“What do you say when a lead says ‘I need to think about it’ in a sales meeting?”
This is one of the most frequent questions I see in the gym community.
Two-Brain clients have access to a host of sales resources, including regular “office hours” with sales and marketing experts. But I’d like to help you here by telling you exactly what to say in a number of scenarios.
See, I want you to close more sales this week and earn more as an entrepreneur.
What should you do with the money you earn with improved sales skills?
I’d invest it to make even more money. Mentorship is a great investment: If you get expert help building your business, you’ll more than cover the cost of mentorship and quickly drive up your profit.
But feel free start with the sales solutions I’ve got for you below. If these lines help you earn more members, consider booking a call with a member of my team to talk about hitting additional “easy buttons” in your business.
The Words You Need in the Sales Office
To close more sales, you must contact leads as soon as they appear. The gold standard: Call within five minutes of opt in. Then keep calling until you get hold of the person.
If you reach the lead, your goal is to get them to book a free consultation the same day or the next day.
Speed matters in sales!
If you use this process, here are some of the things you’ll hear—and exactly what you should say in response.
Objection Handling While Booking Consultations
If they say: “I’m busy” or “call me later” or “I’m at work.”
You say: “No worries. I wanted to see what time you’d like to come in tonight to check out the program. I’m here until 8 p.m.”
If they say: “I’m with my kids right now.”
You say: “No problem! We are kid friendly.”
If they say: “I’m too old” or “I’m too out of shape.”
You say: “No worries! We are beginner friendly. What time would you like to come in?”
If they say: “What’s the cost?”
You say: “I can’t go over pricing over the phone because our programs are customizable. But what I can do is tell you that we just sold 10 programs last week and we have two spots left. What time do you want to come in tonight? I’m here until 8 p.m.”
If they say: “Can you tell me a bit more about the program?”
You say: “You’ll be lifting weights, doing cardio and doing many other types of training. People love this program. What time do you want to come in?”
Closing Sales
If they say: “I need to think about it.”
You say: “Totally understand. Is three days or three months better for you?” Then, “It really doesn’t matter how long you have. You’re going to have to confront the decision. Do you think that this program will work? Do you have the money for two weeks’ worth of the program? And do you think I can help you?”
Or you say: “Totally understandable. Can I just ask you where we are on a scale of 1-10, 10 being ‘I am going to buy right now’ and 1 being ‘I never want to speak to you again’?” After they reply, ask, “What would it take to get you to a 10?” Then answer the question and finalize the sale.
If they say: “I need to sleep on it. I don’t make fast financial decisions.”
You say: “I totally get it. I’m the same way, but I wouldn’t consider this a fast decision. You’ve been wanting to achieve [INSERT GOAL] for a while now. I think this program is the perfect opportunity to achieve that without wasting any more time, money or energy.”
If they say: “I’ve got a lot going on. I don’t know if I can commit.”
You say: “You will always have a lot of things coming up. It’s never a good time with holidays, birthdays, parties. You have to commit to reach your goals. You want to do this or not?”
If they say: “I need to think about it still.”
You say: “I totally understand, but let’s take this first step and make a commitment to your health. You are making a decision either way, so let’s take a step in the right direction.”
Or you say: “If everything about this program were perfect, would you sign up right now? What are we missing?”
If they say: “I really need to think about it. It’s expensive/I’ll lose money.”
You say: “You can spend the money and then commit to seeing results. You are investing in yourself and your goals. You can see amazing results or walk out the door without trying.”
If they say: “I need to ask my spouse/partner.”
You say: “Totally understand. What if they say ‘no’?”
If they say that their spouse will probably not say “no,” then get them started!
If they say they will not be able to join if their spouse says “no,” ask them if it is because of the program. Then you say: “I understand. But if your partner is anything like mine, they would want you to reach your goals.”
Rehearse and Help First
Are there other things you can say? Of course.
But everything above will help you handle a host of very common situations. I’d recommend you practice delivering these lines: Use the mirror or role-play with a partner or staff member.
As you get more comfortable delivering the lines, you’ll feel more confident. As you gain confidence, your own personality will show through, and you might make small adjustments so the words are yours.
The thing to remember: Handing objections and closing sales are essential skills for gym owners. If you can’t guide someone to sign up for your services, you can’t change their lives.
It’s not about being pushy. It’s about recognizing that someone reached out to you for help, and you need to provide it.
Once you realize that selling is helping in the fitness world, you’ll handle objections and close sales with ease.