Client Spotlight: Anders and Jamina Gatti

A portrait of gym owners Anders and Jamina Gatti.

Anders Gatti started out as a personal trainer in 2006 in a big chain gym. 

“I wanted more than they could offer,” he said, “so I started my own business.” 

Joined by his wife, Jamina, the two opened a small personal training studio then expanded the operation in 2016 to form Gatti Training.

“In the beginning, we had to wing a lot of things and learn by trial and error.”

Then Anders saw a Facebook ad and downloaded some free resources from Two-Brain Business. It led him to read Chris Cooper’s first book, “Two-Brain Business.”

“A friend of mine runs a CrossFit facility—they were struggling before joining Two-Brain, then they really started to thrive. Then last year when COVID hit us really bad, we thought, ‘We can keep struggling the way we have done before, and we might not survive. Or we can try some other things.’”

He continued: “All our revenue crashed when COVID hit us, and we didn’t have a hit-by-a-bus plan. But over the past year, we have improved in all areas,” Anders said. “Two-Brain has been a complete overhaul of our business.”

Their mentor, Per Mattsson, had the Gattis focus on their why—hammering down on what they were trying to accomplish with their business. From there, he had them refine their operations—staffing, playbook and SOPs. He encouraged them to raise their prices to better align with the value of their service. 

Finally, Mattsson—who is a successful gym owner himself—pushed them to improve their intro process and clarify a 90-day client journey with three different stages. This focus led the Gattis to more personal training offerings and helped them acquire better clients. 

“We come from the personal training community, so it’s been an easy transition for us; it’s allowed us to be even more coach-driven than we were before,” Anders said.

He added: “The biggest challenge has been time management—and to have the guts to let other people do the things we were doing before. It’s tough, but when you make great systems, really show them and coach them, it gets easier. It’s still a learning process.”

Jamina said Mattson provided inspiration: “He helped us believe in ourselves.” 

“Per is more like a guide,” Anders added. 

Mattsson, backed by a huge pile of data and a mountain of resources on the Two-Brain Growth ToolKit, was able to lay out the path to success for the Gattis.

“He showed us the exact way. Every question we had, he had a good answer,” says Jamina. 

The Gattis had good relationships with their clients, and their length of engagement (LEG) was solid, so Mattsson had them focus on another key metric: average revenue per member (ARM). With a plan in place, the Gattis were able to improve their business by providing even more value to current clients.

“Our LEG has always been good, but our ARM has skyrocketed. Compared to last year, we almost doubled our revenue,” Anders said. “It’s crazy.”

The change in the business is so great that Anders and Jamina have almost achieved their “Perfect Day”—an ideal scenario they dreamed up as a goal back when they started working with a mentor.

“We have to write a new Perfect Day because we’re almost at the point where we wanted to be a year ago when we started with Two-Brain. Back then, our Perfect Day was to have more time with our three kids and not open and close our facility every other day, and not (have) to worry about finances every month,” Anders said. “We have a totally different business than we did a year ago. One year ago—it was one of us running the business, one of us alone with the kids.

“Now, we have time to be together.”

Podcast: “$48,000 Monthly Revenue With 140 Members”

To find out more about working with a mentor, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.