The Surge: Why Some Gyms Are Thriving After COVID

A painting of an encroaching wave

When you reopen, they’ll be waiting.

Over 71 percent of Two-Brain gyms that reopened after COVID saw an immediate boost in revenue.

And even bigger news: The new clients are paying more than the old clients were.

An image showing a client testimonial from a private Facebook group.

We call this “The Surge.”

In this series, I’m going to show you proof that The Surge is happening, how to capitalize on it and how to prepare if you’re not open yet.

They’re Coming

Here’s some industry data on The Surge:

The average Two-Brain gym saw an average 13 percent increase in revenue in June, and an 8.7 percent increase in membership. And 71 percent of gyms saw increased revenue. Most gyms were still closed in June.

Sports and Fitness Industry Association data: Across the industry, only 30 percent of fitness businesses saw increased revenue of 1-25 percent in June.

Below, you’ll find actual posts from Two-Brain clients in our private Facebook group.

Clients are coming:

An image showing a client testimonial from a private fitness industry Facebook group.

They’re bringing their friends:

An image showing a client testimonial from a private fitness industry Facebook group.

And this time, they’re serious:

An image showing a client testimonial from a private fitness industry Facebook group.

Though the average Two-Brain gym saw a 13 percent rise in revenue in June, headcount only increased by 8.7 percent. That means more revenue per client. What made the difference?

Well, many gyms took the COVID lockdown as an opportunity to increase the value of their services. They added nutrition coaching or personal training, or they moved to coaching clients to sleep, eat, move and manage (the SEMM model). Many had no choice; others just saw the opportunity to improve their service. Some even raised their rates when they reopened.

The result is that clients are getting more and paying more for it.

What If?

But what if you’re still in lockdown, back in lockdown or open but not seeing the Surge yet?

If you’re not open, use this post as a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

If you are open, use this as a cue to look around: You’re swimming in a bigger, bluer ocean. And most of the sharks are gone. This is the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have for growth.

In the next post, I’ll tell you what stops gyms from surging, and in Part 3, I’ll tell you how to start a surge or ride the wave.

Other Media in This Series

“5 Things That Will Kill Post-COVID Recovery (and How to Avoid Them)”
“Hosts of New Clients: How to Trigger the Surge at Your Gym”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.