What I've Learned From The Open

One of my favorite things about CrossFit is what it teaches you between workouts.
Last night was the 19.1 announcement. Here are the lessons I took away:

  1. It’s not really about the workout. People don’t care about the wall-balls and rowing; they care about how it’s presented. I saw a huge outcry on social media after the 19.1 announcement last night. But unlike most years, when nervous people complained about the exercise selection, most of the complaints seemed to focus on the presentation: “Where is Castro?” and “Why is it in French?”
    Of course, without a Media team, the Open announcements won’t be the same. But the great news is: you can make your members get this excited about their workouts without HQ’s help.
    Take the Open announcements of previous years as your template.
    Create anticipation for the “big reveal” through your own media.
    Invite guests. Clean the gym.
    Clearly demonstrate the points of performance.
    Do it on camera.
    Change your lighting a bit.
    There was nothing done in the Open announcement that you couldn’t have done in your own box, my friend.
    (You can do this stuff every single day. And, once every year, you can do it bigger.)
    Here’s Kyle Stepp of Priority CrossFit doing a great job:
  2. Share your plans with your team. Your coaches are really the voice of your business. If they’re excited about the Open, your members will enjoy it. If they’re complaining, your members won’t.
    Include your coaches in the plan for future weeks; put them on camera; shoot your own “update show” between events. Take ownership of the Open.
  3. Communicate more than you think it’s necessary. 
    Communicate before you think it’s necessary.
    Tell people exactly what to expect.
    Tell them exactly what to do.
    Tell them why they’re going to love it.
    Keep selling them on it.
    Smile when you do.

The Open is already a great lesson in leadership. While many gym owners wasted time complaining, some chose to pick up the slack and make the Open their own. Their communities will benefit from their initiative, and their businesses will grow because of it.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.