Daily Directive: Aug. 11

A clipboard with the Two-Brain Business logo and the words "daily directive."

Daily Update

Gyms in New Zealand (especially Auckland) have taken a step backward. A new COVID outbreak has prompted a “temporary” lockdown while authorities attempt to trace its transmission.

Read more: “Auckland to Go Back into Lockdown on Wednesday After Coronavirus Discovered”

This will continue to happen worldwide. The return to “normal” will be unpredictable.

Daily Lesson

The good news: If you’ve built trusting relationships with your clients, you can weather these storms.

Your relationship with each client is a lifelong conversation.

Good conversations start with the “help first” ethos: You find someone who needs help. You offer that help. You keep offering it until the person commits to you.

Here’s how to do it, step by step: “Starting the Conversation”

Daily Directive

Your ability to lead depends on your ability to have a conversation.

Tell people in your gym what’s happening.

Tell them your plan.

Tell them why they have reason to hope.

Tell them why they have to stay together.

Write them a love letter. Hit “send.” You have until noon, local time.

Respond to this love letter when you’re finished sending your own. Email me with the word “done” after you’ve sent your message to your clients.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.