How Mentors Use Data to Guide Gym Owners

Two graphic heads full of organized colored cubes as a symbol of mentoring.

Our annual “State of the Industry” report gives you real knowledge you can use to make decisions.

In fact, all the numbers you need are in the guide. It’s is a source of truth, and it’s regarded by many experts and organizations as the best report in the entire industry.

You can have it for free: click here.

But what do you do with the numbers once you have them? Our Certified Two-Brain Mentors receive training on how to use data to help gym owners—and I’m going to help you acquire some of the same skills so you can use our annual report to improve your business.

1. Use the Numbers as Your Private Report Card.

The data in our report is presented in relation to the six key metrics you need to track: client headcount, average revenue per member per month (ARM), length of engagement (LEG), effective hourly rate (EHR), return on investment (ROI) and net owner benefit (NOB). (You can find the exact definition of each metric on Page 4 of the guide.)

First, compare your numbers against the averages. Are you doing better than average or worse with regard to a specific metric?

Given that the average gym owner has an NOB of $3,967, you need to be better than average to make a good career. But that number gives you a good starting point.

What can you do to increase your NOB? Look at the other metrics and increase those first—or hire a mentor. Two-Brain clients, for example, make $800 per month more than the average gym owner. That’s take-home pay.

2. Use the Numbers as Inspiration.

If you’re way behind in any category, that’s OK: We’ve shown you what the gyms ahead of you are doing. Just do what they did to get there and worry about passing them later.

We also publish leaderboards every month so you can see what the best in the world are doing. We even interview the leaders on our podcast, “Run a Profitable Gym,” and have them tell you exactly how they’re posting their industry-leading numbers.

3. Use the Numbers to Determine Your Next Best Move.

Compare your numbers to the averages in all six categories. If you’re about average, that’s a C grade. If you’re below average in any category, that’s a D. If you’re above average in any category, that’s a B.

Work on your Ds first. For example, if the ARM at your gym is under $150, fix that first. Increase your rates, add specialty programs, add an on-ramp—you have several options. Pick one and take action.

If your LEG is over 13 months, you’re above average; you don’t have to chase the next retention-boosting idea. Focus on something else.

If you have over 150 clients but you’re not making enough money, don’t focus on getting more clients: Focus on increasing client value.

And so on.

4. Use Your Numbers to Help Others.

Every day in our Gym Owners United group, people around the world chip in with tips and tricks. Often, I like to ask them, “Is this your experience or is it an opinion?” While both are valid, real experience is priceless.

If you’re outscoring the average in any category, help others by sharing what you’re doing. The best gym owners in the world do this freely.

5. Use the Numbers to Start Building Momentum.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or absolutely bursting with ideas, or if you’re burned out and can’t seem to find time in the day, or if you feel like you have no control over your business, use the numbers to find the way out.

Start tracking your metrics in each of the six categories. Find ways to improve one metric just a small amount to start—for example, give yourself a $20-per-week raise. Even a tiny win will give you a bit of momentum. Over time, those wins compound. That’s how mentorship works.

Go Further Faster

To book a call with our team, click here.

Our mentors are trained to look at your numbers, find your best next step and hold you accountable for doing the work. Every coach needs a coach; our mentors help you win.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.