Pulling Weeds

By Josh Martin, Two-Brain Mentor
Note: Our Two-Brain Coaching Group on Facebook is public! Add your coaches!
My favorite check that I write each month is to the lawn company that takes care of our yard. And while the size of that check grew when we moved to our new house, it still puts a big smile on my face.
Growing up, I did lots of yard work. I hated every single second of it.
But when it came time to earn some money one summer, I literally went door to door with my lawnmower and asked everyone if I could mow their grass for twenty bucks. I heard plenty of no’s, but some took pity and appreciated my hustle, and at the end of that summer I bought my first pair of skates. That was the beginning of my speed skating career, but that is a post for another time.
Mowing lawns was actually not that bad if I’m being honest. The worst part was pulling weeds in the garden. It seemed never ending. And when we got done with one flower bed, it just looked all tussled about, bare, and a bit pitiful.
As a gym owner, losing members is the same way. Making tough choices for the betterment of the business can even be a catalyst for some to leave on their own or to start questioning if they still fit.
It never feels good when it happens. Even if it’s someone that is choking the life out of you or your staff, it’s never fun (or easy) telling someone that you think they’d be better served elsewhere.
Like the garden, when the weeds are gone, things can appear quite bare. You start to wonder if the choices you’ve made are the right ones.
But just as pulling weeds in a garden are necessary for growth of the beautiful roses, its necessary as a gym owner too. Your roses, your seed clients, deserve the very best of you and your staff. If you are constantly worried about the weeds, you’ll never have time to develop those who really matter.
I get it – we all want to help everyone. Owning a gym is a noble endeavor. But we can’t help everyone all the time. Our time is best spent on those that want our help and appreciate us for why we do what we do.
After I’d finished pulling weeds, it wasn’t until a lot of rain and sunshine came that we saw the fruits of our labor. It took time. But if I hadn’t pulled the weeds, they’d have soaked up all the water–and all of my sunshine.
Be patient. Tend your garden.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.