How to Add $5,000 to Your Gym’s Revenue Fast

A closeup image of a hand turning a glowing dial clockwise to maximize sales.

So you want to generate more revenue at your gym.

I get it.

In the previous post in this series, I told you how the best gym owners in the world take in more than $50,000 a month.

Here’s our September leaderboard one more time:

A top 10 leaderboard for gym revenue in September 2023, from $49,487 to $93,516.

So how can you start moving in the right direction today?

Let’s start by adding about $5,000 in revenue to your annual total, and let’s do it before 2024 arrives.

I have an exact plan to help you do it.

My new guide is now available, and it contains five quick wins that will put money in your bank account. These are simple, tried-and-tested tactics that don’t create a lot of work for you.

To get the guide, click on the image below and follow the instructions on the post in our Gym Owners United group. (If you aren’t a member of that group yet, click here to join, and then click the image to request the guide.)

The cover of Chris Cooper's ebook "Cash to Close out 2023."

Not convinced? I understand—I’m a skeptic, too.

To see a preview of the guide and the tactics, check out this video:


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.