Why I Built The Incubator

The most common complaint you used to hear about CrossFit?

“I’ve been doing that all along. I just didn’t have a name for it.”

You’d hear this from personal trainers (like me), wrestling coaches, army sergeants. We all kinda envied Greg’s success. But we all knew he deserved it, because there was a huge difference between what he did and what we were all doing.

My clients deadlifted. They did little HIIT intervals–even some Tabata. We bought rings from elite rings.com and I was saving up to buy a Prowler from EliteFTS.com when I found CrossFit.

But that didn’t mean I had a SYSTEM. I had some of the component parts. Greg had a SYSTEM.

I had philosophies. I had ideas. I had articles in T-Nation and on my website. I had online chat groups and dozens of books. Greg had a SYSTEM.

When I started mentoring gym owners in 2012, I brought a lot of ideas to the table. But it was clear right from the first client (thanks, Ginger!) that they needed a method; a step-by-step progression with a beginning, middle and end.

I ran that model for years. And when I founded Two-Brain Business in 2016, I improved that model. The Incubator is that system now.

Gym owners are now buried in ideas and opinions. Facebook groups are overwhelming for both. There’s some good advice, some great stories and even some actionable content. But the Incubator is the only SYSTEM.

Good systems work by making it easy to start; by requiring some skin in the game in the form of investment; by providing early wins; and breaking down the big goal into small, manageable steps.

In your gym, you have some systems (I hope). You’ve written down the starting process for new clients; you meet regularly with them to discuss their goals and alter their plan; you celebrate their wins every week; and you keep a focus on their individual goal.


Well, I sure hope you do. If you don’t, you can learn that system from OUR system.

The Incubator is a step-by-step system for building a business. We start with your goals, and then give you some quick wins. You’re mentored every week for an hour at a time, and then you’re assigned homework. We make the homework simple, with templates and samples. And then we build, build, build…

We don’t take everyone. We filter for people with smiling personalities who know how to WORK. If that’s you, let’s talk: book a free call with me here.

Here’s what Incubator grads say are their FAVORITE part of the Incubator:

I really liked the clarity of what to do. Having specific homework and accountability to get that done is huge. As Affiliate Owners, we’re often the tip of the spear and a lot of the small things require all of our personal motivation and discipline. Having systems and processes organized makes things so much more clear and you can be proactive instead of reactive.

Getting focused on a structured business framework and getting systems in place.

Spending saturday’s with camille and being able to focus ON the business instead of IN the business

It’s a tie between the live one hour calls which helped cater the modules to unique gym situation, and the addition of goal sessions and skill sessions to my gym to increase ARM.

The accountability

Calls with the mentor to bounce ideas off of someone outside of our gym.
Therapy sessions with our mentor. Having someone who has been in similar situations to bounce ideas off of.
revamping our intro process and diving deep into crafting our No-Sweat Intro. This has already started to pay off huge for us on the last few intros we conducted
Every step was 100% necessary. I loved it – the accountability and the direction.
Coaching Calls – so much to get do but really fires you up about getting it done
So many good samples. Eliminated time recreating the wheel.
The phone calls with my mentor was incredible. Every call I walked away with clear action-oriented tasks. The knowledge my mentor had was incredible and I was provided solutions to any struggle I was having.
Implementing new revenue streams, systems, and removing myself from coaching a lot of coaching hours
Raising rates (still being put into place) and getting everyone to pay the same rate for consistency and fairness. Not to mention this will and has made things easier for myself, my partner, and my staff.
I was afraid that I wouldn’t know what to do if I removed myself form the daily minutia and delegated and moved to a higher value role, now I’m excited about it
Hard to pick just one. The step by step approach from perfect day to seed clients, knowing EXACTLY what to say and do with them and what to go from there. I should qualify the answer above that the “no” means I’ve more time in work with NSI and On Ramps and training staff/writing procedures. But that’s 3 months of more work for 30 years less. I feel more motivated because I’m on a path that will lead to freedom.

One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.