Make Money With Media in Minutes: Do This Today

A blue alarm clock sits next to a notepad with "time to engage" written in red letters.

In the gym business, media is all about consistency and momentum, not perfection.

Here’s a common problem:

A gym owner knows she should produce media but doesn’t know what to create. Or she feels overwhelmed by the thought of creating it and puts the project off week after week.

Here, we’ll solve that problem for two weeks and help you build some media momentum with your mailing list. Read on.

A head shot of writer Mike Warkentin and the column name "Pressing It Out."

First, remember this: Media does not have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to be perfect.  

To kickstart your output—or add to it if you aren’t struggling to produce content—just follow this two-week plan.

Week 1

Open your email program of choice and copy and paste the message below. Where you see brackets, fill in the correct info. Then send the message to your mailing list. Here it is:

Hi [Member’s Name]!

I just wanted to let you know about the things we have planned for the next two months.

Check it out:

[Insert bullet-point list of coming events between now and Jan. 15. Be sure to include hyperlinks to landing or sign-up pages in case people want more info or want to sign up.]

Does anything on that list really interest you? Hit “reply” and let me know!

And if you’re not currently training with us, we’re running a free consultation blitz right now. Click [here—link] to book a No Sweat Intro and talk about your fitness goals for 2021. I have slots available this week!

[Your Name]

Now about that list of upcoming events … . I hope you have some planned—nutrition kickstarts, bring-a-friend events, wine and WOD nights, movement clinics, specialty programs, etc. Two-Brain clients have access to all sorts of plug-and-play events that can be added to your calendar in short order (ask your mentor!).

But if you don’t have any events planned, just do this: Shine a spotlight on existing programs and generate some excitement. Do not under any circumstances avoid sending this email because “I have nothing planned.” Just highlight existing programs or regularly scheduled programming.

For example:

  • Have you signed up for our Dec. 1 workout? We’re going to kick off the last month of the year with a fun benchmark. Click [here—link] and sign up for this special class so you don’t miss out.
  • We have partner workout planned for Dec. 15, with prizes for the top teams. Message your gym buddy and log into a time slot [here—link].
  • Treat yourself to success in December: Book a skill session with a coach. If you’re struggling with any movements, now is the time to get some one-on-one coaching. Remember, the CrossFit Open is coming in the New Year. Click [here—link] to book a skill session.

This isn’t “cheating.” It’s communicating with your audience. And you probably aren’t doing it often enough.

Week 2

As the holidays approach, people are always looking for gift ideas. I bet you have some.

Here’s your cut-and-paste message:

Hi [Member’s Name]!

Are you struggling to think of gifts for anyone on your list this year?

Here are a few things that might be perfect for your friends and family—or maybe your loved ones might appreciate some gift ideas for you:

  • Check out our selection of apparel and gear [here—link to online store].
  • Did you know you can purchase an on-ramp or gift certificate for a loved one? Hit reply and I’ll hook it up!
  • You can purchase PT sessions for others—or they can buy them for you. Click [here—link to PT booking].
  • You can book friends into our next [nutrition kickstart/seminar/specialty program] by clicking [here—link to next event].

And here are three special gifts for you!

1. I’ve got a great recipe for a quick, healthy meal you can use during the busy holiday season: [insert link to one of your recipes or to any healthy holiday meal that fits with your nutrition philosophy].

2. If anyone you know needs assistance with food or fitness, help them book a free consultation with me. If they like, you can even come along for support. Here’s the link: [No Sweat Intro page].

3. I want you to thrive in 2021, and I’m all in to help you accomplish your goals. So let’s talk about them: click [here—goal review link] to book a Goal Review Session with me. I’d love to touch base and get you on track for the New Year.

All the best!

[Your Name]

Get Moving!

Cutting, pasting and filling in the blanks will only take minutes. And I’d guess that these two emails will result in revenue or consultations and Goal Review Sessions, aka “chances to generate revenue.”

Do the math: If it takes you 20 minutes to create these two emails and you make a single $50 apparel sale as a result, your return is $150 an hour. But I bet you’ll sell more than one hoodie.

So get moving: Cut, paste, fill, send!


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.