3 Essential Revelations for Microgym Owners

A backlit photo of a man standing with his arms outstretched and the setting sun behind him.

Earth-shattering gym-owner revelation Number 1:

You do not need every client.

Revelation Number 2:

You need a simple plan to find the right clients.

Revelation 3:

If you ignore Number 2, you’re going to forget Number 1, and you’ll constantly pitch the wrong things at the wrong people.

A head shot of writer Mike Warkentin and the column name "Pressing It Out."

These three revelations are a huge part of Two-Brain mentorship, and I love talking to gym owners who have used this key info to dramatically improve their businesses.

I talked to Tina Selix this week, and you can watch our whole conversation on YouTube:

A portrait head shot of gym owner Tina Selix.
Tina Selix

The short summary: Tina runs Elite Personal Training, and her average revenue per member per month is $469. Before she worked with a Two-Brain mentor, this number was closer to $300. The increase generates almost $3,000 in additional revenue every month, and Tina will likely close the year with more than $35,000 in new revenue.

Even better: She’s not burned out and looking to sell her gym anymore. She’s revitalized, and she’s planning to expand her growing business.

Here’s what Revelation Number 1 looks like at ground level for a gym owner:

“I really have wrapped my head around the fact that I don’t have to be the best fit for every client. And not every client is the best fit for me. And I’m absolutely OK with that. I’ve been very empowered to realize that I just need to go after the clients who need to pay me for what I do,” Tina said.

She continued: “I have prospects come in from time to time, and I realized they don’t need a boutique-style setting. They don’t need high levels of accountability. They don’t need a lot of emotional support. They don’t need a whole structured system … . And I will tell them, ‘Don’t pay me $500 a month. Go to the boot camp down the road. Get your workout on and go on about your life. But if you need those services, then you need to pay me for it.’”

When a gym owner says something like that on the podcast, you must ask the obvious question: So where do you find “the right people”?

Tina’s answer: Referrals generated during goal review sessions and quarterly campaigns.

Tina has a simple but very effective system in place for ensuring a steady stream of the right people end up in her sales office.

Without that, she’d be trying to push $800 PT packages on people who just want access to some gear for $29 a month so they can drop in twice a week and do a program they saw online.

You Must Have a Marketing Plan

It’s very liberating to say “we don’t need every client.” I said it at one point, when our gym was packed with people.

But when we hit a rough patch and needed more members, I didn’t know where to get them. So I started creating silly programs that didn’t match up with our mission, I avoided the rate increases the business badly needed, and I desperately hoped people would sign up for our intro program even though I knew they’d never become long-term clients.

Don’t follow that path.

When you try to please everyone, you don’t please anyone. You’re better off giving 150 high-value clients A+ service than trying to cram 400 people into your business and delivering unfocused, low-value, C- service to all of them.

I hope you realize you just don’t need the wrong people in your microgym. And when you do, I hope you’re able to point to a documented, tested strategy for acquiring the right people.

If you can’t, Two-Brain can help you make a clear plan and back it up with retention tactics that will help your business thrive.

Book a call to talk about mentorship here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.