Why I'm At HQ Today

Today, we’ll be talking about business at CrossFit HQ.  It’s the next step in a five-year conversation.
When I started writing DontBuyAds.com in 2009, it wasn’t a conversation. It wasn’t a seminar, either: it was just my notes. I needed help to make my gym profitable. The only business “help” available in the fitness business seemed so slimy that–well, it made me want to quit the business. I remember thinking, “If I have to do THAT, and talk THAT way, and mislead people…well, I don’t want to do this anymore.”
So I found a mentor outside the industry, spent more than I could afford for his help, turned my gym around, and shared everything I learned on my blog.
By 2013, people were asking me for help. I had published my first book (Two-Brain Business), but had no idea it would ever become the top-selling business book of all time in the fitness world. I was sitting in the Hilton bar during the CrossFit Games, talking to Jeff Cain about libertarianism and the affiliate model. I had no idea he’d ever be CEO of CrossFit, Inc. But I talked about the business of owning a gym because it’s ALL I ever talked about.
In 2016, I launched twobrainbusiness.com. I had no idea we would ever serve more than 500 gyms. I had no idea we’d work with entrepreneurs outside fitness who–like me–didn’t want to do business the old way, the slimy way, the salesy way.
In May of 2018, I passed my 2,000th free call with CrossFit gym owners. I’d been doing them for years (you don’t do 2000 calls in a couple of months.) Those conversations pushed me to KEEP building, because every single person on the other end of the line deserves to be successful in the gym business. We added mentors to the team. We added staff to help gym owners between their mentoring calls. We flew around the world for speak for free. We had easy conversations on the CrossFit podcast. We had tough conversations with gym owners, and we had thrilling conversations with gym owners.
Last night, some of the TwoBrain mentors met in Santa Cruz, CA. We talked for seven hours straight about the future of our beloved gyms.
We need this conversation to continue. While we were deep in conversation, a TwoBrain client posted their first $1,000,000 year. They remind me of what’s at stake: amazing people doing all the right things for all the right reasons. And a former client spammed everyone about his “elite gym slack channel” that he wants to sell. The email reminded me that the slimy element still lurks out there, and that we have the unique opportunity to demonstrate success the right way.
All the right things for all the right people (that’s you.) It’s why we keep talking. Thanks for continuing the conversation. I’ll be thinking about you at HQ today.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.