Daily Directive: Oct. 13

A clipboard with the Two-Brain Business logo and the words "daily directive."

Daily Update

What works?

How do you know it works?

Numbers. You manage what you measure. And when you mentor a lot of gyms, you get some really helpful numbers.

This week, I’m sharing publicly—for the first time—what we’ve learned from Two-Brain gyms this month.

My mentorship practice is built on an information cycle. We uncover what’s working using data. Then we make sense of that data through interviews. Then we teach the lesson back to Two-Brain gyms through mentorship. Everyone grows.

Daily Lesson

Gyms with the best average revenue per member per month (ARM) in the world do these six things:

1. Starting with a long-form motivational interview—or a long-form assessment in some cases.

2. Hiring their coaches for care, not credentials.

3. Starting with one-on-one on-ramp programs lasting eight sessions to six weeks.

4. Following a Prescriptive Model.

5. Delivering value worth over $300 per month.

6. Knowing their value.

Read how you can do all of it here: “By the Numbers: ARM.”

Daily Directive

If you do nothing else to increase the value of your clients, start learning about motivational interviewing.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.