Daily Directive: July 10

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

Daily Update

“Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.” —Jim Rohn

Knowledge without action is useless.

As an entrepreneur, you have to invest your time wisely, and that means listening to people who will give you the best return on that time. My favorite authors and speakers are the ones who provoke immediate action.

Daily Lesson

I firmly believe that microgyms are living examples of inclusion and equality—or they can be. Many of our gyms aren’t as racially or ethnically diverse as they could be.

Risha Grant can help you change that.

She told me things that I could fix myself but also how to get more people of color into my gym. She gave me a balance of “how to help more people” and “how to make your business better because of it.” She bridged that gap for me, and she can do it for you, too.

Risha is speaking at our 2020 Hybrid Summit. Read more here: “How Risha Grant Can Help You Find Your Blind Spots.”

Daily Directive

Mike Michalowicz is one of my favorite authors precisely because he gives his readers specific actions to take. We feature three of his books in our RampUp and Growth ToolKit curriculum, and he just ran a three-hour hands-on workshop in our Tinker program.

On Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. ET, Mike and I will run a short free webinar for gym owners to help them through The Great Reinvention. We’ll be using Mike’s new book, “Fix This Next,” to identify a clear path forward with your changing business post-covid.

To register, click here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.