What I Learned at a Live Event: Making Connections

Chris Cooper speaking at the Two-Brain Summit - what I learned at a live event

I have tremendous “who luck.”

The right people tend to show up in my life at the right time. Staff, mentors, partners—I usually find the best right when I need them most. But it’s not serendipity. I believe in producing luck, not waiting for chance.

I find the right people at the right time by spending a lot of time with the right people. If I want to hire, befriend or partner with driven, positive people, then the best way to meet these people is to go where they are.

“Chance” means waiting for the right people to find you. “Luck” means going where they are and meeting as many as possible.

The top value of a live or online summit event? The connections you make.


First, you can connect with the others in the audience. Lean on them for ideas, support and context.

At the 2019 Two-Brain Summit, Jay Williams had everyone in the audience find a partner. Then we pledged to hold each other accountable to an important task. My partner’s job was to hold me accountable for stretching. Every night for the next month, she texted me at 8 p.m. to ask, “Did you stretch today?”

Guess what? I did!

When you attend a live event—even when it’s virtual—you’re going to meet some collaborators. You’re going to talk about your gyms. You’re going to get some ideas, some tips and some support. Not all the knowledge gained at these events is delivered from the stage.


Second, you can connect with the speakers and leaders. Turn to them for mentorship or to help your team.

I met Dan Martell at the Archangel event in 2016. Two-Brain was a small business with revenues under $500,000 per year. His talk had me totally engaged, and when I found out he was a CrossFitter, we got in touch. Over the next two years, Two-Brain grew 600 percent with Dan’s help.

When I’m at an online event now, I always try to find two or three speakers for our Tinker program or future Summit events. I met Lisa Nichols at a live event in 2019 and knew she’d be perfect for our 2021 Summit. At an online event in March 2021, I was introduced to three amazing speakers and hired two to speak to our Tinker group immediately.


Third, you can connect with your own team members. Use events to strengthen your bonds.

It’s hard to build your team or your culture when you’re just working all the time. Taking your staff away for a weekend, showing them your vision and working together on a common goal—all of that is priceless. Exposing them to famous people is a gift they’ll never get anywhere else.

Have you ever had a boss sign you up for a Jocko Willink workshop? No way. But you can do that for them: Your entire team can watch our keynote speakers and view special content for coaches online with your Summit ticket purchase.

As great as you are, you’re only one person. Imagine if the collective power of your team were focused in one direction. Attending an event together is the best way to do it.

What did the COVID lockdowns take away from us? It was more than revenue. It was the ability to gather together—the very reason many of us opened our gyms in the first place. I want to give that back to you through the Two-Brain Summit. Come and gather with us.

Get tickets for the 2022 Two-Brain Summit here.

Other Media in This Series

“What I Learned at a Live Event: ROI on Ticket Price”
“What I Learned at a Live Event: The Secret Lessons”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.