Mateo, Mateo. Remember the movie “There’s Something About Mary”?
Mateo (00:06):
Honestly, Mike, I probably saw that when I was like 11, so I don’t remember.
Mike (00:10):
I feel slightly dated, but this gives me a great marketing opportunity. There was a guy in the movie that came up with seven-minute abs. It was this amazing program that was an improvement on eight-minute abs. Kind of interesting.
Mateo (00:23):
- Yeah, I’m interested.
Mike (00:24):
You’re not gonna believe this, but I have come up with a way to beat seven-minute abs. Wanna hear about it?
Mateo (00:31):
Yep, I do.
Mike (00:31):
Six-minute abs. You’re going to have so much extra time. That extra minute is really going to be used in all sorts of fun endeavors that you’re into. Do you want in, do you want to get shredded before summer, maybe like wash some T-shirts that you won’t wear on your washboard stomach?
Mateo (00:48):
I don’t know, Mike. It sounds kind of sounds kind of fishy.
Mike (00:50):
Well, OK. Maybe. Maybe it’s bad idea, but you know, the six-week fitness challenge has been a thing for a while. So this whole seven, six, eight numbers, weeks, challenges, things like that, that’s kind of a thing. It’s been working just for marketing. We want to know if it’s still working and what happens when it doesn’t. We talk about that and maybe I’ll apply those principles to my six-minute abs campaign.
Mateo (01:10):
Let’s talk about it.
Mike (01:13):
All right, let’s do it. We’ll be back with Mateo Lopez of Two-Brain Marketing right after this. You want to add 5k in monthly revenue to your gym, it can be done. You want to know how? You can talk to Two-Brain business mentor for free. Book a call at All right, we’re back on Two-Brain Radio. I’m Mike Warkentin. This is Two-Brain Radio with Mateo Lopez, marketing expert. We’re going to talk about six-week challenge and I’ll tell you one of our most popular shows is where Chris talked to, I believe it was Tommy Hackenbruck about the New You Challenge, which was a big time six-week challenge.
Mateo (01:47):
When was that?
Mike (01:48):
Oh, I don’t remember. I think it was at least a year, maybe two years ago. We’ll put in the show notes for you so that you guys can check it out if you want.
Mateo (01:56):
I want to watch that one. I don’t remember that happening.
Mike (01:58):
Yeah, you should check it out. And I’ll tell you that my first introduction at my gym, CrossFit 204, to a six-week challenges and marketing in one whole deal was the New You Challenge. We ran three or four times back in the day with varying success, declining success, started really good. And then we didn’t get results that were as good. So we’re going to talk about six-week challenges. Offers that get people to click, is six weeks a thing still to people? Are there variations on it that work, what can you do if it doesn’t work and all that kind of stuff. So first thing I’ll ask you Mateo is why did the six-week challenge become a thing? What’s the deal with that? Why do people want to click on that or do they?
Mateo (02:41):
I’m pretty sure—I’m not pretty sure. The six weeks, 12 weeks, 90 days, 21 days. These things have existed long before Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. These things have existed since the beginning of the first age, you know, like Tae Bo boxing. What was that guy? Tibo?
Mike (03:04):
Billy Banks?
Mateo (03:08):
Billy Blanks, whatever his name was. He, you know, he had a number, I’m sure it was 90 days or something. P90X I mean, I’m pretty sure that was 90 days. Beach Body, all their DVDs. And even before that, you know, I think these kinds of programs and naming in this way, it’s existed since long before the internet and I believe will continue to exist long after Congress shuts down Facebook for good.
Mike (03:42):
Yeah. So what you’re saying is like, you know, back in the day it was a clean, you know, improve your cave in just six weeks. You know, we’re talking this offer timeframe, a little bit of scarcity and time pressure or that’s not the right term. The idea of transformation in a relatively short time period has been around forever.
Mateo (04:00):
Yeah. 21-day rapid fat loss, whatever it is. Cookbook, workout DVD. I mean think of every men’s magazine has had it on there. Like you know, six weeks to six-pack abs is forever, literally forever.
Mike (04:16):
That sounds a lot like six-minute abs and I’m pitching. So maybe I’m not off the beaten track here. I think maybe, we talked about this in a previous show, but maybe one of the reasons why the six-week challenge became a big deal in the fitness community, at least in like the microgym community, is that a lot of us didn’t do any advertising whatsoever, right? We weren’t doing anything right and we were just kind of like being great coaches and building communities and all that stuff. Then when we started looking at advertising, the most obvious thing that kind of seemed to happen was that six-week challenge.
Mateo (04:48):
Yeah. So that niche, right of just the microgym owner, a CrossFit garage gym, people were not used to advertising and marketing. And so when people started losing a little bit of interest in CrossFit and their membership numbers were starting to hurt a little bit, they were not in a vulnerable position but in a situation where they were receptive to learning about this six-week thing that everyone’s talking about. That’s I’ve never heard of before. Yeah, let’s try it. But yeah, I mean these kinds of programs that have existed forever in some form. I want to say one quick thing. You were like, why is this a thing? I also think numbers work right in advertising.
Mike (05:30):
They do for sure.
Mateo (05:30):
You know, numbers are like, I think someone said this, I was researching for this or for some kind of webinar or whatever I was doing. Numbers are like brain candy. Our brains just like are attracted to them, focus on them when we see them. And so especially like weird numbers, odd numbers, numbers you don’t expect to see together. Like, you know, everyone’s used to seeing a top 10 post. So that’s why if you post like a top 13 or a top 11 post, those get more clicks because those are odd kind of numbers you’re not used to seeing. So yeah, I think that’s another reason why, that’s one of the many reasons why these things are, are out there and will continue to be out there is numbers work, they’re brain candy. And we’ll talk about this more I’m sure, but it’s an offer that someone can understand very quickly. So six weeks fitness challenge, six weeks fitness programs, six weeks to six weeks to six-pack abs. It’s very easy to understand what that offer is and what the value proposition is.
Mike (06:36):
Yeah, it’s clarity, it’s clarity. And I’m going to alter my offer right away to 6.5-minute abs because it’s just a pattern break. It’s not six, not seven. It’s like I’ve already changed things for the better. Before we go too far further, I’m gonna I’ll ask you this and this is, you know, let’s be clear. When we talk—when we have Two-Brain gyms running six week and nine-week challenges or something like that, we don’t actually want a client for six weeks. Correct?
Mateo (07:04):
A hundred percent Mike. Yeah.
Mike (07:06):
So it’s a real mistake for people to look at some of these programs and say, OK, six weeks we’re just trying to acquire a client for this cost, front-end revenue straight up for six weeks and then that client is gone. What we’re actually doing here is we’re creating a compelling offer, you’ve laid this out for us in your course at and also in previous episodes, what we’re really doing is we’re creating a compelling offer that makes people click. And you just said people love the idea of these numbers. They love transformation, they love results in short periods of time. And again, we’re not promising like 50 pounds off in five weeks, but we are saying we are going to give you some results in six weeks. But the real goal here is to get someone to have a conversation with you based on something that you’ve created and then eventually you’re going to get them in, talk to them, sell them on this program, or if it’s not the right fit for them, you’re gonna sell them on other programs that are a better fit for them. If they do sign up for that six-week challenge, you’re going to work really hard to do such a good job that you create a lifetime client or someone who’s going to be there for years, not weeks. Correct?
Mateo (08:06):
Correct. Yeah. I call it a Trojan horse. You know, I don’t do sales now, but when I was in the gym, day in and day out selling new memberships, like when someone came in inquiring about the six week, like that was just to get them in the door. I just sell them on whatever I want to sell them on. You know, I don’t even mention the six weeks ever again once they walk in. At least when we were using it. So yeah, it’s a Trojan horse. It’s a way to get them in to click and to book an appointment and come in through the door. And then that’s your opportunity right, they’re sitting down in front of you. That’s your opportunity to offer them some value and offer them your service. And that can be in whatever form you as the coach see as the best fit.
Mike (08:48):
And let’s be clear about that. I mean, this is not a bait and switch thing. This is not one of those shady shams.
Mateo (08:55):
It isn’t a Trojan horse in that way.
Mike (08:55):
Exactly. This is not a program that—there is a six-week challenge, but the idea is if you tell someone you need a car and they’re like, you need a brown car and they’re like I need a brown car, they come in and then you tell them about all the cool other stuff that you offer. They’re like, I don’t want the brown car. I want the pick-up truck in light beige. And you’re like, I have that and I want the seat warmers and I want all these other features. I have that. So what you’re doing is you’re getting people in with something that they like and are interested in and then you’re having a conversation with them to figure out what’s best for them.
Mike (09:28):
And that goes back to our whole Help First philosophy, right? Where we’re not selling, we’re finding out what would help this person. So if I come in for a six-week challenge and I say, man, I’ve got to lose some weight for this event that’s coming and I need to, you know, I need to do this. And you say, well, the six-week challenge will work. However, if you really want to get things going, cause it’s coming up fast, I’m gonna give you a personalized program. It’s gonna include diet and exercise. We’re going to work with a personal trainer three times a week. It’s going to have this accountability built in and you’re going to get results faster. I might say, Oh my God, I don’t even care about your six-week challenge. I want that program. And you’re like, that is my gold premium package. Whatever, it’s 1500 bucks. I’m like, I’m in.
Mateo (10:09):
Couldn’t have said that better myself, Mike.
Mike (10:11):
I’m going to sell you the 20-minute abs now. OK. So that’s it. We’re really, again, we’re talking Trojan horses here, but we’re not talking about deceptive stuff. We’re not talking about bait and switch, because some of that is out there in the fitness industry and it’s bad for all of us. So here’s the question now, six-week challenges, that specific block of time, do they still work?
Mateo (10:37):
I think they still work. I use them all the time. You know, something that we’ve done a little bit, we’ll just rename it 42-day instead of six weeks. Cause again, that pattern interrupt. People are used to seeing the six number now on the internet. So we just changed it to 42 day. It’s the same amount of time. It’s just a different number. So that’s one little tiny way you can—you need to refresh your ad creative, switch to 42 days, instead of six weeks. But yeah, 12 week, however you want to do it, eight week or week, 28 day, 21 day. Like I said, it doesn’t matter so much about which one you choose. And also saying like the six week one is dead. Like it doesn’t matter so much about the length of time, it really matters, like, you know, what’s kinda come with that offer and your ability to get people in the door and sell them on something.
Mike (11:32):
So I’ll put you on the spot and just ask this one, have you seen a difference between things like, you know, six week, I’m seeing some 90 day stuff now. Like have you seen—does the period of time seem to matter or is it just like, do you have anything that gives people an idea of like is there a sweet spot for these numbers or does it even matter?
Mateo (11:53):
Yeah, I mean, I don’t have a lot of data, but I have some anecdotal evidence for sure. A lot of the gym owners we work with, they’ll say, Oh, you know, the 12-week one brings in better qualified leads versus the second one. And I don’t know if that’s true. That’s just could be the luck of the draw that happened when they made the switch. Could be that it’s a longer period of time. So then you’re getting people inquiring who are down for a longer commitment. So there could be some—that makes sense a little bit for sure. But again, if your program’s amazing, it shouldn’t matter if it’s 21 days or 12 weeks, right? If your program and service you offer when they interact with you is amazing while they’re there after you sell them, you should be able to retain them for forever. Right?
Mike (12:47):
So let me ask you this. Have you seen gyms, one running a six-week challenge, another running another six-week challenge and the two offers or the presentations are so varying that one just isn’t very good and one does really well?
Mateo (13:04):
I would say the differences I’ve seen there is like, you know, if someone’s doing like a video sales letter, the production, the quality of the page, the quality of the messaging and the video, the video itself can make a big difference, your media can make a difference, right? If you have a lot of testimonials, a lot of positive reviews on your page, that’ll make a difference as well in conversion rates too.
Mike (13:26):
So you would have six week, two gyms running essentially identical six-week challenges, but the supporting materials around one will give that thing a greater chance to succeed.
Mateo (13:37):
Yeah. Yeah, I haven’t done like a study on that to see like two gyms in the same town or two towns apart to see who’s doing better. But I do see that there’s definitely a correlation between people who put a little bit more time and effort into their media and those who don’t
Mike (13:57):
You mentioned, you know, amazing offers and things like that. So tell me some of the things, like if you’ve got a six-week challenge, what are some of the things that would make that offer amazing? What do people need to see? Like when they’re looking, like you’re seeing six weeks, eight weeks, whatever. What do people need to start to see associated with that that makes them want in?
Mateo (14:15):
I mean, with any offer you need to make it clear who you serve, what your offer is and the results that people are going to get when they sign up for this thing. Right? That’s what needs to be made clear in either your ad, your video on your page, right? So if you don’t have those things on there, if it just says six-week challenge, sign up now, it may work for a little bit, but I think you’ll definitely see your ads perform a little bit better or your page perform better if you have more about, you know, who do you serve, what are you offering them and what the results are, right? So what you’re offering them is going to be, I guess kind of in this example consistent. You’re offering them a six week program, fitness of some kind.
Mateo (15:06):
So I guess who it’s for could be a little bit more specific. Let’s say you’re doing it for moms, let’s say you’re doing it for dads. You’re doing it for everyone, and the results, right? That’s really the kicker, what can they expect to see after they sign up with you? If you don’t mention that, you know, then that offer might not be as as appealing. But if you say, Hey, in these six weeks, you’re gonna lose some weight, you’re going to get really strong, you’re gonna make a lot of great friends, you’re not going to hurt yourself. It’s going to be awesome. Check out all these people who’ve also had awesome results, just believe them if you don’t believe me. If you include more about the results, you’re going to see better performance in your ads. Did that answer your question, Mike?
Mike (15:54):
No, it absolutely did. So you know, if you’re creating a six-week challenge ad, it’s going to be likely a big mistake to start talking about just specifics of the program and like the details of how this thing is put together. It’s not so much about the features, it’s more about the benefits at this point. Correct?
Mateo (16:13):
You can a little bit if you want to pad it with like a little bit of a value stack. You know, I’ve seen some ad copy that works well. I use it myself where it’s like, you’re going to get three personal-training sessions, you’re going to get awesome classes, you’re going to get like a diet plan or whatever it is. You’re going to get this and that. That can be helpful, especially in direct response marketing. But yeah, you should focus on you’re going to feel better. You’re going to be stronger. You’re going to—I think that’s why people lean on the feature stuff, because I know Facebook doesn’t like it when you say, when you make promises to people, if you say you’re going to lose weight, you gonna get stronger, you’re probably gonna get flagged. So Facebook kind of stacks the deck against you, you kind of have to be a little bit more feature focused. But in an ideal world, especially if they get to your page or watch your video, you’re talking more about the results. On the ad itself, you might get flagged if you focus too much on the results. I guess a way to do that if you turn a testimonial into an ad, that’s a really clever way of getting around that loophole. In an ideal world, especially if you listen to the great copywriters in the world, you you want to focus on the results.
Mike (17:23):
And that kind of leads into like if you can get people into your appointment, they come in to talk about a six-week challenge, Facebook is not flagging what you’re saying there and like, you know you have a program that can help them lose weight. You know that you can make them stronger. You know all these things you’ve seen with your hundreds and hundreds of clients, you are not lying to them. You’re telling them if you follow this plan, I know you are going to get stronger and fitter and healthier, you know, and that’s where you can probably start looking then at, I’m going to guess upselling and some of the things that people would really like to use to accelerate their program. So the first part of this is that the six-week challenge is not dead.
Mateo (18:04):
I don’t think it’s dead. I mean, yeah, I don’t think it’s dead. I think you just got to figure out a new way to present it to people.
Mateo (18:17):
Yeah, that’s the thing, right? Well, that’s also why it’s easiest jump between a six and a 12-week thing, because operationally for you it’s not a huge difference. So if you want to change things up, it’s a very simple thing to change your ad copy. But yeah, the focus shouldn’t be on the label, the focus should be on the results you’re promising people, the program that you’re saying you’re gonna deliver to people and the quality of your content and your messaging.
Mike (18:53):
What we’ll do is we’ll quickly talk about some of the essential elements of a compelling offer. And we’ll do it right after this. Uh, we’re, we’re all one action and we’re gonna give you actual stuff that you can do to create a compelling offer. And I’ll tell you a Chris Cooper created the Growth ToolKit to wealth as a Two-Brain business app. It is incredible. It will literally tell you step by step how to create an amazing business. It’s based 100% on data. We’ve studied the top gyms in the industry and we know what they’re doing. There’s no guesswork. It is just action. Results. Step one is to complete our Incubator. This is a 12-week sprint to build the foundation of your business. Step two is work with a mentor to use the Growth ToolKit to grow your business. For more info visit and book a free call with a mentor. Now, back to Mateo Lopez of Two-Brain Marketing. We’re gonna talk a little bit. We said the six-week challenge is not necessarily dead. All these time things like eight weeks, 12 weeks, whatever. There’s not dead, they’re just elements of a compelling offer which you need no matter what you’re doing in advertising. Talk to me a couple things. What are some of the essential elements of a compelling offer?
Mateo (20:00):
Oh, dear. Well, you gotta identify a problem, right? What’s the problem in your niche? Right? Look at your niche, and I guess I should take a step back. A niche is a specific group of people clustered together with similar attributes. We’ve talked about this before on this podcast. It’s people who are clustered together, you know, by it doesn’t matter. They’re clustered together in different ways. But that’s what the niche is, right? And a compelling offer is basically you want to look at that niche, see what a burning problem or desire is in that niche. And then you want to offer a vehicle or present a vehicle or an offer that will take the people in that group, in that niche, from their current situation to their desired situation, right, from whatever their problem is, you want to solve it for them.
Mike (20:59):
So that’s the transformational aspect. I guess it goes back to the time, six weeks, 12 weeks, whatever. But you are offering starting point and end point and you are providing the stuff in the middle that makes the changes between the two.
Mateo (21:13):
Exactly. So busy moms who are—busy, new new moms, right. With newborns, that’s tough to get a workout in. So an offer that could be compelling is a way to for them to get fit without having them to leave the house or drop the kid off at daycare or with a nanny. And that doesn’t take too much time because they don’t have a lot right now. So that would be a compelling offer. Right. I can get fit in 15 minutes a day without having to leave the house.
Mike (21:46):
Busy moms are in.
Mateo (21:50):
Busy dads. If you’re on paternity leave as well. Busy new parents, that would be compelling to them for example. Maybe.
Mike (22:01):
So that would—I think it definitely would. If you have, for example, you know, a sports training program where you’re trying to promise people, soccer players in the area, greater performance in the league or whatever, that offer, not compelling.
Mateo (22:19):
No. For them, no. Giving them that 15-minute workout, you don’t have to leave the house, it doesn’t even apply. They need to leave the house, they need to move weights, they got to get bigger and stronger.
Mike (22:29):
So you need to know your audience. You’ve got to figure out, like when you’re creating the stuff, you first need to figure out like, who do I want with this compelling offer? Like who’s it for?
Mateo (22:37):
Mike (22:40):
So from there you need to then figure out what is causing pain for this target audience. You talked there a little bit about busy people, right? They don’t have time.
Mateo (22:50):
Yeah. You have to identify that pain point. If we’re talking about the fitness industry, it’s typically people are struggling to get stronger, struggling to lose weight. They’re struggling to find time to get to the gym. They’re struggling because they don’t know what to do once they get to the gym. Those are the kind of the big problems. I saw a website, I was just doing a slide for a new presentation I’m doing for the course. And I’m comparing, I’m looking at it right now, comparing two different home pages. One says, be your savage best, learn more. It’s a real gym. And the other page says, lose weight, gain confidence, feel amazing. Click to schedule your no-sweat intro. Which website do you think is gonna perform better, Mike?
Mike (23:46):
Well, unless I’m a one of the, you know, the hardcore grinders, I think I’m probably gonna go with the second one.
Mateo (23:52):
Right. The second one. I mean, cause the offer is clear there. It’s like if I join this gym, this gym is gonna help me lose weight, gain confidence, I’m gonna feel amazing. Be your savage best, the offer there is not super clear. I don’t think, Mike.
Mike (24:09):
No, unless I, you know, wear shirts with lots and lots of skulls on them and stuff like that. And maybe that whole language appeals to me or whatever. But, I agree with you. So you can really mess up a compelling offer by obscuring it with, you know, language that doesn’t apply. It doesn’t make things clear. You know, we talked on Two-Brain Radio with Jay Williams about StoryBrand and one of the things, the principles of those guys, is that they want you to make it instantly clear within five or 10 seconds of being on a website what they do and what they offer. And so what they’ll say is like, pick up your, you know, put your site up, hand it to someone and then slap the laptop out of their hand in five or 10 seconds and ask them what you do. And again, it doesn’t work if the person already knows, of course, but the idea is they should be able to say, OK, you can help me lose weight and get strong. You can help me do this, that, and the other. A lot of our websites that we see in the gym community don’t do that.
Mateo (25:04):
Yeah. Another way that you could phrase this, and I didn’t coin this, I didn’t coin this at all. I’m not taking credit for it. And again, for those who’ve listened to every week, this may be repetitive. I don’t know what I’ve said on here or not. So have you heard it before, I apologize, but “I help blank to blank by blank,” right. I help niche to get this result by this offer. We help blank to blank by blank. So you know, we help, I dunno, for me if I was doing it, I help small-business owners get more customers by building Facebook ads and funnels. Right. That’s that statement that answers kind of, when you were mentioning StoryBrand, that answered that question. We help busy moms get fit with our radical and proven 12-week at-home weight-loss program. You get the idea there, right?
Mike (26:13):
Yeah. I help aspiring guitar players get more followers on Instagram by teaching them to shred. So if people are out there listening, I would encourage them, I think based on that, to take a look at their offer and see if that blank, blank, blank, fill in the blanks there. And does your offer—can you lay your answer out in that format? If you can’t, you’ve probably got a huge problem.
Mateo (26:38):
We help blank to blank by blank. We help. The first blank is your niche. The second blank is the result you’re helping them achieve. And the last blank is the mechanism, the offer, the service, whatever it is that you do. How do you do that for them.
Mike (26:56):
I bet, and I’m just throwing this out there just based on the mistakes that I’ve made personally. And you can tell me what you think. I bet people forget that last blank a lot. I bet I help people do this, those first two might be there, but that third one isn’t.
Mateo (27:08):
I think that’s an astute assessment there, Mike.
Mike (27:13):
I’ve made that mistake. I know I’ve made that mistake a bunch of times. We can help people lose weight and they’re like, so how?
Mateo (27:18):
And it’s with my new six-week program that I just developed with my coaches or whatever it is.
Mike (27:25):
And another mistake that I have made is when I’ve answered how, or you know, how I help people is using just jargon or saying a bunch of nonsense that maybe you know, you as a CrossFit coach or other people as fitness coaches would understand, but the common consumer doesn’t care.
Mateo (27:42):
Right. Like people probably do answer that last blank, but it’s really long and convoluted and hard to understand and that’s where, you know, you were asking about tips on making your offer compelling or a better offer, right? If you can make that simple and easy to understand, you’re in a better spot. Right? And that’s why the six-week transformation program, that’s why everyone keeps using it because it’s self-evident. Right? It’s that last blank, right? That last blank without the use of like a ton of words, right? It’s with the six-week body transformation program.
Mike (28:20):
Yeah. So that’s doing a little bit of heavy lifting for you.
Mateo (28:24):
Exactly. That’s exactly right. We help Hoboken locals lose weight with our 12-week total body-transformation program. Exactly right. It’s doing a lot of that work for you and that’s why people lean on it so much.
Mike (28:39):
I help 55-plus seniors avoid osteoporosis through an intricate and precisely programmed combination of strength training and cardiovascular—.
Mateo (28:48):
See then now you’ve lost me.
Mike (28:49):
But we do that, you know, people do that because we’re coaches and we want to sound smart. We want to like put on all this jargon. It doesn’t mean anything.
Mateo (28:58):
So if we’re circling back to that question, like the six-week challenge, why does it work ,like that’s why it works is because you can fit a lot in with a very short little sentence there.
Mike (29:09):
So it’s just a mechanism, right? Like it’s a mechanism that gets everyone on the same page right off the bat. And you know, you don’t have to explain everything.
Mateo (29:21):
You don’t have to spend the time explaining like what functional training is and why. Like, you know, your certificate and why your certificate in PRI breathing is going to make it better for you to come train and work out with us. And yeah, you don’t have to explain your program and how you came to develop it and why, like no, just people aren’t gonna be able to understand that. Especially if you’re talking about a paid ad, right? They’re just scrolling by too fast.
Mike (29:57):
The analogy that I’ll use is like the way it’s easy to say understand right away a baseball or hockey or football game because it’s like the puck went in that net, the ball went in that net. We know that is a point where sometimes the functional fitness, like I run enough and programmed enough competitions where people walk in like how the hell do you win this thing?
Mateo (30:15):
I don’t know the rules of football. I have no idea.
Mike (30:20):
But you know that that was good. That thing that just happened.
Mateo (30:24):
Soccer though. Can’t touch it with your hands. Kick, use your feet, put the ball in the net.
Mike (30:30):
Digital advertising then, we’ve essentially got these structures that are being built and have been built over the last, you know, 50 years of advertising that people—that’s that six-week challenge. Right? That’s exactly what we’re getting at is that is just part of the game now. And the consumer understands it as much as I think the advertiser does.
Mateo (30:50):
Yeah. I mean it’s just easy. Six-week total body transformation, six-week fat-loss program, six-week strength programs. Like I understand what that is when I look at it, and the average person does, too.
Mike (31:06):
So, and you know, let me ask you to circle back just a little bit. Is there ever a danger to using that six-week transformational period and having people—does that encourage poor retention or can that six-week mentality, can that be combated through effective sales? Great systems, retention systems, does that work?
Mateo (31:27):
Yeah. I mean you have the next line of defense is the no sweat, right? It’s the sit down. It’s the in-person consultative selling. That’s your time to set the record straight and to prescribe and set expectations.
Mike (31:42):
And then during that six-week period that this person signs up for, you then have exactly six weeks or whatever your offer is to then put all the structures in place and do all the education that’s going to retain.
Mateo (31:53):
You have six weeks to wow and delight them.
Mike (31:56):
And there you go.
Mateo (32:00):
If you’re not doing it, it’s not the six weeks’ fault, it’s your fault.
Mike (32:02):
And we’ve got all sorts of stuff on that in terms of, you know, lead nurturing and all the different stuff in our archives. Check that stuff out. But the idea is once you’ve got someone and you’re working with them, we’re not selling a six-week challenge. We’re actually selling a lifetime of health and fitness.
Mateo (32:21):
You got to build that return path.
Mike (32:26):
OK, so just to close this thing out, if a gym is out there and they’re thinking about starting an advertising campaign for the first time, would you suggest a six-week challenge as a good idea, a good starting point?
Mateo (32:35):
I would suggest that they not reinvent the wheel. I would say they look at what’s going on around them, read the room, see what is working with working for a lot of gym owners out there and then adopt that, imitate and then iterate.
Mike (32:53):
So I, you know, I’m going to try and sell you seven-minute abs then. I’m just going to go right back to the thing from the movie that you haven’t seen. You know, and I already have your contact info so you can expect, I don’t know, seven to 10 emails a day, you know, promoting this, there’s an unsubscribe button. So we’re buddies now, but I’m going to go back with the established program of seven-minute abs and we’re going to try and work that till I get your credit card number. Deal?
Mateo (33:17):
Mike (33:17):
All right. This has been Two-Brain Radio. I’m Mike Warkentin, I’m here with Mateo Lopez. Please check out our archives. We have tons of great stuff, especially with the marketing team. And if you’re a gym owner looking to grow your business by $5,000 a month in recurring revenue, book a free call with a Two-Brain Business mentor. You can do that at and they will tell you the exact steps you can take to add that revenue. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you next time on Two-Brain Radio.