How to Literally Make Money in Fitness

A graph of arrows pointing up made up of workout icons - how to literally make money in fitness

Fitness is a $94-billion industry.

And not one dollar of that is for you.

Every dollar you earn in fitness is a dollar you have to create yourself.

There’s no giant pool full of money waiting for you to dip your hands into. You’ll have to convince people to spend money on your fitness service instead of spending money on something else. You’ll have to make your service their priority.

You create money by creating value.

In this series, I’m going to teach you how to think about creating and selling value differently.

What Is Value?

2020 has created an opportunity for you to think differently about your service. And it’s also increased your value to your clients. There’s never been a better time to make money because you’ve never been more valuable to your clients, to their friends and to your community.

Before we really dig in, here’s what you need to understand:

You create money by creating value.

In my interview with Bob Burg, author of “The Go-Giver” series, he said that value has five parts:

Excellence—In order to charge what you’re worth, you have to be worth it. Many gyms simply aren’t. Read more here.

Consistency—You have to be predictable. People need to know how you’ll react, what your rules are and that they can depend on you. If your 6-a.m. coach isn’t as good as you are or if your clients are saying things like “it’s not the same when you’re not here,” then you need to build your business differently. That’s what our RampUp program is built to do.

Attention—Your clients must receive 1:1 attention from you or their coaches. They must have a 1:1 relationship with your brand, even if they only attend group classes. This doesn’t always mean personal training, but it does mean customization (in person or online).

Empathy—You have to demonstrate your care. When it comes to your clients, it’s not enough to keep your feelings to yourself. You must demonstrate your care daily.

Appreciation—You must say “thank you” to everyone you can as often as you can—especially when you don’t feel like it. Grand gestures, like “100 WOD Club” T-shirts, are really cool, but it’s better to give meaningful thanks often than to buy someone a T-shirt after they’ve been a client for a year.

How does all this make you money?

Any dollar you make is a dollar you’ll have to create.

You create money by creating value.

In the next article in this series, I’m going to teach you the process of determining your rates based on the value you provide.

Other Media in This Series

How to Sell Your True Value
How to Increase Your Value
28-Day Virtuosity Challenge


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.