Taking Prices off Your Website? Read This First.

A woman checking prices on her phone - when to take prices off your gym website

For many gym owners, taking prices off the website is a good idea.

But it’s not for everyone.

If either of the statements below is true, leave the prices on your website:

1. Your gym is successful enough that you don’t want to talk to every potential lead—especially those who are price shopping. I fall into this category.

2. You don’t have a plan to overcome price objections from potential clients (because you’re going to hear price objections from every client who doesn’t know your prices in advance).

Here’s What Happens When you Remove Prices From Websites

Removing your prices from your website will help you meet more people who have no idea what your service is worth.

In the early stages of gym ownership, that’s valuable: You want to talk to the early adopters who aren’t price sensitive. And, frankly, you need more reps at the sales process.

Sometimes, it’s wise to start conversations and put your prices into the context of your high-value service. But that’s only useful if you have a plan for those conversations.

If you’re not good at overcoming price objections, then do yourself a favor: Leave your prices on your website. Avoid the frustration of flooding your gym with leads who can’t afford your service. If your price comes as a shock to potential clients, they won’t buy—no matter how good your intro.

Fact 1: Removing prices from your website will create conversations with more potential clients. Fact 2: Those conversations will usually be about price. Are you really prepared to overcome the price objection? If you’re not, let your website do it for you.

The gyms that need cold leads every single month usually have really high turnover. They have to replace a lot of departed people and need all the conversations they can get.

But if your gym is successful, you’ll eventually need less marketing and fewer conversations. That means you want to talk to clients for whom price isn’t the primary concern. With clients like this, requiring them to fill out a form to get your prices will turn them off. They’ll think you have something to hide. And they’ll be right.

You can get better at the consultative process by following the Prescriptive Model. The step-by-step instructions are here.

For a more in-depth discussion of when to remove prices from your website (and when to put them on) read this article.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.