How Risha Grant Can Help You Find Your Blind Spots

A portrait head shot of Two-Brain Summit speaker and author Risha Grant.

“We don’t have a diversity problem. We have people problems.” —Risha Grant

Risha Grant isn’t scared to answer the real questions.

So after I attended one of her webinars, I had two new ones:

  1. When’s the next one?
  2. How can I get Risha in front of gym owners?

I firmly believe that microgyms are living examples of inclusion and equality—or they can be. Many of our gyms aren’t as racially or ethnically diverse as they could be.

An example from my own gym:

A new client went through my RampUp process and chose to continue with the group training option. On his first day, I met him in the office and walked through to the big gym to introduce him to his group.

Everyone said hello in that way only group exercisers can: high fives, welcomes and lots of congratulations.

After shaking hands, the new client walked straight across the room to the only other black person and said this:

“Hey, they got both of us here now!”

They cracked up. I cracked up. The joke was that there were only a couple of black men in our city, and now they both belonged to the same gym.

But, of course, that’s not true. Our city is diverse. So why were almost all of my clients white? Why were all of my coaches—who came from my clientele—white, too?

Risha Grant answered that question for me. She told me things that I could fix myself but also how to get more people of color into my gym. She gave me a balance of “how to help more people” and “how to make your business better because of it.” She bridged that gap for me.

Risha talks in her work about unconscious bias and encourages us to “be the change you want to see.” Her work is helping guide me as I take action to ask questions more regularly, to update our policies to articulate our anti-racism vision for Two-Brain to our team and clients, and to rework our processes so we can identify where unconscious bias might be present as we select and train our mentors.

Her book is called “That’s BS! How Bias Synapse Disrupts Inclusive Cultures and the Power to Attract Diverse Markets.

Risha is going to help you find your blind spots. She’s going to help you overcome the unconscious biases that are holding you—and your business—back.

I’m thrilled to have her at the Two-Brain Summit this year!

Click here to join us at the Two-Brain Summit.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.