What's L5?

CrossFit has provided a unique entrepreneurial opportunity to change lives.
The path to joy requires security, consistency and the opportunity to serve others. Gym ownership ticks all of those boxes. The challenges of running a successful gym are large and diverse: certainly challenging enough for virtually anyone. No one EVER got bored owning a gym.
Some of us, infected with the entrepreneurial virus, decide to pursue another project. Usually this involves broadening our audience, our influences and our minds. It also means our gyms have to run themselves while we focus on this new project.
Two-Brain Business is MY Level 5 project. My interest became an experiment, and then it became a passion; now it’s a compulsion. I can’t NOT help other gym owners. And at TwoBrain, we’re exceptionally rich with owners from all across the spectrum: not-quite-open to ten-years-in. Broke to millionaire, starving to hungry for more. And now that the TwoBrain Workshop is open, it’s clear that other entrepreneurs need help. We stand ready to help with the philosophy of Help First, incubation and mentorship.
The Level 5 Group is where we mentor those who want MORE.
They have a big idea, or a massive opportunity. Many already own a gym, but have moved on from the day-to-day operations and are ready to help a larger audience. Some own many gyms; some are founders of software companies that SERVE gym owners.
I’m not sure if TwoBrain attracts the entrepreneurial, or if business success makes them hungry for more. I’m not sure if Level 5 thinkers are made, or born. But I know that we can help them.
The Level 5 Group is for entrepreneurs whose first business is virtually automated and requires little of their time or attention. It’s for owners who have another big idea that keeps them up at night. It’s for people who, despite being happy with their business, are still not satisfied with their life.
Here’s how it works:

  • Monthly 1:1 calls with a senior TwoBrain mentor
  • Monthly group video calls for accountability
  • Quarterly in-person meet ups with Hot Seats, high-level topics and personal/family development
  • Guests who have been successful at their OWN Level 5 project

Level 5 members sign NDAs due to the nature of their ideas. Frankly, some of them are industry-changers; no one is trying to invent a faster apple-peeler here.
This is not “the next step” for most gym owners. There’s a certain blend of success, freedom and yearning that identifies you as a Level 5 candidate (if you haven’t completed the Incubator, you’ll need to do that first.)
Most ideas in Level 5 are at the million-dollar opportunity level. They’re GREAT. But without mentorship and freedom from the gym business, they’ll never happen. That would be a shame. Missed opportunities keep me up at night. If you’re the same, ask your mentor about L5.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.