Daily Directive: Sept. 11

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

This week, you’ve been auditing your business step by step.

On Monday, I had you check your facilities and equipment. On Tuesday, I asked you to test your operations and evaluate your staff. Wednesday, you measured your ability to retain clients. Yesterday, you measured your sales process.

Today, we’ll talk about your marketing plan.

These are the five things a gym business really needs to dial in to succeed. And we help you build them all in our mentorship program.

Daily Lesson

The business stuff is important, but what about the “other” stuff—like certification and credentials and software?

Listen to “What Are You Really Selling?” on Two-Brain Radio.

Read “Alphabet Soup for the Soul: What Credentials Really Mean.”

And read about the tools coaches really need: Click here.

Daily Directive

Let’s test your marketing plan.

Your marketing plan looks like a bull’s-eye, not a funnel.

Start at the center ring. Ask yourself, “How can I deliver more value to my current clients?”

Then plan for referrals: Aim for five referrals from your best clients per month. This is called Affinity Marketing, and we teach it in our mentorship program.

Then plan for your conversion marketing strategies: client recapture, lead nurture and content marketing.

Then plan your organic lead generation: social media and challenges.

Finally, plan for your advertising.

If you don’t have a step-by-step plan with templates, samples and instructions for all of these, we give them to you in our mentorship program.

Seriously: all of it.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.