How to Love Your Gym Again: The Two-Brain Summit

A photo from the 2022 Two-Brain Summit: A group of smiling gym owners hold gift bags.

Every year, I ask myself a question:

“What do gym owners need right now?”

Then I invite the best speakers who can address those topics to present at the annual Two-Brain Summit.

Their instructions: Be polished, be professional, create action and connect people.

At the summit, I want gym owners to get a huge return on their investment in time, travel and tickets. And that means delivering more than knowledge, more than inspiration, more than action.

A trip to our summit in Chicago this June gets you:

  • Three new sources of inspiration.
  • Three new, actionable things to do when you get home.
  • Three new collaborators.
  • A couple of workouts led by Jason Khalipa of NCFIT.
  • A couple of drinks at a mixer for gym owners and coaches.
  • The opportunity to connect with a host of vendors who provide solutions to common problems.
  • 100 handshakes, hugs, selfies and in-person connections to other top entrepreneurs.
  • Epiphanies that will help you focus and grow your business over the next 12 months.

To be more specific, gym owners who attend are going to be exposed to upper-level thinking that will drive their businesses forward at top speed.

They’ll learn in a weekend how to solve problems I had to struggle with for a decade as a new gym owner.

They’ll learn what it takes to reach the upper levels of entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on leadership, staff retention and career building.

They’ll learn about cutting-edge, upgraded tactics backed by the largest data set in the world for microgym owners. For example, attendees will learn how to build a staff journey so key team members stick around longer, how to simplify Goal Review Sessions to generate more revenue and increase retention, and how to build an actionable marketing plan that will produce results without a huge price tag.

They’ll learn new skills: how to speak more clearly, how to say the right thing in different leadership situations and how to shift their mindset so they can reach higher levels of entrepreneurship.

Most importantly, they’ll start to love their gyms again. When that happens, the owners and their families will benefit—but so will their staff members and clients. These are huge wins across the board.

I can’t wait to see you in person, share some stories, watch the epiphanies happen and shed a bit of sweat!

Get Two-Brain Summit tickets here!


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.