Supercharge Your Coaches and Build Your Gym’s Bottom Line

A fitness coach at the Two-Brain Summit raises her hand to celebrate an epiphany.

A lot of the top gym owners in Two-Brain bring their coaches to our annual summit.

Interestingly, many say they’re in the top echelon of owners because they bring their coaches.

The speakers we’re presenting on the Coaches Stage at our summit are there to empower your staff: to give them the tools and skills they need to build on your platform and thrive.

In one weekend, they’ll learn everything they need to build careers for themselves. And they’ll have options: They can stack different plans together like Lego blocks, depending on their passions and skill sets.

For example, a coach who attends will get the tools needed to create a career that includes habits-based nutrition coaching and semi-private training in addition to more traditional options such as personal training and coaching group classes. Cynthia Fotti and Brian Bott will lay out a path that didn’t exist years ago but can now allow a fitness professional to earn a great living without coaching 13 hours a day.

If a gym is set to encourage intrapreneurialism—and it should be—coaches will earn four-ninths of the revenue they generate with programs like this, which can result in great hourly rates. The gym allocates the rest of the revenue to fixed costs (22 percent) and profit (33 percent). Everyone wins!

Coaches will also learn to grow one-on-one practices, improve adherence rates in classes, work through tough conversations, develop their coaching skills, and get kids and youth moving for life.

They’ll try out some new things, like fitness racing with DEKA, and they’ll have two chances to work out in sessions led by Jason Khalipa of NCFIT, who will demonstrate what he considers to be 10-out-of-10 coaching.

All in all, your coaches will be fired up to act when they get back to the gym. That passion can fuel careers, increase client satisfaction and add revenue to a gym’s bottom line.

I’m bringing my GM and my head coach. I hope to meet your crew there, too. Every year, I love to meet driven, passionate fitness professionals and watch gym owners glow in the thanks they receive from the coaches they brought with them!

Get Two-Brain Summit tickets here!


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.