Jason Brown (CSCS) is the founder of BoxProgramming.com (an official Two-Brain partner.)
In this episode of TwoBrain TV, Jason talks about using the Conjugate Model in programming, fixing common mistakes in running a class, and what “constant variance” really means in optimizing training.
Jason provides programming for over 100 gyms (including mine, CrossFit Catalyst.) It’s a great way to leverage your time: take the hours you spend programming every month, and use those on marketing or retention or building systems in your business.
If you sign up for BoxProgramming before December 31, 2016, he’s giving you a bonus: a FREE barbell club programming template. You can sell the Barbell Club as a perfect add-on program to improve body composition. (If you’re a TwoBrain Mentoring client, you can talk to your mentor or watch the module on pricing and promoting specialty groups.)
Go here: www.boxprogramming.com/plans
Put Affiliate Programming and Barbell Club in your cart
Use this code: 2bb_123
Thank Jason at jason@boxprogramming.com