Daily Directive: Aug. 19

A clipboard with the Two-Brain Business logo and the words "daily directive."

Daily Update

Yesterday, I told you how to find your gym’s earliest “drop-off point”: the first place in the client journey where your clients are likely to quit.

That drop-off point for microgyms used to be 13 months. Now it’s just over seven months.

But if you can keep clients past that seven-month mark, you will probably keep them for 14. And if you can keep them past that point, you’ll probably keep them for two years.

That means an extra $2,550 in revenue (if your average revenue per member per month is $150)—$3,600 total instead of $1,050. And, more importantly, it means better results for clients.

Seven months don’t give you enough time to change their lives.

Daily Lesson

Selling six-week or 90-day challenges works. It gets people to start their fitness journeys. But it probably also limits how long they’ll stay.

Most short-term challenges end right in the middle of “the dip”—that period in which fitness gains slow down a bit, the novelty wears off and people start to lose interest.

Here’s exactly how to get a client past the drop-off point, double your marketing ROI and change a life forever: “How to Motivate People Through ‘The Dip.’”

Daily Directive

Do some quick math for me.

Take your average revenue per member per month (ARM) and multiply it by seven. That’s what you stand to gain on every client if you build a better retention system.

Now take ARM and multiply it by 17. That’s the amount you’re losing if a client quits after seven months instead of 24.

Can you really afford to have a client quit after seven months?

Can they?

We teach retention systems step by step in the RampUp program.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.