49 – I was the opposite, I was like, Oh, I’m happy to do that to get paid like $2 an hour. And my husband was like, well I’m not. He’s like, we’re getting stooged.

Mateo: 13:00 – Yeah, totally. Okay, awesome. And so what was your new-client acquisition strategy prior to Two-Brain and prior to the Two-Brain Marketing stuff?

Teegan: 13:13 – I cringe thinking about it now. It was atrocious. I didn’t know how to do it. I feel like I’m one of those people that I’m a little bit impulsive and I guess I just opened a gym and was like, here I am, like come on everybody, come train. And then you get those few people and you’re like, woohoo, and then I was like, so hello. Anybody else? I have no idea how to find people. I had no idea at all. None.

Mateo: 13:45 – So was it just kind of word of mouth before and it was just kinda like, all right, find a couple boxers and they told a couple of people and then that was it.

Teegan: 13:53 – Yup. Yup. That was how it worked. Yeah, small town. I was like, people know about us. They’ll come if they want, if they don’t, it’s no biggie. Yeah, that was us.

Mateo: 14:05 – And so once you started to, you were working with Colm, and once you start to build out your system, what were some of the results that, you know, what changed, what results did you see from your first campaign?

Teegan: 14:16 – The first campaign was massive and it was something that we’d never done before. And I understand now why it’s done. But at the time I was like, I’m never going to be one of those gyms. I’m never going to be one of those Oh quick, limited 10 places, get in now. Oh God. I cringe watching them myself. So I was like, I’m never going to do that. And now that I’ve done it, I’m like, yeah, no wonder it works. It’s brilliant. Like I feel like we made ours quite personal. Like I spoke on the video. It was unscripted, it was just how I felt about training. And I thought, you know what? This is what women, this is, you know, we targeted our first campaign towards women and it works. Women procrastinate, we need routine. We need to be held accountable.

Teegan: 15:06 – We need to feel part of something. We, you know, it was all those things that I felt and once I said it and other women were like, wow, like that’s exactly how I feel. And I was like, because you’re not alone, you know? And I think that’s the biggest thing with your marketing is I didn’t really know who I was reaching out to. I felt like I was just throwing it out there and something in it worked. And it was all those marketing. It was all those strategies of putting all those little pieces into place. It took a long time to get up like the program, you know, like the schedule and what I wanted to sell. It took a long time. But when it was done it was really good. It’s really good. Yeah.

Mateo: 15:46 – That’s awesome. So how did you structure, cause your gym is a little bit different than a lot of the ones we work with. So how did you structure your offer and what did you decide to first sell?

Teegan: 15:56 – The offer is perfect and it’s pretty much something we’d never done before, which, I dunno if it’s Two-Brain or CrossFit, but it’s called on-ramp. Right. I didn’t know on-ramp was, I had no freaking idea what on-ramp was. Now I know how to sell on-ramp because Two-Brain’s taught me that. And when I sell it, I tell women, this is why you need it. Because for a stranger coming into any gym and going into a class, that is that scary as hell. Like that is so scary. And I admire that. Now
my clients that have actually done that without having any on-ramp, I’m like, you guys are amazing. I never would have done that. I’m like, you’re incredible. So now when I sell it to women, it’s, yeah, it’s a six-week package. They spend two weeks doing PT, which is on-ramp, to get them ready for classes.

Teegan: 16:46 – So we know they know how to box. They know how to pad hold. They know how to do a squat, a lunge, you know, they know every exercise. They’re never gonna walk into a class and go, what the hell? Like we prepped them for that. So a lot of women are like, oh, awesome. Like that’s just what I want to hear. So yeah. And they’re used to us, you know, they’re used to the gym, they’re used to us as coaches, coming to a class is not a big deal by the end of the two weeks with us. So yeah.

Mateo: 17:14 – I mean that’s how I would want, if I were to pick up boxing, that’s how I would want to start. I would want to start with one-on-ones first. But even just the sparring, shadowing drills with a partner can be like really scary. So if you have it with the coach first, yeah. That just makes perfect sense. How much did you spend on your first campaign and what were the results from that?

Teegan: 17:34 – Just under $400. It was like 386 cents and I turned over like eight and a half thousand dollars.

Mateo: 17:44 – Wow. Pretty awesome return on that. What was it like dealing with the leads coming in?

Teegan: 17:54 – Full-on. That was the biggest thing that surprised me is how much time I spent doing that. And I had my call with my original mentor, with Laurie, and she was like Teegan, what he’s taking up the most time and I was like, lead, nurture. I was like, it’s exhausting. And we had the discussion where she was like, it might be that something you need to pass on. And I was like, okay, okay. And then I had a thought, I had to think about it, and I thought, you know what, lead nurture is like one of the highlights of my job. I love it. I love contacting the clients. I love pestering people—no. But I love just touching base with them. And I love the No-Sweat Intro of just getting to know someone and how they tick. And I think because sales is so new to me that I’m finding it really interesting. Like I’ve never had a sales job before to this extreme that’s so personal. So I’m really enjoying getting to understand that a little bit more.

Chris: 18:57 – Hey guys, it’s Chris Cooper. If you’ve ever run out of money, you know that it affects every single corner of your life, all of your relationships, your business, even your self-worth. And so when I found a mentor in 2009, I said, I want to share this gift with everyone. Since then, I’ve been building and refining and improving a mentorship practice that we now call Two-Brain Business. We break our mentorship into several stages. The first stage is the Incubator, which is a 12-week sprint to get your foundation built, to get you started on retention and employee programs and finding the best staff, putting them in the best roles, training them up to be successful, and then recruiting more clients. It’s an amazing program. It is the culmination of over a decade of work. It’s also the sum of best practices from over 800 gyms around the world. These aren’t just my ideas anymore. What we do is track with data what’s working for whom and when, and we test new ideas against that data to say, is this actually better? Then when ideas have proven themselves conclusively, then we put it in our Incubator or Growth or Tinker programs. I just wrote “Founder, Farmer, Tinker, Thief” to define who should be doing what in what stage of entrepreneurship. But no matter where you are, the Incubator is your first 12-week sprint to get as far as possible in your business. We’re a mentorship practice for one reason: Mentorship is what works. We work with gym owners for one reason: Because you have the potential to change the world with us, and I hope you do.

Mateo: 20:27 – So what is the process like? How do you approach it? So the lead comes in you call them, you know, how do you approach that phone call to get people to come in and to make them feel like, oh, it’s boxing gym, but don’t worry, it’s going to be awesome.

Teegan: 20:41 – Yeah. I’m always just like, oh, you know, thanks so much for your interest and like it’s so great know to speak to you and I’m like, we’d love for you to come in. We really want you to see our gym, we really want you to meet us and I really want you to hear about our six-week program because it’s something that is working so well for so many women and it’s been really carefully considered and thought out. So yeah, I love that. Yeah. They’re interested in and I want them to come in and delve into it. Yeah.

Mateo: 21:12 – And so they walk into the door, what happens?

Teegan: 21:15 – Well, they see us, so naturally they’ve got a smile on their face. No. So I always greet them. Yeah, we come in, we have a puppy, we have a pet dog that comes with us. So she’s a draw card. She usually runs up and is like, you know, trying to tear their leg off and things. Yeah. So we’ve got a pretty open space. Our gym’s a really nice open space. So yeah, they come in and they sit down. I love my Two-Brain NSI sheet that I have all ready to go. All my little lead questions on it and yeah, my first go-to question I think is always like, so what are you looking for? Like what are you hoping that a fitness program or an exercise regime like what are your hopes out of this? And yet, and I found the answers are nearly always the same. For women, it’s they’re either it’s been career that’s gotten in the way or it’s been children or they’re quite young and they’ve just spent the last few years pretty much making bad choices so they’re ready to commit to something. And I think that’s been the biggest thing is that that’s what they’re looking for. They want accountability. And they what commitment.

Mateo: 22:25 – Awesome. You lead with that question. You have your sheet you take them through. What else, do you do anything differently for your intake process than like maybe some of the other people do in some of the barbell gyms. Do you do any kind of movement assessment? Do you do any kind of like scan or is it just like, yeah, we’re going to box and have a great time. Sign up here and see you tomorrow.

Teegan: 22:46 – Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. We’ve got like body-composition scales. So I’m always like, we gotta get you on there. That’s going to be your first session is we’re going to weigh you in. We’re going to teach you how to wrap your hands. That’s a massive thing because it’s like putting on a uniform. Like you wrap your hands, you’re ready for business. And the women love it. They’re like, yes, this is so cool. So yeah, that’s the go-to and then yeah, and then we get moving.

Mateo: 23:15 – That’s awesome. Yeah, I bet that ritual, that’s probably, that’s probably a highlight for a lot of people for sure. That’s really cool. Getting to the end here, but I want to ask you what, what’s it like, how has it been, and I know for a lot of people, yeah, I want to know how it’s been with your husband working in this new business together. How has that been like, you know, how has the dynamic been? What were you expecting? What surprised you and how do you continue to—I mean, it sounds like the business is going really well, so I just want to know how that experience has been for you.

Teegan: 23:50 – It’s been really good. I’m a bit of a workaholic, so that’s probably one of the hardest things in our marriage is that he’s like, get off the computer, get off, like stop doing what you’re doing. But I’m like, I just gotta watch one more podcast. Yeah, I could spend hours like geeking out on my lead sheets and stuff. That’s me all day long. And he’s just an amazing coach. He’s the best trainer. He’s the best coach. So I think we have the perfect combination. I’m a total geek. I love the computer side of it and getting to know all that sort of business, the marketing and everything like that. And he just love
s training people. So now the biggest thing for us is we’ve got our roles and tasks now, we understand what they are and now we’re starting to give them out to people. We’re starting to take a bit—I know you always own your own business and you run your own business, but until you start delegating tasks, you don’t realize how much you do until you’re like, oh actually it’s going to take four people now to take the workload of what we were doing. We just didn’t realize that. So that’s the hardest part is letting go of little things that we like to hold onto.

Mateo: 25:11 – Jeff was on here, Burlingame was on here the other day and he was saying if you’re going to have a partner or business partner, the key is you have to enjoy doing different things. If you both enjoy doing the same thing, it’s never going to work. And it sounds like, yeah, it sounds like your husband’s really passionate about training and coaching. It sounds like you’re really into the client-facing side and in terms of the intake and the processes. So that’s awesome. And I think that’s really important. I guess the last thing I want to ask is, you know, it sounds like you’ve seen a lot of growth in the past two years. It sounds like you’re growing even more now. What do you think has been the key to your success so far?

Teegan: 25:56 – Two-Brain.

Mateo: 25:59 – You don’t have to say that by the way. You don’t have to say it.

Teegan: 26:04 – It’s changed everything. It’s changed how we see our business. We used to see it as, yeah, a job we brought ourselves, a cool, not a hobby, like it was always a business, but it was, I don’t think we took it that seriously. We were just happy to coast along. And now that we’re like seeing the potential of what we’re actually capable of, it’s blown our minds. Like, we were just like, wow, wow. Where did these people come from? You know, we undervalued ourselves. We were charging a pittance. Like we really were, we look at it now and we’re like, God, what were we thinking? We were cringing that everyone around us was charging double, you know, and we were like, God, you know, and now we’re like, we’re worth it. We’re bloody worth it. So that’s been a huge thing.

Teegan: 26:53 – And that was a lot down to Laurie, like our mentor being like, you guys, cut it out. Like you’re kidding yourselves, she was like, stop now. So that was huge. We put in new pricing structure, which was, it was tough. We went back and forth over it a lot and it was one of the hardest things, but we’d come to some really good decisions. Our clients are really happy with it. We’ve taken on, you know, a cleaner, extra coaches. Like, we’re delegating roles now and we’re watching our gym and our, you know, it’s our life. We’re watching it grow like in front of our eyes. And yeah, it’s been really pleasantly surprising. You know, it has been hard work. Like we’ve, you know, I’ve put in a lot of hours getting the marketing, the pricing, just getting my head around all, you know, the Two-Brain, like, you know, using it to the best that I could. And it’s paying off. It really is. Yeah, for sure.

Mateo: 27:49 – Yeah. I think what you said earlier, until you start to delegate and until you start to look at the roles and tasks and change your mindset a little bit, the business owns you instead of you owning the business, it owns you and your time. Well, that’s great. That’s amazing. I’m so excited for you. If people want to learn more about you, people want to come to Australia and box, if people want to learn more about that, where can they find you?

Teegan: 28:20 – So we have our website, which is SkyBox You can find us on Facebook, SkyBox studio, Instagram, SkyBox studio, everywhere.

Mateo: 28:35 – Awesome. Well, thank you Teegan for taking the time.

Teegan: 28:38 – Thank you so much for having us and yeah, Two-Brain has been amazing. Yeah, thank you.

Greg: 28:46 – Thank you for listening to Two-Brain Radio. Make sure to subscribe to receive the most up-to-date episodes wherever you get your podcasts from. To find out how we can help create your Perfect Day, book a free call with a mentor at

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