How Cameron Herold Will Help You Focus Your Vision

A portrait of Two-Brain Summit speaker Cameron Herold.

Cameron Herold is known as “the CEO whisperer,” and his books are incredible:

“Double Double” is his story of doubling the revenue and profit of 1-800-Got-Junk in just three years.

“The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs” is one of the most popular books in the world for morning routines and habit setting.

And “Vivid Vision” is my favorite: While many authors write about goal casting and vision setting, Herold provides a step-by-step tactical directive.

The reason we chose our Summit speakers this year? They all fit with a common theme:

“Do exactly this thing.”

The speakers are all valuable because they can turn a hazy idea into a clear task. And Cameron Herold is renowned for taking the fuzziest concepts of all and turning them into clear exercises.

He’ll be joined by Seth Godin, Chris Voss, Risha Grant and me.

At the 2020 Summit, Herold will present on a topic and then answer questions. And then—the best part—attendees will work together in small groups to take immediate action and move their business forward right away.

At our 30 Regional MeetUp locations around the world, the work will be facilitated and action will happen on the spot.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.