“Start a Gym”: Free Prizes Inside

A man seated on a couch looks excited as he opens a package.

My new book, “Start a Gym,” is out: Get it here.

There’s something in it for everyone—coaches, dreamers and even current gym owners.

This book is tactical. As a left-brain thinker, I don’t want another inspirational book about why I should start a business. I want to know how.

So I put a ton of tactical stuff in this book, including:

  • The Founders’ Club strategy that has helped over 100 gyms open profitably on Day 1.
  • How to set up a partnership agreement (thanks to our friends at for the template!).
  • How to choose a space.
  • How to negotiate a lease—and how to avoid the mistakes that will cost you over $10,000.
  • How to buy equipment that won’t gather dust.
  • How to set your rates!
  • How to make money before you open a bricks-and-mortar location.
  • How to get your website set up and book your first appointments.
  • How to start a blog and YouTube channel and set up your social-media platforms (tip: You don’t need all of them).
  • And my favorite part—I’ll get to that in a moment.

You’ll notice this book is skinnier than my other books. That’s because I wanted a no-fluff, all-tactical book that you could pull out of your pocket and use.

I also wanted to write a book that would literally make the buyer 100 times the investment. If you use the tactics and free templates you get with the book, you’ll save over $2,000 in legal fees and setup fees, and you’ll avoid the mistakes that will compound over decades. But you’ll also earn new clients and set them up for long-term retention by starting the right way.

The Best Part: Advice From Real Gym Owners

I had a lot of help on this book. My friends at Gym Lead Machine provided great advice on marketing and online presence. My buddy Mike at Two-Brain Media wrote the whole section on Building Your Media Platform. And Matthew Becker, Esq. from contributed legal templates and some great “how-to” sections. All that stuff is worth thousands.

But my absolute favorite section came from Two-Brain gym owners in our high-level mastermind program. These people are millionaires (or close to it), and they started with gym ownership. I asked them, “What advice do you wish you’d had when you started?” And then I just copied their messages into the book. It’s a full-on “tribe of gym mentors!” And some of their advice was so great that I literally laughed out loud: “Yep, I should have known that when I started!”

The book is under 20 bucks. You can get it on Amazon here. It includes over a dozen templates that you can download from (if you don’t buy the book and just want the templates, go ahead—I won’t tell anyone). If you want more, there’s a self-guided course to help you explore the possibilities of gym ownership. And on the next episode of Two-Brain Radio, Matthew Becker and I will talk through some of the biggest legal challenges facing gym owners.

Our society needs more gyms: yoga, CrossFit, Pilates, boot camp … the methods don’t matter as much as the results do. We need these gyms to stick around long enough to create real and lasting change, and it’s a lot easier to survive if you make the right moves at the start.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.